Superintendent’s Advisory Council on Instruction 2021-22 Annual Report
Adopted by the Superintendent’s Advisory Council on Instruction: April 21, 2022
Topics of the Council for the 2021-22 Academic Year
Strategic Plan- PWCS Vision 2025: Launching Thriving Futures
Questions on the Implementation of the Strategic Plan
Learning and Achievement for All
Family and Community Engagement
Best Practices Conference for Parents 2022
Topics of Interest for the 2022-23 Academic Year
Appendix I: 2021-22 Council Membership
- Elected Officers
- School Representatives and Alternates
- Elementary Schools
- Middle Schools
- High Schools
- At-Large Representatives—None.
Appendix II: 2021-22 Yearly Agenda
Appendix III: Highlights from the Best Practices Conference for Parents 2022
Each year, the Superintendent’s Advisory Council on Instruction (the Council) submits an annual report to the Superintendent of Schools. This report:
- Documents the Council’s activities during the school year.
- Provides the Council’s commendations, recommendations, and views on issues for consideration.
- Serves as a source of information for local School Advisory Councils, parent organizations, community groups, and local school administrators.
The annual report is part of the Council’s on-going communication strategy to share Council activities, ideas, commendations, and recommendations with the Superintendent, administrators, individual School Advisory Councils, and the community at large.
Organization of the Council
The Council was established in the fall of 1996 to promote communication between the Office of Teaching and Learning (previously the Office of Instruction, Office of Student Learning and Accountability, Office of Student Learning) and parent representatives from each of the schools in the division. The Council provides advice/recommendations from parents and members of the community on curriculum and instructional program planning to the Division Superintendent. The Council is the only divisionwide parent advisory body whose membership includes a representative from each school.
Council membership is comprised of Individual School Representatives:
- Parent or guardian representatives from each Prince William County Public School who are also members of their respective school advisory councils.
- Individual School Representatives must have at least one student enrolled in the school the parent represents.
- Individual School Representatives include both “primary” and “alternate” members.
- Throughout the report, the term “parent(s)” shall be construed to mean parent(s) and/or guardian(s).
- Council membership may also include At-Large Representatives:
- Representatives from business, civic, citizen groups or organizations or other stakeholders of Prince William County as deemed appropriate by the Superintendent.
- At-large members may or may not have students enrolled in Prince William County Public Schools.
All members of the Council are appointed by and serve at the discretion of the Superintendent.
For the 2021-22 Academic Year, the Council was comprised solely of Individual School Representatives from each of the schools in the division, with 88 of 99 schools being represented at Council meetings. See Appendix I for a complete membership list.
The Executive Committee is elected by the Council membership. The Council Chair is elected by the general membership and is assisted by five Vice Chairs, (3 from Elementary School, 1 from Middle School, and 1 from High School). The Vice Chairs are elected by the school representatives from their respective levels. The Executive Committee also includes a Secretary elected from the general membership. The Associate Superintendent for Teaching and Learning serves as the Council’s chief advisor and appoints a member of his/her staff to serve as the Council’s facilitator.
The Associate Superintendent for Teaching and Learning, the Council’s facilitator, and the Council Chair developed a schedule of meetings for the 2021-22 Academic Year. See Appendix II for the 2021-22 Yearly Agenda.
The Council’s bylaws, yearly agenda, meeting agendas, and meeting minutes for the year, as well as presentations from speakers appear on the Council’s webpage on the website.
Functions of the Council
The primary function of the Council is that of an advisory body but may also include that of an advocacy group for curriculum and instructional programs and initiatives. To fulfill these functions, the Council has the following responsibilities:
- Preview the curriculum, instructional programs, and instructional priorities of the division.
- Provide guidance for improving, expanding, and implementing curriculum and instructional initiatives.
- Communicate information on current programs, new initiatives, and implementation strategies to parents, guardians, students, and organizations within the school community.
The Council accomplishes these responsibilities through the following actions:
- Reviewing the instructional plan of the Office of Teaching and Learning and its proposed implementation.
