Superintendent's Advisory Council on Instruction (SACI)
Meeting held via Zoom
April 8, 2021
7:06 p.m. Welcome - Karen Martin, Chair SACI
This is the last regular meeting of the year. We will have the Best Practices Conference for Parents on May 13 from 7-9 p.m.
March Minutes approved as written.
Nominations taken for elections for next year's executive committee. Positions are for a one-year term.
Review of the draft of the Annual Report.
Report approved as amended.
Best Practices Conference for Parents
Registrations will be sent to the principals. The conference will be held virtually this year.
We will be offering 5 topics based on interests from registration forms.
We will be offering 20-minute sessions and we will rotate through the topics so you will be attend every topic.
You can share the conference information with PTO representatives at your school.
Next year's officers:
Chair: Vanessa Olson
Secretary: Emily Baisch
Eastern ES: Candice Johnson
Central ES: Tracy Blake
Western ES: Victoria Peacock
Middle School: Vacant
High School: Rana Kahl
End of year survey
We are looking for feedback on how you think SACI went this year. We will also send this out to members who were not in attendance tonight.