Research Bibliography
PWCS has a long-standing partnership with Hanover Research. In the development of this Strategic Plan, PWCS asked Hanover Research to conduct literature reviews and provide research references and summaries to support the PWCS Strategic Plan commitments and strategies. This research bibliography includes those references along with other research references utilized in the development of this plan.
Learning and Achievement for All
- Anstrom, K., DiCerbo, P., Butler, F., Katz, A., Millet, J., & Rivera, C. (2010). A Review of the Literature on Academic English: Implication for K-12 English Language Learners. The George Washington University Center for Equity and Excellence in Education.
- Berry, B et al. "How Teaching and Learning Conditions Affect Teacher Retention and School Performance in North Carolina." Learning Policy Institute, 2019.
- "Benefits of Physical Activity." Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
- "The Benefits of Socioeconomically and Racially Integrated Schools and Classrooms." The Century Foundation, 2019.
- Buczynski, S. and C.B. Hansen. "Impact of Professional Development on Teacher Practice: Uncovering Connections." Teaching and Teacher Education, 26:3, 2010.
- City, E. A., Elmore, R. F., Fiarman, S. E., Teitel, L., & Lachman, A. (2018). Instructional Rounds in Education: A Network approach to Improving Teaching and Learning. Harvard Education Press.
- Coldwell, M. "Exploring the Influence of Professional Development on Teacher Careers: A Path Model Approach." Teaching and Teacher Education, 61, 2017.
- Commonwealth of Virginia Board of Education. (2016). Mathematical Standards of Learning for Virginia Public Schools.
- Darling-Hammond, L. et al. "Effective Teacher Professional Development." Learning Policy Institute, 2017.
- "Defining College and Career Readiness." Education First, 2015.
- "The Educational Opportunity Project at Stanford." Stanford University.
- "Equity and Quality in Education: Supporting Disadvantaged Students and Schools." OECD, 2012.
- Holloway, J.H. "Connecting Professional Development to Student Learning Gains." Science Educator, 15:1, 2006.
- Hubbard, K. "The 15 Most Diverse Counties in America." U.S. News and World Report. August 24, 2021.
- Jimenez, L. "Preparing American Students for the Workforce of the Future: Ensuring Every Student's Readiness for College, Career, and Civic Life." Center for American Progress, 2020.
- Joyce, B. R., & Showers, B. (2002). Student achievement through staff development (3rd ed.). Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision & Curriculum Development (ASCD).
- Knowles, M. S. (1980). The modern practice of adult education: From pedagogy to andragogy. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Cambridge Adult Education.
- Kohli, R. "Lessons for Teacher Education: The Role of Critical Professional Development in Teacher of Color Retention." Journal of Teacher Education, 70:1, 2019.
- Kurlaender, M., S. Reed, and A. Hurtt. "Improving College Readiness: A Research Summary and Implications for Practice." Policy Analysis for California Education, 2019.
- "Leading for Equity: Opportunities for State Education Chiefs." The Aspen Institute Education & Society Program and the Council of Chief State School Officers, 2017.
- "Measuring Career Readiness in High School Literature Scan." Regional Educational Laboratory Appalachia, 2019.
- Mishkind, A. "Overview: State Definitions of College and Career Readiness." College and Career Readiness and Success Center at the American Institutes for Research, 2014.
- Mueller, D. and E. Gozali-Lee. "College and Career Readiness." Wilder Research, 2013.
- Nguyen, T.D. et al. "The Factors of Teacher Attrition and Retention: An Updated and Expanded Meta-Analysis of the Literature." EdWorkingPaper: 19-149, 2019.
- Patrick, Kayla, et al. "Inequities in Advanced Coursework." The Education Trust. 26 Apr. 2021.
- "Readiness Matters: The Impact of College Readiness on College Persistence and Degree Completion." ACT, 2013.
- Skrla, L., et al. "Equity Audits: A Practical Leadership Tool for Developing Equitable and Excellent Schools." Educational Administration Quarterly, 40:1, 2004. Accessed via SAGE Journals.
- Soland, J., L.S. Hamilton, and B.M. Stecher. "Measuring 21st Century Competencies: Guidance for Educators." RAND Corporation, 2013.
- Summers, A. "How Educational Equity Benefits All Students." Great Schools Partnership, 2019.
- Toropova, A. et al. "Teacher Job Satisfaction: The Importance of School Working Conditions and Teacher Characteristics." Educational Review, 73:1, 2021.
- "What Is Career Readiness?" National Association of Colleges and Employers.
- Whitmore Schanzenbach, D. et al. "Fourteen Economic Facts on Education and Economic Opportunity." Brookings, 2016.