- Reviewing the school division budget.
- Reviewing the current curriculum and instructional priorities to aid in the determination of divisionwide initiatives.
- Evaluating divisionwide needs and priorities.
- Reviewing strategies for meeting divisionwide needs and implementing new programs
- Providing information, as needed, on current priorities, new initiatives, and implementation strategies to parents, guardians, students, and other members of organizations within the school community, as well as other advisory groups.
- Fulfilling other responsibilities as requested by the Division Superintendent.
Guiding Principles
Since its inception in 1996, the Council has adhered to seven guiding principles:
- The school division should maintain high academic standards, continuity in applying those standards within every school and to every student, and consistency in implementing standards and initiatives throughout the school division from kindergarten through grade 12.
- For any new curriculum or instructional initiative, there must be a corresponding professional development component.
- The use of technology should be appropriately incorporated into instruction.
- Each new curriculum or instructional initiative must include an evaluation component; and, once the initiative has been implemented, there must be a comprehensive, on-going evaluation of its effectiveness.
- Communication must include listening and responding to achieve a well-informed and involved school community.
- The school division should incorporate a streamlined process to collect, store, and exchange information and best practices.
- The education of all students—regardless of economic condition, disabilities, learning requirements, English proficiency, or cultural and ethnic background—is the duty of all members of the school division: administrators, faculty, and staff have a joint responsibility to help all students succeed.
Topics of the Council for the 2021-22 Academic Year
Throughout the year, the Council received presentations on topics related to instructional practices throughout the division. The Council was presented with an overview of the proposed Strategic Plan and was offered the opportunity to provide feedback in its development. The Council was also provided with information on the division’s Unfinished Learning Plan and the efforts to recover from the impacts of the Covid-19 Pandemic. The Council learned about the division’s instructional programs in Science, Mathematics, the Humanities, and Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs. The Council was also presented with information on Gifted Education Programs and the identification process.
In preparation for this report, the Council was asked to consider the presentations that were provided and to reflect on any additional questions, concerns, or commendations. Members of the Council took into consideration the views, priorities, and needs of the individual schools and advisory councils represented. These commendations, questions, and concerns were gathered electronically. The Council identified areas of commendation to highlight the people, programs, and practices that improve PWCS. The writing committee reviewed feedback on the topics covered this year and organized the report to align with the framework of the newly adopted Strategic Plan.
The Council wishes to commend the amazing teachers, staff, and administration of our division and their leadership in providing an outstanding education for our Prince William County students during this school year. There have been numerous challenges navigating the return to full-time, in-person instruction and addressing the academic and social emotional needs of the students. The Council wishes to recognize these efforts and express our appreciation for the dedication of so many throughout the division.
The Council would like to acknowledge specific areas of division excellence. The Council urges the continuation of the cited programs and/or policies by the division, as well as the requisite funding to support such efforts.
The Council would like to highlight:
- Communication efforts throughout the division using The Hub, School Messenger, weekly emails/texts from the schools, effective dissemination of information in crisis situations, and the divisionwide newsletter (The Scoop). The Council wishes to highlight the weekly emails from the Superintendent and the transparency these emails provide
- Flexibility and adaptability of administrators, teachers, and staff to the ever-changing challenges of this school year
- The step-down approach to Covid-19 protocols that put the safety of students and staff as a priority
- Technology improvements throughout the division including the 1:1 program for devices for all students
- The increased focus on mental health and additional staffing and funding to support such efforts
- The availability of Specialty Programs with express busing
- Excellence in School Food and Nutrition Programs
- The Strategic Plan and the efforts to include all stakeholders in its development
- The return of Flex periods to some of the high schools that provide opportunities for both enrichment and remediation
Strategic Plan - PWCS Vision 2025: Launching Thriving Futures
In February 2022, the division adopted the 2022-25 Strategic Plan- PWCS Vision 2025: Launching Thriving Futures. This plan identifies the Vision for PWCS which states that “Every student will graduate on time with the knowledge, skills, and habits of mind necessary to create a thriving future for themselves and their community.” The mission is to “serve as trusted partners in education with our students, families, and community; prepare our students to be critical thinkers, responsible digital citizens, innovators and visionaries, resilient individuals, and global collaborators; and to commit to inclusive practices and equity with an expectation of excellence from every student and employee every day.”
