Current Performance Data

Current Performance Data

Academic Performance Measures by Student Group

Chart View

Chart of student academic performance measures by student groups, including on-time graduation rate, graduates earning advanced exam credit, graduates earning advanced exam credit or dual enrollment, and dropout rate by overall, Black, Hispanic, white, Asian, economically disadvantaged, English Learners, and students with disabilities

Table View

On-Time Graduation Rate by Student Groups
Year All Black Hispanic White Asian Economically Disadvantaged English Learners Students with Disabilities
2018-19 92.4% 94.8% 84.2% 97.2% 96.9% 87.4% 82.1% 90.7%
2019-20 93.1% 95.6% 86.4% 97.3% 97.7% 90.2% 80.2% 92.4%
2020-21 92.8% 94.1% 86% 97.3% 97.6% 89.0% 79.2% 88.4%

Graduates Earning Advanced Exam Credit
Year All Black Hispanic White Asian Economically Disadvantaged English Learners Students with Disabilities
2018-19 35% 21% 23% 49% 58% 21% 10% 3%
2019-20 32% 21% 22% 43% 51% 21% 10% 2%
2020-21 31% 22% 20% 41% 50% 19% 8% 3%

Note: The values above have been rounded.

Graduates Earning Advanced Exam Credit or Dual Enrollment
Year All Black Hispanic White Asian Economically Disadvantaged English Learners Students with Disabilities
2018-19 43% 30% 31% 42% 64% 39% 14% 5%
2019-20 40% 28% 29% 38% 57% 27% 12% 5%
2020-21 41% 35% 26% 51% 60% 27% 13% 6%

Note: The values above have been rounded.

Dropout Rate
Year All Black Hispanic White Asian Economically Disadvantaged English Learners Students with Disabilities
2018-19 6% 3% 13% 2% 2% 10% 18% 8%
2019-20 5% 2% 11% 1% 1% 7% 19% 6%
2020-21 5% 3% 11% 1% 2% 8% 21% 11%

Note: The values above have been rounded.


Standards of Learning (SOL) Performance by Student Groups

Chart View

Chart of Virginia state Standards of Learning proficiency in reading and mathematics by students groups for 2019. Student groups include all students, Black, Hispanic, White, Asian, economically disadvanataged, English Learners, and students with disabilities

Table View

Standards of Learning Proficiency in Reading and Mathematics by Student Group (2019)*
Year All Black Hispanic White Asian Economically Disadvantaged English Learners Students with Disabilities
Reading 79% 76% 69% 89% 87% 68% 39% 53%
Mathematics 83% 78% 76% 90% 92% 74% 61% 57%

*SOL Pass Rates from 2019 were used as the baseline for the Strategic Plan since testing did not occur in 2020 and since so many students did not test in 2021.

Note: The values above have been rounded.

SAT Total Scores and College Readiness Benchmarks by Student Group

Chart View

Chart of SAT total scores and students meeting SAT college readiness benchmarks by race and ethnicity

Table View

SAT Total Scores
Year All Black Hispanic White Asian
2018-19 1105 1014 1054 1165 1191
2019-20 1095 1015 1048 1150 1154
2020-21 1097 1025 1046 1148 1176

Students Meeting SAT College Readiness Benchmarks
In English, Reading/Writing, and Mathematics
Year All Black Hispanic White Asian
2018-19 53% 31% 40% 68% 75%
2019-20 48% 20% 28% 79% 83%
2020-21 52% 35% 41% 65% 70%

Note: The values above have been rounded.