Same Gender Program
The only program of its kind in Prince William County Public Schools, the Same Gender Program offers students the opportunity to be enrolled in same gender teams, which have gender specific classes for their core academics. The same gender teachers differentiate the delivery of their instruction and utilize a variety of gender-specific learning strategies based on researched brain differences between the genders. The Woodbridge Middle School staff is passionate about Same Gender education. Boys and girls are equally capable of learning in all subject areas, but for some students, the best environment is one in which gender differences can be addressed. Every student learns differently, and the Same Gender model allows us to maximize current educational best practices and differentiate instruction.
Note: Applications for this program are open for rising 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students.
Program Type
Site-Based Program - Students attending Woodbridge MS may apply for this program. Students outside Woodbridge MS may also apply for a limited number of transfer seats. Transportation is limited. Express bus stops will be provided at Fitzgerald ES, Minnieville ES, and Williams ES.
Program Location
Woodbridge Middle School
Coordinator: Ms. Santiago
Telephone: 703-494-3181
Email: [email protected]
Visit Woodbridge Middle School website
Information Meeting
November 12, 2024, 6:30 p.m. at Woodbridge MS Auditorium
December 14, 2024, 6:30 p.m. at Woodbridge MS Auditorium
Attendance Areas
All students zoned for middle schools east of Hoadly Road may apply to this program. Transportation is limited. Express bus stops will be provided at Fitzgerald ES, Minnieville ES, and Williams ES.