This plan identifies the core values of equity, inclusivity, innovation integrity, resiliency, and well-being as the framework for the Strategic Plan. This plan is built upon the following key commitments that PWCS is making to all students, families, and the community: Learning and Achievement for All, Positive Climate and Culture, Family and Community Engagement, and Organization Coherence. Within each commitment, the Strategic Plan identifies objectives, goals, and strategies to which the division is aspiring to achieve by 2025.
The Council has identified questions and comments in relation to the implementation of the Strategic Plan. Feedback on topics covered by the Council this year have been organized within the structure of the identified commitments of the Strategic Plan.
Questions on the Implementation of the Strategic Plan
The Council has identified the following questions related to the implementation of the Strategic Plan:
- How will the Strategic Plan be implemented in the schools? Will there be the expectation that all areas of the plan will be implemented with the same level of commitment simultaneously? Or, will there be a phased-in approach where one aspect of the plan will be addressed to the greater extent initially (e.g., Positive Culture and Climate), with the focus on the other commitments increasing in emphasis over time?
- How will equitable practices be obtained?
- How does the Culturally Responsive Instruction Plan that was being adopted prior to the Covid-19 shut down fit into the Strategic Plan? (e.g., training school representatives in culturally responsive instructional practices, who then train other teachers within their schools)
- How will the Strategic Plan impact the funding models used to determine the budget allocations and the Capital Improvement Plan (CIP)?
- What are the benchmarks used to assess progress and how will this progress be shared with the community?
- What support will teachers receive to implement the plan successfully?
- What initiatives will be used to recruit and support teachers and staff?
Learning and Achievement for All
The commitment for Learning and Achievement for All represents the promise to provide academic excellence for all. This includes providing equitable opportunities to all students to achieve at all levels, preparing students for post-secondary education and the workforce, and preparing all staff members to support and challenge all students. The Council identified the following as lingering questions, comments, or requests in relation to Learning and Achievement for All:
- The Council again expresses concerns about the frequency in which grades are updated within ParentVUE. Parents report that grades are often recorded in the final week before the end of the quarter, limiting the ability to remediate or submit missing work. The Council requests that the division investigate potential solutions to help facilitate communication on grades and assignments. For example:
- Data entry support for teachers.
- High quality rubrics.
- Upon assigning work, teachers enter assignments into ParentVUE, even if it has yet to be graded, so parents and students know what work needs to be completed.
- Identifying assignments in Canvas as “in class” or “completed via …” if the assignment was completed outside of the Canvas platform.
- Building in additional teacher workdays, including the possibility of additional half-days to allow for increased opportunities for grading and planning during contract hours. Consider utilizing the additional accumulated instructional hours as teacher workday hours.
- The Council requests an update on the unfinished learning plan including:
- The timeline for the unfinished learning plan.
- Staffing to support unfinished learning.
- The implementation of the high dosage tutoring.
- The data being used to track the gaps and successes related to recovering learning loss.
- The efforts to keep higher performing students engaged as we focus on the unfinished learning.
- The Council requests additional information on instructional practices related to Math, Science, Humanities, CTE, and Gifted Education including:
- Practices that promote more hands-on learning and less computer-based learning, and less emphasis on teaching to the test.
- The possibility of a Governor’s school option for the social sciences.
- Funding to support the arts programs including auditorium updates, equipment, and availability of high functioning performing arts programs.
- The support of students who are enrolled in specialty programs in relation to their ability to also take a fine or performing art class. Currently students who wish to participate in both a specialty program and a fine or performing arts class must pay to take PE during the summer, an option that is out of reach to many students.
- Information on choice in Language Arts instruction to include not only options in reading selections but formats as well (e.g., audiobooks).
- The implementation of Gifted Education programs at the middle and high schools.
