Superintendent’s Advisory Council On Instruction (SACI): Thursday, March 9, 2023 


7:00 p.m. Welcome – Mrs. Vanessa Olson, Chair, SACI

  • February Meeting minutes approved.
  • Directions for tonight’s meeting.
  • SACI Report Writing Work Session.
  • Discussed the role of the annual report, and the purpose of the meeting.
  • Steps—Small group break-out sessions.
  • Topics listed in the survey, highlight the commendations. Strategic plan questions.
  • 4 commitments.
  • Questions, concerns, thoughts.
  • Identify the top 2-3 potential topics for each of the 4 sections.
  • 4 areas:
    • Learning and Achievement for all.
    • Positive Climate and Culture.
    • Family and Community Engagement.
    • Organizational Coherence.
  • Consideration to eliminate Quick Fixes category— this section in the survey was not clear and items submitted would not fall into the “quick fix” category.

7:20 p.m. Breakout sessions

8:47 p.m. Voting to begin (Start with HS, go around and put dots on the boards)

Voting Results.  These topics will be included in the Annual Report.  These are just the general topics.  The report writing committee will review the specific questions/bullet for each topic when creating the report.  These questions/bullet points will be taken from the submitted materials and discussions at this meeting.

  1. Commendations will be pulled from items submitted via the survey.
  2. Questions about the Strategic Plan as a whole
    • Concerns about the overuse of technology.
    • Focus on data vs providing instruction.
    • Concern about how these initiatives are impacting teacher workload.
  3. Learning and Achievement for All
    • How are we meeting the needs of ALL students?
      • Special Education students.
      • Gifted Students.
      • Students not identified with a label.
    • Learning Gap - How are we addressing?
  1. Positive Climate and Culture
    • School safety/discipline/behavioral accountability.
    • Teacher supports and retention.
  2. Family and Community Engagement
    • School safety/discipline/behavioral accountability.
    • Parental Engagement vs attendance.
  3. Organizational Coherence
    • Equity in budgets.
    • Consistency among school policies.
    • Budget and CIP questions.
  4. Potential Topics
    • Mental Health.
    • Chronic Absenteeism.
    • Security.

Report Writing Subcommittee Meeting via Zoom March 21, 6:30 p.m. Vanessa will send you the link if you send an email to be on the writing group.

If interested in running for a co-chair position, must have a child at that level. Voting next meeting.

9:00 p.m. Meeting Adjourned