Middle School Band Curriculum
Middle School Beginning Band Pacing and Unit Guides
The standards for Middle School Band, Beginning Level enable students to begin receiving instruction on a wind or percussion instrument of their choice with guidance from the music teacher. Instruction may begin at any middle school grade level. Students identify parts of the instrument and demonstrate proper instrument care, playing posture, instrument positions, fingerings, embouchure (if applicable), and tone production. Students apply emerging music skills to create and notate original work. Music literacy skills are emphasized as students read, notate, and perform music. Students use critical thinking skills to respond to, describe, interpret, and evaluate works of music as performers and listeners. Students identify opportunities to engage with music beyond the classroom. Opportunities are provided for students to participate in local, district, and regional music events as appropriate to level, ability, and interest.
Quarter 1
Unit 1: Instrument Selection
This unit introduces beginning band students to the instruments that are part of the band. Students will identify the instruments of the band, explore which instruments are of interest to them and which ones will fit them well. Students that select an instrument that they are well suited for are more likely to be successful with curriculum requirements.
Standards: MIB.14 a
Unit 2: Practice Technique and Expectations
This unit introduces beginning band students to the importance of quality practice strategies and consistency. Students will set goals and monitor their progress in addition to describing various practice strategies. Students that implement quality practice routines are more likely to be successful with curriculum requirements.
Standards: MIB.2 a
Unit 3: Parts of the Instrument, Assembly and Disassembly, Maintenance and Care
This unit introduces beginning band students to the parts of their chosen instrument, how to assemble and disassemble it, and how to maintain and care for it. Students will learn how to safely assemble and disassemble their instruments to reduce instances of damaged instruments and the loss of learning that comes from the repair process. Students will learn to maintain and care for their instruments to ensure that instrument quality is maintained and so that student health is not at risk.
Standards: MIB.14 b, c
Unit 4: Posture and Hand Position
This unit teaches band students how to sit or stand with correct body posture while playing and where to place hands when playing individual instruments. Students will identify the connection between hand position, posture, instrument position and posture and its impact on technique, facility and tone production.
Standards: MIB.14 d
Unit 5; Music Literacy: Note-Reading
This unit focuses on note reading within the larger context of music literacy. Q1 introduces vocabulary, musical symbols, and their instrument’s first 3 notes. It is important to distinguish between identifying, reading, and performing; each skill is a different level of scaffolding.
Standards: MIB.12 a, c
Unit 6: Music Literacy: Melody (bonging)
This unit focuses on developing rhythmic ability, in both reading and performing. Q1 introduces vocabulary, basic musical symbols and reading those rhythms.
Standards: MIB.12 d, e
Unit 7: Music Literacy: Musicianship (ongoing)
Quarter 1 will encompass articulation, dynamics and phrasing at a very basic level. When musicians are learning their first notes, they’re applying these skills in their performance examples. We should expect students to articulate correctly to separate notes, play at least one measure in one breath and play at a tone-appropriate volume. Students will not directly identify many of these notation markings in the first quarter but will be referred to in practice.
Standards: MIB.12 a, f; MIB.15 d
Unit 14: Percussion Rudiments (ongoing)
This unit focuses on beginning percussion technique and rudiments for percussion students.
Standards: MIB.15 a, f
Quarter 2
Unit 8: Performance, Ensemble Skills, and Critique
This unit focuses on performance, musicianship and ensemble skills. This unit should be incorporated throughout the year in class and during concerts. Through this standard, students will begin to incorporate timbre, blend, balance, dynamic contrast, internal rhythmic pulse, and articulations into their musical performance to increase their musicality and expression. By evaluating personal and group performances, students can create goals for more successful future performances. This skill of using data to create goals for future success is a transferable skill. Performing as a group in a public space is a district skill requiring specific skills such as following a conductor and synchronization. Musical performances are some of the first environments where students will learn what it means to look and behave “professionally.”
Standards: MIB.2 a, b; MIB.5 a-c; MIB.7; MIB.12 f, g; MIB.16 b, d, e, f, g; MIB.3 a-c; MIB.4 a- c
Unit 9: Tone and Intonation
This unit introduces beginning band students to a “characteristic tone” for their primary instrument. Tone, or quality of sound, is the most important concept for a musician to master. Poor tone will affect all other areas of a performance.
Standards: MIB.14 e; MIB.15 b, c, d; MIB.16 a, c
Unit 10: Slight Reading
Learning to sight-read music of varying styles and levels of difficulty is an integral part of the band classroom. This unit plan aims to build a strong foundation in sight-reading, fostering students' musical literacy and performance skills.