- The Council requests information on the practices to promote equity in the following areas:
- The distribution of elementary STEM programs and science labs.
- The allocation of specialty programs at schools throughout the division.
- Gifted Education and the equitable acceptance and participation of all students.
- Foreign language instruction in the elementary schools.
- The Council requests reviewing and possibly revising the label “Gifted Education”.
Positive Culture and Climate
The commitment for Positive Culture and Climate is the promise to provide a welcoming, supportive, and safe environment for teaching and learning. This includes providing an environment which fosters inclusivity, connectedness and encourages social and emotional wellness. PWCS students and staff will feel supported and have a strong sense of belonging. And, the facilities will be welcoming, safe, and sustainable. The Council identified the following lingering questions and concerns in relation to Positive Culture and Climate.
- The Council requests information on:
- The relationship between unfinished learning and social and emotional health and behaviors.
- Social and emotional support for students and staff.
- Some members of the Council express concerns that struggling students are prohibited from participating in sports and extracurricular activities, which in turn impacts their connection to school, and may further complicate their success in school.
Family and Community Engagement
The commitment for Family and Community Engagement represents the building of collaborative, meaningful partnerships to foster the success of all students. PWCS will engage families as authentic partners in education, work with community agencies and business partnerships, and ensure honest, transparent, and two-way communication with families, schools, and the community. The Council identified the following requests in relation to Family and Community Engagement:
- The Council requests increased communication to the community about:
- Programs being offered to support unfinished learning.
- Options for CTE courses.
- Eligibility and identification opportunities/process for Gifted Education.
- The role and responsibilities of Parent Liaisons.
- The Council suggests the following additional supports for parents:
- Math workshops to help teach parents the math curriculum.
- Training or 'refresher' courses for parents on the tools to support instruction (Canvas, ParentVUE, Naviance, etc).
Organizational Coherence
The commitment to Organizational Coherence strives to align the entire division as one team, united in a singular commitment to support all schools, students, and families. This includes creating systematic structures for continuous improvement, removing barriers for communication to facilitate collaboration across the division, ensuring our strategic priorities are driving our investments, and working towards convergence as a unified school system with shared accountability for school and division goals. The Council identified the following requests in relation to Organizational Coherence:
- Consistency amongst schools at it relates to messages, field trips, communication, implementation of protocols, grading, and social and emotional learning instruction.
- Consistent information nights across the division that provide information about what is happening in the classroom, what parents should expect to see, and how they can support their students.
Best Practices Conference for Parents 2022
Each year, the Superintendent’s Advisory Council on Instruction (SACI) hosts parents representing Principal’s Advisory Councils (PACs) and Parent Teacher Organizations (PTOs, as well as PTAs and PTSOs) to share successful practices used within their own communities. On May 12, 2022, PWCS Advisory Council and Parent Teacher Organizations/Association representatives met virtually to discuss programs and practices throughout the division that they deemed Best Practices. The Conference consisted of discussions on Communication, Family and Community Engagement, Instructional Programs, and Successful Events and Fundraisers. The following is a summary of practices submitted by participants through a digital form.
Topics of Interest for the 2022-23 Academic Year
During the report-writing process, Council members identified possible topics to be discussed during the 2022-23 Academic Year:
- Budget;
- Mental Health;
- Grading;
- Gifted Education/Special Education;
- Attracting and supporting staff;
- Consistency in educational practices including grading, reassessments, communication;
- Local Alternative Assessments;
- Site Based Management; and
- Advisory Councils.