- Yoon, K.S. et al. "Reviewing the Evidence on How Teacher Professional Development Affects Student Achievement." Issues & Answers Report, REL 2007-No. 033, Regional Educational Laboratory Southwest, 2007.
Positive Climate and Culture
- "The 14 Dimensions of School Climate Measured by the CSCI." National School Climate Center, 2020.
- Cardillo, R. "School Climate and Youth Development." National School Climate Center, 2013.
- Cohen, J. and P. Brown. "School Climate and Adult Learning." National School Climate Center, 2013.
- Cohen, J. and J.A. Freiberg. "School Climate and Bullying Prevention." National School Climate Center, 2013.
- Cohen, J. et al. "Rethinking Effective Bully and Violence Prevention Efforts: Promoting Healthy School Climates, Positive Youth Development, and Preventing Bully-Victim-Bystander Behavior." International Journal of Violence and Schools, 2015.
- Duckenfield, M. and B. Reynolds. "School Climate and Dropout Prevention." National School Climate Center, 2013.
- Martinez, A. et al. "Involvement in Extracurricular Activities: Identifying Differences in Perceptions of School Climate." The Educational and Developmental Psychologist, 33:1, 2016.
- Nader, K. "Violence Prevention and School Climate Reform." School Climate Brief, 5, 2012.
- Parent and Educator Guide to School Climate Resources." Office of Elementary and Secondary Education, U.S. Department of Education, 2019.
- "School Climate Improvement." National Center on Safe Supportive Learning Environments.
- "School Climate Literature Summary." The Aspen Institute.
- Thapa, A. "School Climate Research." National School Climate Center, 2013.
- "Understanding School Climate and Measurement: A Research Brief." Massachusetts Institute for College and Career Readiness and Boston College, 2017.
- "What Is School Climate and Why Is It Important?" National School Climate Center.
Family and Community Engagement
- Altschul, I. "Parental Involvement and the Academic Achievement of Mexican American Youths: What Kinds of Involvement in Youths' Education Matter Most?" Social Work Research, 35:3, September 2011. Accessed via ProQuest.
- Benner, M. and A. Quirk. "One Size Does Not Fit All." Center for American Progress, February 20, 2020.
- Castro, M. et al. "Parental Involvement on Student Academic Achievement: A Meta-Analysis." Educational Research Review, 14, February 2015.
- "Communicating to Engage Stakeholders in School Improvement." Southern Regional Education Board, July 20, 2017.
- "Community Engagement." Oregon GEAR UP, 2016.
- "Community Partnerships." The Ohio Community Collaboration Model for School Improvement.
- Connor, L.L. "Good Public Relations for School Districts: It's Fundamental." School Leader, 46:2, 2015.
- DeNisco, A. "How Smaller K-12 Districts Manage Communications." District Administration, October 2019.
- "Designing Community Partnerships to Expand Student Learning: A Toolkit." The Colorado Education Initiative.
- Domina, T. "Leveling the Home Advantage: Assessing the Effectiveness of Parental Involvement in Elementary School." Sociology of Education, 78, 2005.
- Epstein, J.L. and S.B. Sheldon. "Present and Accounted for: Improving Student Attendance Through Family and Community Involvement." The Journal of Educational Research, 95:5, 2002.
- "Family and Community Partnerships." Coalition of Essential Schools.
- "Family-School-Community Partnerships." National Center on Safe Supportive Learning Environments.
- Fan, X. and M. Chen. "Parental Involvement and Students' Academic Achievement: A Meta-Analysis." Educational Psychology Review, 13, 2001.
- Fiore, D.J. "The Importance of Public Opinion." Chapter in School-Community Relations, Fourth Edition. New York, NY: Routledge, 2016.
- "Guiding Principles for Business and School Partnerships." The Council for Corporate & School Partnerships.
- Harris, A. and J. Goodall. "Do Parents Know They Matter? Engaging All Parents in Learning." Educational Research, 50:3, 2008.
- Hill, N.E. and D.F. Tyson. "Parental Involvement in Middle School: A Meta-Analytic Assessment of the Strategies That Promote Achievement." Developmental Psychology, 45:3, 2009.
- Hilliard, A.T. and E. Newsome, Jr. "Effective Communication and Creating Professional Learning Communities Is a Valuable Practice for Superintendents." Contemporary Issues In Education Research, 6:4, 2013.
- "A How-to Guide for Building School-Community Partnerships." Education Week, March 25, 2018.
- Jeynes, W.H. "A Meta-Analysis: The Effects of Parental Involvement on Minority Children's Academic Achievement." Education and Urban Society, 35:2, 2003. Accessed via SAGE Journals.