Standards: MIB.12 h
Quarter 3
Unit 11: Music Course Preparation
Students will learn about careers in music, including the music industry. Students will gain knowledge about the various elective options available to them, understand the skills and benefits associated with being in the band, and make choices that align with their interests and goals. This unit plan aims to empower students to make informed choices about their elective options while highlighting the valuable skills gained through band participation.
Unit 12: Scale Patterns
This unit introduces the first 3-5 notes that are appropriate for each instrument. Some method books / school of thought that prefer to start with D / C / B-flat and some choose to start with F / E-flat / D.
Standards: MIB.15 a
Unit 13: Music Composition
In this unit, students will learn how to contribute to the creative process of music through composition and improvisation. They will learn how to create rhythmic and melodic variations to music they have learned. They will also learn how to improvise and create their own melodies.
Standards: MIB.1 a-c; MIB 2 a-c; MIB.12 a, b
Quarter 4
Unit 15: Non-Performance Based Skills
This unit guide is currently under construction and will be published on March 11, 2025.
Unit 8: Performance, Ensemble Skills, and Critique
This unit guide is currently under construction and will be published on March 11, 2025.
Middle School Intermediate Band Pacing and Unit Guides
The standards for Middle School Band, Beginning Level enable students to begin receiving instruction on a wind or percussion instrument of their choice with guidance from the music teacher. Instruction may begin at any middle school grade level. Students identify parts of the instrument and demonstrate proper instrument care, playing posture, instrument positions, fingerings, embouchure (if applicable), and tone production. Students apply emerging music skills to create and notate original work. Music literacy skills are emphasized as students read, notate, and perform music. Students use critical thinking skills to respond to, describe, interpret, and evaluate works of music as performers and listeners. Students identify opportunities to engage with music beyond the classroom. Opportunities are provided for students to participate in local, district, and regional music events as appropriate to level, ability, and interest.
Quarter 1
Unit 1: Instrumentation
This unit introduces intermediate band students to additional instruments that are part of the band. Students will identify the instruments of the band, explore if they are interested in trying out a new or different instrument and which ones will fit them well. Students that select an instrument that they are well suited for are more likely to be successful with curriculum requirements.
Standards: MIB.14 a
Unit 2: Practice Technique and Expectations
This unit introduces beginning band students to the importance of quality practice strategies and consistency. Students will set goals and monitor their progress in addition to descryibing various practice strategies. Students that implement quality practice routines are more likely to be successful with curriculum requirements.
Standards: MII.2 c
Unit 3: Instrument Care
This unit reinforces knowledge of parts of their chosen instrument, how to assemble and disassemble it, and how to maintain and care for it as well as maintenance and care for their instruments. This will ensure that instrument quality is maintained and so that student health is not at risk and instrument stays in functioning order.
Standards: MII.14 a
Unit 4: Fundamental Review: Posture and Hand Position
This unit reviews with band students how to sit or stand with correct body posture while playing and where to place hands when playing individual instruments. Students will identify the connection between hand position, posture, instrument position and posture and its impact on technique, facility and tone production.
Standards: MII.14 b
Unit 5; Music Literacy: Note-Reading (ongoing)
This unit focuses on note reading review within the larger context of music literacy. Q1 will review iidentifying, reading, and performing the first octave learned within the first year of study.
Standards: MII.12 a, c
Unit 6: Music Literacy: Rhythm (ongoing)
This unit focuses on developing rhythmic ability, in both reading and performing. Q1 reviews vocabulary, basic musical symbols and reading those rhythms learned within the first year of study.
Standards: MIB.12 d, e (The beginning standard typically takes two years to address within a PWCS schedule)
Unit 7: Music Literacy: Musicianship (ongoing)
This unit will encompass articulation, dynamics and phrasing learned in the first year of study. We should expect students to articulate correctly to separate notes in varying styles, play at least one measure in one breath and play at a tone-appropriate volume. Students should be working to make these stylistic nuances regular playing habits.
Standards: MII.12 a, g; MII.15 b, c
Unit 14: Percussion--All District Required Rudiments, Timpani (ongoing)
This unit focuses on beginning percussion technique and rudiments for percussion students.