Appendix I: 2021-22 Council Membership
Elected Officers
Role | Person and School |
Chairman | Vanessa Olson (Leesylvania ES) |
Secretary | Emily Baish (Osborn Park HS) |
Elementary School Vice Chair - Ms. Werle | Candice Johnson (Mary Williams ES) |
Elementary School Vice Chair - Mr. Erickson | Tracy Blake (Minnieville ES) |
Elementary School Vice Chair - Ms. Hart | Victoria Peacock (Haymarket ES) |
Middle School Vice Chair - Ms. Porter Lucas, Mr. Corey Harris | Anne Dean (Saunders MS) |
High School Vice Chair - Mr. Bixby | Rana Kahl (Colgan HS) |
School Representatives and Alternates
Elementary Schools
School | Primary Representative | Alternate Representative |
Alvey Elementary | Krysta Ardigo | Cathleen Cataldo |
Antietam Elementary | Jane Park | Evangeline Taulton |
Ashland Elementary | Maria Bryan | Rhiannon Price |
Bel Air Elementary | Darianella Baret | Margaret Jones |
Belmont Elementary | Brenda Paniagua | Myrtha Glaude |
Bennett Elementary | Katrina Saunders | Tammy Fick |
Bristow Run Elementary | Katherine Danziger | Jessica Kilpatrick |
Buckland Mills Elementary | Catherin Hart | Heather Dempsey |
Cedar Point Elementary | Bridget Martin | Heather Ball |
Chris Yung Elementary | Edie Rutz | Danielle Thomas |
Coles Elementary | Kathryn Forgas | Christina Treadwell |
Covington-Harper | Kim McClarin | |
Dale City Elementary | Santos Herrera | Maria Menjivar |
Dumfries Elementary | Jamie Taylor | Sheila Sepulveda-Colon |
Ellis Elementary | Santos Herrera | Adam Nadeau |
Enterprise Elementary | Jamie Taylor | Tiffany McLeod |
Featherstone Elementary | Stephanie Weaver | Kelsey Campana |
Fitzgerald Elementary | Kari Dinarte | |
Glenkirk Elementary | Victoria Peacock | Tracy Hladky |
Gravely Elementary | Tulip Saad | Adrienne Tekampe |
Haymarket Elementary | Brian Johnson | Janine Prime |
Henderson Elementary | Crystal Hopkins | John Aviles |
Jenkins Elementary | Candice Cooper | Angela Savage |
Kerrydale Elementary | Jonathan Kording | |
Kilby Elementary | Edis Valenti | Bria Hill |
Kyle Wilson Elementary | Sabrina Romero | |
Lake Ridge Elementary | Carrie Glaeser | Carlise Giles |
Leesylvania Elementary | Vanessa Olson | Christina Jenkins |
Loch Lomond Elementary | Melissa Rodriguez Pasero | Rochelle Allen |
Marshall Elementary | Katherine Pierret | Dominique Richford |
Martin Luther King, Jr. Elementary | Gracie Pendleton | Paula Johnson |
Marumsco Hills Elementary | Connie Malmgren | Carolina Gonzalez |
Mary Williams Elementary | Candice Johnson | Christina Martin |
McAuliffe Elementary | Connie Malmgren | |
Minnieville Elementary | Tracy Blake | Shauntel Baldwin |
Montclair Elementary | Matthew Greene | Katie Phillips |
Mountain View Elementary | Tiffany Brown | |
Mullen Elementary | Jenna Arndt | Laura Hernandez |
Neabsco Elementary | Brett Bergeron | |
Occoquan Elementary | Tamarra Youngblood | Meera Komitsky |
Old Bridge Elementary | Aurora Hurtado | Tranee Knotts |
Pattie Elementary | Trisha Helchinger | |
Penn Elementary | Ramanjit Saini | Karie Change |
Piney Branch Elementary | Christy Weeden | Andrew Horan |
Potomac View Elementary | Christy Weeden | Caitlin O'Neill |
River Oaks Elementary | William Nau | Faith Cooke |
Rockledge Elementary | Brandi Howell | |
Rosa Parks Elementary | Geoffrey Pleasant | Brooke Hammond Perez |
Signal Hill Elementary | Holly Beemer | Kelly Willis |
Sinclair Elementary | Emil El-Ayazra | Elizabeth Pobi |
Springwoods Elementary | Katie Rubach | Gabriela Hennessey |
Sudley Elementary | ||
Swans Creek Elementary | ||
T. Clay Wood Elementary | Kate Case | Jaime Langdon |
Triangle Elementary | ||
Tyler Elementary | Kris Lacson | Jason DeHond |
Vaughan Elementary | Diana Butts | Christina Martin |
Victory Elementary | ||
West Gate Elementary | Ericka Espinosa | Ana Rivera |
Westridge Elementary | Hanna Thomson | |
Yorkshire Elementary | Edianette Guadalupe | Manal Zarou |
Woodbine PreSchool |
Middle Schools
