Meeting Agenda for December 8, 2022

7-9 p.m.
Building 52, Independent Hill Complex, Randy Dasher Conference Room

Time Topic
7 p.m.


Ms. Vanessa Olson, chair, Superintendent's Advisory Council on Instruction (SACI)

7:05 p.m. Approval of November Minutes
7:10 p.m.

Positive Climate & Culture

Denise Huebner, Associate Superintendent for Student Services and Post-Secondary Success

7:45 p.m.


Denise Huebner, Associate Superintendent for Student Services and Post-Secondary Success

8 p.m. Break
8:10 p.m.

Work Session

Develop questions or requests for topics to inform the Council of related to work of the Office of Diversity Equity and Inclusion at our January meeting.

9 p.m. Adjourn