Standards: MIB.15 a, f; MII.15 b, e
Quarter 2
Unit 8: Performance, Ensemble Skills, and Critique (ongoing)
This unit focuses on performance, musicianship and ensemble skills. This unit should be incorporated throughout the year in class and during concerts. Through this standard, students will begin to incorporate timbre, blend, balance, dynamic contrast, internal rhythmic pulse, and articulations into their musical performance to increase their musicality and expression. By evaluating personal and group performances, students can create goals for more successful future performances. This skill of using data to create goals for future success is a transferable skill. Performing as a group in a public space is a district skill requiring specific skills such as following a conductor and synchronization. Musical performances are some of the first environments where students will learn what it means to look and behave “professionally.”
Standards: MII.2 a, b; MII.3 a-c; MII.4 a-d; MII.5 a-c; MII.7; MII.12 g; MII.16 b, e, f, g
Unit 9: Tone and Intonation
This unit reviews a “characteristic tone” for each primary instrument. Tone, or quality of sound, is the most important concept for a musician to master. Poor tone will affect all other areas of a performance. Goals are the same for the second level of study, but with increasing accuracy and frequency.
Standards MII.14 c; MII.15 a-c; MII.16 a, c
Unit 10: Audition Process
Learning to sight-read music of varying styles and levels of difficulty is an integral part of the band classroom. This unit plan aims to build a strong foundation in sight-reading, fostering students' musical literacy and performance skills.
Standards: MII.12 h
Quarter 3
Unit 11: Music Course Preparation
Students will learn about careers in music, including the music industry. Students will gain knowledge about the various elective options available to them, understand the skills and benefits associated with being in the band, and make choices that align with their interests and goals. This unit plan aims to empower students to make informed choices about their elective options while highlighting the valuable skills gained through band participation.
Standards: MII.9
Unit 12: Scale Patterns
This unit introduces the 3 new notes that are needed to learn F-stretches. F-Stretches are a best-practice fundamental warmup activity that should be incorporated into every class. Some directors choose to follow the same concept but on B-flat stretches. Both accomplish the same goal of training the aural skills necessary to play intervals in tune.
Standards: MII.13 a
Unit 13: Music Composition
In this unit, students will learn how to contribute to the creative process of music through composition and improvisation. They will learn how to create rhythmic and melodic variations to music they have learned. They will also learn how to improvise and create their own melodies.
Standards: MII.1 a-c; MII.2 a, b; MII.12 b
Quarter 4
Unit 15: Non-Performance Based Skills
This unit guide is currently under construction and will be published on March 11, 2025.
Unit 8: Performance, Ensemble Skills, and Critique
This unit guide is currently under construction and will be published on March 11, 2025.
Middle School Advanced Band Pacing and Unit Guides
The standards for Middle School Band, Beginning Level enable students to begin receiving instruction on a wind or percussion instrument of their choice with guidance from the music teacher. Instruction may begin at any middle school grade level. Students identify parts of the instrument and demonstrate proper instrument care, playing posture, instrument positions, fingerings, embouchure (if applicable), and tone production. Students apply emerging music skills to create and notate original work. Music literacy skills are emphasized as students read, notate, and perform music. Students use critical thinking skills to respond to, describe, interpret, and evaluate works of music as performers and listeners. Students identify opportunities to engage with music beyond the classroom. Opportunities are provided for students to participate in local, district, and regional music events as appropriate to level, ability, and interest.
Quarter 1
Unit 1: Specialty Instruments
This unit introduces band students to additional instruments that are part of the band. Students will identify the instruments of the band, explore if they are interested in trying out a new or different instrument and which ones will fit them well. Students that select an instrument that they are well suited for are more likely to be successful with curriculum requirements.
Standards: MIAD.14 a
Unit 2: Practice Technique and Expectations
This unit introduces band students to the importance of quality practice strategies and consistency. Students will set goals and monitor their progress in addition to describing various practice strategies. Students that implement quality practice routines are more likely to be successful with curriculum requirements.
Standards: MIAD.2 c
Unit 3: Instrument Care
This unit reinforces knowledge of parts of their chosen instrument, how to assemble and disassemble it, and how to maintain and care for it as well as maintenance and care for their instruments. This will ensure that instrument quality is maintained and so that student health is not at risk and instrument stays in functioning order.
Standards: MIAD.14 a
Unit 4: Fundamental Review: Posture and Hand Position
This unit reviews how students should sit or stand with correct body posture while playing and where to place hands when playing individual instruments. Students will identify the connection between hand position, posture, instrument position and posture and its impact on technique, facility and tone production.