School | Primary Representative | Alternate Representative |
Benton Middle | Kelli O'Loughlin | Vanessa Olson |
Beville Middle | ||
Bull Run Middle | ||
Fred Lynn Middle | ||
Gainesville Middle | Tracy Houchens | Nancy Dahdouh |
Graham Park Middle | Sasha Simmons | Jehovanni Mitchell |
Hampton Middle | Brian Ward | |
Lake Ridge Middle | Karen Jack-Habina | Stephanie Sealock |
Marsteller Middle | Victor Martin | |
Mary G. Porter Traditional School | Sabrina Redd | Erin Thomas |
Parkside Middle | Adrianna Berk | Jennifer Wood |
Pennington Traditional | Emily Baisch | Michele Oehlbert |
Potomac Middle | Stephanie Kopaniasz | Theresa Sucich |
Potomac Shores | Nicole Chamblin | |
Reagan Middle | Alene Devereaux | Krysta Ardigo |
Rippon Middle | Kristina Josey | Nikavah Wyatt |
Saunders Middle | Anne Dean | |
The Nokesville School | Terry Snoots | |
Unity Braxton | Emil El-Ayazra | |
Woodbridge Middle | Setoria Ferdinand |
High Schools
School | Primary Representative | Alternate Representative |
Battlefield High | Wendi Gruninger | Montrece Bell |
Brentsville District High | Lee Brosius | |
Charles Colgan Sr. High | Rana Kahl | Gabrielle Goggin |
Forest Park High | Angela McKelvey | Vanessa Olson |
Freedom High | Angela Piscitelli | Zohra Sharief |
Gar-Field High | Shannon Miller | Michael Petruzzi |
Hylton High | ||
Osbourn Park High | Doresa Pickett | Adrianna Berk |
Patriot High | ||
Potomac High | Lynette Simmons | Tiffany Taylor |
Unity Reed High | Katy McMahon | |
Woodbridge High | Stephanie Martin | |
Governors School at Innovation Park | ||
Independence Non Traditional | Ivania Castillo | |
PACE West | Corie Mboh | Carey Brown |
At-Large Representatives—None.
Appendix II: 2021-22 Yearly Agenda
2021-22 Yearly Agenda
October 14, 2021
KLC, 1101
- Welcome Address to the Council
- Dr. LaTanya McDade, Superintendent of Schools
- Unfinished Learning- Academic and Social and Emotional Learning
- Ms. Denise Heubner, Associate Superintendent for Special Education and Student Services
- Ms. Rebecca Schlatter, Director of Student Services
- Ms. Rita Goss, Associate Superintendent for Teaching and Learning
- Mr. Kenneth Bassett, Director of Student Learning
- Orientation for Members
- Ms. Vanessa Olson, Chair SACI
November 18, 2021
Virtual via Zoom
- Presentation: CTE & Specialty Programs
- Ms. Karima Wesselhoft, Supervisor, Advanced Academics and Specialty
Programs - Mr. Doug Wright, Supervisor, CTE
- Ms. Karima Wesselhoft, Supervisor, Advanced Academics and Specialty
- Presentation: Strategic Plan
December 9, 2021
Meeting Canceled
January 13, 2022
Hybrid meeting
- Presentation: Gifted Education
- Ms. Brenda Bailey, Supervisor, Gifted
- Presentation: STEM (Math and Science)
- Ms. Kathy Keesee, Administrative Coordinator, Science and Family Life Education
- Mr. Justin Maffei, Mathematics
February 10, 2022
Hybrid meeting
- Presentation: Humanities
- Ms. Elizabeth Davis, Supervisor, English Language Arts
- Ms. Sarah Crain, Admin Coordinator, English Language Arts
- Mr. Jeff Girvan, Supervisor, History and Social Science
- Dr. Ed Stephenson, Supervisor, Fine and Performing Arts
- Ms. Jasmine Hawkins, Admin Coordinator, Arts
March 10, 2022
KLC, 1101
- Topic Selection for Annual Report (Discussion and data collection via
online submission)
April 21, 2022
KLC, 1101
- Report Adoption
- Elections
- End of Year Survey
May 12, 2022
- Best Practices Conference for Parents
Appendix III: Highlights from the Best Practices Conference for Parents 2022
On May 12, 2022, PWCS Advisory Council and Parent Teacher Organizations/Association representatives met virtually to discuss programs and practices throughout the division that they deemed Best Practices. The Conference consisted of discussions on Communication, Family and Community Engagement, Instructional Programs, and Successful Events and Fundraisers. The following is a summary of practices submitted by participants through a digital form.