- Jeynes, W.H. "The Relationship Between Parental Involvement and Urban Secondary School Student Academic Achievement: A Meta-Analysis." Urban Education, 42:1, 2007. Accessed via SAGE Journals.
- Jeynes, W.H. "A Meta-Analysis of the Efficacy of Different Types of Parental Involvement Programs for Urban Students." Urban Education, 47:4, 2012. Accessed via SAGE Journals.
- Jeynes, W.H. "A Meta-Analysis of the Relation of Parental Involvement to Urban Elementary School Student Academic Achievement." Urban Education, 40:3, 2005. Accessed via SAGE Journals.
- Lawson, H.A. et al. "The Role of District and School Leaders' Trust and Communications in the Simultaneous Implementation of Innovative Policies." Faculty Publications in Educational Administration, 100, 2017.
- Leithwood, K. et al. "How Leadership Influences Student Learning." Center for Applied Research and Educational Improvement, September 2004.
- Ma, X. J., Shen, H.Y. Krenn, S. Hu, and J. Yuan. "A Meta-Analysis of the Relationship Between Learning Outcomes and Parental Involvement During Early Childhood Education and Early Elementary Education." Educational Psychology Review, 28, 2016.
- "Partners in Education: A Dual Capacity-Building Framework for Family-School Partnerships." SEDL, 2013.
- "School-Community Partnerships: A Guide." Center for Mental Health in Schools, University of California Los Angeles.
- Sheldon, S.B. and J.L. Epstein. "Involvement Counts: Family and Community Partnerships and Mathematics Achievement." The Journal of Educational Research, 98:4, April 2005. Accessed via ProQuest.
- Thompson, K.M. et al. "Effective Strategies for Engaging Parents in Students' Learning to Support Achievement." Maine Education Policy Research Institute, University of Maine, March 2014.
- "The Three Essentials: Improving Schools Requires District Vision, District and State Support, and Principal Leadership." Southern Regional Education Board, August 2010.
- "Trends in Community Engagement." Project Tomorrow, 2018. 30e2b414&elqaid=7444&elqat=2
- Wilder, S. "Effects of Parental Involvement on Academic Achievement: A Meta-Synthesis." Educational Review, 66:3, 2014.
Organizational Coherence
- Alvarez, B. and J. Rosales. "The Case for Collaboration is Clear." National Education Association, December 4, 2018.
- Arnett, T. and B. Moesta. "The K-12 Improvement Imperative: Pathways to Adopting Continuous Improvement." Clayton Christensen Institute for Disruptive Innovation, 2021.
- Best, J. and A. Dunlap. "Continuous Improvement in Schools and Districts: Policy Considerations." McREL International.
- "Building a Culture of Continuous Improvement." Education Development Center, 2019.
- "Building Healthy Communities: A School Leaders Guide to Collaboration and Community Engagement." California School Boards Association and Cities Counties Schools Partnership, 2009.
- "Coherence Framework." Public Education Leadership Project. Harvard University.
- Elgart, M.A. "Can Schools Meet the Promise of Continuous Improvement?" Phi Delta Kappan, December 18, 2017.
- Gaskell, A. "New Study Finds That Collaboration Drives Workplace Performance." Forbes, June 22, 2017.
- Gates, S. "Benefits of Collaboration." National Education Association, October 18, 2018.
- Kraft, Matthew, and Alexander Bolves. (2020). "Can Technology Transform Communication between Schools, Teachers, and Parents? Evidence from a Randomized Field Trial." (EdWorkingPaper: 19-144). Retrieved from Annenberg Institute at Brown University:
- Merchant, N. "Eight Dangers of Collaboration." Harvard Business Review, December 1, 2011.
- Park, S. et al. "Continuous Improvement in Education." Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, 2013.
- Rubenstein, S.A. "Strengthening Partnerships: How Communication and Collaboration Contribute to School Improvement." American Educator, Winter 2013-2014.
- Rubinstein, S.A. and J.E. McCarthy. "Union-Management Partnerships, Teacher Collaboration, and Student Performance." ILR Review, 69:5, 2016.
- Shakman, K. et al. "A Primer for Continuous Improvement in Schools and Districts." Education Development Center, 2017.
- Shakman, K. et al. "Continuous Improvement in Education: A Toolkit for Schools and Districts." REL 2021-014, Regional Educational Laboratory Northeast & Islands, 2020.
- Sparks, S.D. "A Primer on Continuous School Improvement." Education Week, February 6, 2018.
- White, S.K. "Lean Six Sigma: Process Improvement with a Purpose." CIT, November 29, 2021.