Standards: MIAD.14 b
Unit 5; Music Literacy: Note-Reading (ongoing)
This unit focuses on note reading review within the larger context of music literacy. Q1 will review identifying, reading, and performing the first 1.5 octaves learned within the first two years of study.
Standards: MIAD.12 a, c
Unit 6: Music Literacy: Rhythm (ongoing)
This unit focuses on developing rhythmic ability, in both reading and performing. Q1 reviews vocabulary, basic musical symbols and reading those rhythms learned within the first two years of study.
Standards: MIB.12 d, e
Unit 7: Music Literacy: Musicianship--Articulations, Phrasing, and Dynamics (ongoing)
Quarter 1 will review articulations from the first two years of study. We should expect students to articulate in varying styles, play at least four measures in one breath and perform at a tone-appropriate volume.
Standards: MIAD.12 a, g; MIAD.15 c
Unit 14: Percussion--Basic Rudiments (ongoing)
This unit focuses on percussion technique and rudiments for percussion students. Students focus on timpani and prepare for all-district and all-county audition requirements.
Standards: MII.15 b, e; MIAD.15 b, e
Quarter 2
Unit 8: Performance, Ensemble Skills, and Critique
This unit focuses on performance, musicianship and ensemble skills. This unit should be incorporated throughout the year in class and during concerts. Through this standard, students will begin to incorporate timbre, blend, balance, dynamic contrast, internal rhythmic pulse, and articulations into their musical performance to increase their musicality and expression. By evaluating personal and group performances, students can create goals for more successful future performances. This skill of using data to create goals for future success is a transferable skill. Performing as a group in a public space is a district skill requiring specific skills such as following a conductor and synchronization. Musical performances are some of the first environments where students will learn what it means to look and behave “professionally.”
Standards: MIAD.2 a, b; MIAD.3 a-c; MIAD.4 a-c; MIAD.5 a-c; MIAD.7; MIAD.12 a, f, g, h; MIAD.16 c-g
Unit 9: Tone and Intonation
This unit reviews a “characteristic tone” for each primary instrument. Tone, or quality of sound, is the most important concept for a musician to master. Poor tone will affect all other areas of a performance. Students should be matching pitch (playing ‘in tune’) with characteristic tone with increasing accuracy and frequency. Students will also begin to learn to tune their instrument using an electronic tuner.
Standards: MIAD.14 c; MIAD.15 a, b; MIAD.16 a, b
Unit 10: Slight Reading
This unit focuses on developing students’ musical communication skills through targeted preparation and participation in various musical auditions. The audition process includes a variety of scales, a prepared etude, and sight-reading. Corresponding method book excerpts and concert music that utilizes these scales should be part of daily study with direct correlation the skill being put into practice.
Standards: MIAD.5 a; MIAD.12 i
Quarter 3
Unit 11: Music Course Preparation
Students will learn about careers in music, including the music industry. Students will gain knowledge about the various elective options available to them, understand the skills and benefits associated with being in the band, and make choices that align with their interests and goals. This unit plan aims to empower students to make informed choices about their elective options while highlighting the valuable skills gained through band participation.
Standards: MIAD.9
Unit 12: Scale Patterns
This unit reviews scales learned in the second year of study including 1 octave chromatic scale, concert B-flat, concert A-flat and concert F major scales. Corresponding method book excerpts and concert music that utilizes these scales should be part of daily study with direct correlation the skill being put into practice. Music is written in different ‘keys;’ each key uses a different tonal center that utilizes a different scale as its infrastructure.
Standards: MIAD.13 a
Unit 13: Music Composition
In this unit, students will learn how to contribute to the creative process of music through composition and improvisation. They will learn how to create rhythmic and melodic variations to music they have learned. They will also learn how to improvise and create their own melodies.
Standards: MIAD.1 a-c; MII.2 a, b
Quarter 4
Unit 15: Non-Performance Based Skills
This unit guide is currently under construction and will be published on March 11, 2025.
Unit 8: Performance, Ensemble Skills, and Critique
This unit guide is currently under construction and will be published on March 11, 2025.
High School Band Curriculum
High School Beginning Band Pacing and Unit Guides
The standards for High School Band, Beginning Level enable students to begin receiving instruction on a wind or percussion instrument of their choice with guidance from the music teacher. Instruction may begin at any middle school grade level. Students identify parts of the instrument and demonstrate proper instrument care, playing posture, instrument positions, fingerings, embouchure (if applicable), and tone production. Students apply emerging music skills to create and notate original work. Music literacy skills are emphasized as students read, notate, and perform music. Students use critical thinking skills to respond to, describe, interpret, and evaluate works of music as performers and listeners. Students identify opportunities to engage with music beyond the classroom. Opportunities are provided for students to participate in local, district, and regional music events as appropriate to level, ability, and interest.