- Consistency is key. Regular, expected communication from the schools. Examples are weekly emails, and newsletters from the principals, and classroom teachers.
- Newsletters with all the information for upcoming events in one place.
- Utilizing all forms of social media.
- Parent run Facebook groups, (example, one per graduating class or grade level) to foster and deepen relationships with parents who do not always have a chance to see each other regularly, especially in middle and high school; it also helps with information dissemination.
- Text messages - both for reminders of events and to direct community members to highlight newsletters.
- Morning announcements posted daily on Canvas.
- Sign Up Genius.
- Class Dojo.
- Sending information in multiple languages.
- Having a translator at all meetings.
- Family and Community Engagement.
- Family Dinner Nights.
- Maintaining virtual events such as Bingo night, Story Time, Trunk or Treat, virtual movie night, candy grams.
- Virtual meetings.
- There is excitement with the return to in-person activities.
- Pre-Covid activities mentioned included dances, multicultural nights, bingo, 5k runs, art show, field day.
- Engaging parent volunteers with specifically spelled out or structured expectations.
- Explicit invitation to events for families. One-on-one invitations for certain events, and general “Parents, friends, and community members are encouraged to attend” for larger events so everyone feels welcome. Clear communication so that families know if siblings can attend.
- Rolling Sign Up Genius page with all opportunities to volunteer in one place.
- Put all things on Facebook/online, including donation requests.
- Public/Private partnerships - take pictures and supply the sponsorship companies the opportunity to showcase their community involvement.
Instructional Programs
- Morning Academy for Elementary School Remediation.
- Math and Literacy Nights.
- Parkside was awarded $500K in grants to support Unfinished Learning. Students stay after school on Tuesdays and Thursdays for academic and emotional support.
- Tutoring programs.
- Parent meetings before breaks providing resources and ideas on how to continue to support reading and learning while away from school.
- Lexia challenges.
- Annual field trip for self-contained students in the Emotional Disabilities class to an event where they could practice the social skills they have been working on all year.
- At the High School level- student lead tutoring programs. Viking Learning Center at Woodbridge, or VLC (so no tutoring stigma) - a pre-pandemic peer to peer tutoring program - they get AP and NHS hours, younger students respond very well to familiar faces, even more successful than before post-pandemic; offered during lunch and after school; communications around the program is fantastic and very individual (but anonymous) 1:1 matching, heavy use of seniors which has proven to keep them engaged; connects student community by pairing upper and lower classmen in a place of productivity and trust.
- Tutoring offered in Spanish.
Successful Events/Fundraisers
- Art Club.
- Spirit Nights at various restaurants - Chipotle, Chick-fil-A, Wendy’s, Sweet Frog, IHOP.
- BMX assembly where students discussed bike safety and bullying along with the fun bike tricks.
- Outdoor movie night.
- Bingo.
- Math and Literacy nights.
- Dances.
- Color Run / Fun Run/ 5K.
- Double Good popcorn.
- Virtual Game Night.
- Start in the summer.
- Always send thank you cards, it helps get donations the next time you ask.