Quarter 1
Unit 1: Instrument Selection, Instrument Care, Preparatory Procedures, Practice Techniques, and Rehearsal Etiquette
This unit covers introducing and developing preparatory instrumental basics and playing procedures. This unit begins with instrument selection and basic instrument care. This should include learning about parts of the instrument. In this unit, students will also learn practice techniques, including setting goals and how to practice efficiently, and proper rehearsal etiquette.
Standards: HIB.14 a-d; HIB.2 c; HIB.5 b
Unit 2: Practical Skill--Tone and Tone Production
This unit focuses on tone and tone production for instrumental beginners. Q1 – Winds: introduce proper embouchure, vowel shape, and air support. Percussion: demonstrate proper stick grip to include proper formation of fulcrum and hand placement. Demonstrate full stroke on snare drum and piston stroke on mallet instrument. Identify examples of characteristic tone on instruments studied. Q2 – Winds: describe, practice, and apply proper embouchure, vowel shape, and air support as it relates to characteristic tone production. Percussion: describe, practice, and apply proper stick grip to include proper formation of fulcrum and hand placement. Practice and apply full stroke on snare drum and piston stroke on mallet instrument at a variety of heights. Continue to identify examples of characteristic tone. Q3 and Q4 – Continue to review elements of characteristic tone through expanding ranges and registers.
Standards: HIB.15 a, c, d; HIB.16 a, b
Unit 3: Music Literacy and Practical Skills--Rhythm and Pulse
This unit focuses on rhythm, pulse, and counting systems. Q1 – Introduce desired counting system with basic rhythms. Introduce whole notes, half notes, quarter notes and rests and 4/4 and common time meters. Q2 – Continue reinforcing counting system as relates to literature studied. Introduce eighth notes, dotted half notes, dotted quarter notes, and rests and 3/4 and 2/4 meters. Review rhythmic concepts as needed. Q3 and Q4 – Continue reinforcing counting system as relates to literature studied. Review rhythmic concepts as needed. Introduce syncopated rhythms (Q3). Introduce 6/8 meter (Q4).
Standards: HIB.12 a, d, e; HIB.16 e, f
Unit 4: Music Literacy and Practical Skills--Pitch and Intonation
This unit will focus on the skills and technique required for accurate pitch and intonation. Q1 – Introduce basic elements of note reading, including clefs, staves, notes, and rests, and first 5 notes in concert Bb plus required pitches for first half of chromatic scale. Demonstrate proper fingerings, slide positions, and mallet placement to correctly finger and play pitches. Brass players develop aural skills to match partials. Q2 – Introduce lower half of one octave F chromatic scale (A down to F). Add upper half of concert Bb scale (G, Ab, A, Bb). Clarinets will experience playing in upper register. Identify “accurate” intonation through examples. Introduce the concept of large intonation adjustments (tuning slides, mouthpiece/barrel adjustments). Q3 – Introduce concert C, D, Eb, E, and F above concert Bb. Refine large intonation adjustments through a variety of strategies. Begin to identify small intonation adjustment strategies (embouchure, tongue position). Introduce pitch matching and adjusting with drones. Review concepts of note identification on the musical staff and application on instrument. Q4 – Continue to refine pitch matching and intonation skills through various strategies dictated by literature studied. Refine and expand reading literacy through literature studied.
Standards: HIB.12 a, c; HIB.13 a, b; HIB.15 b; HIB.16 c
Quarter 2
Unit 5; Practical Skills--Technique
This unit will focus on proper instrumental technique. Q1 – Introduce proper posture and position. Introduce tongue articulations. Percussion practice full stroke and piston stroke. Q2 – Introduce staccato and slurs. Reinforce proper posture and position. Q3 and Q4 – Introduce or review instrumental techniques required as dictated by literature being studied. Reinforce proper posture and position.
Standards: HIB.12 h, i; HIB.14 d; HIB.15 d, f
Unit 6: Practical Skills--Scale and Scale Patterns
This unit will focus on scales. Q1 – Introduce first half of chromatic scale. Q2 – Identify key signatures applicable to literature being studied. 1 octave chromatic, concert F and Bb major scales. Q3 and Q4 – Identify key signatures applicable to literature being studied. 1 octave concert Eb and Ab major scales (Q3). 1 octave concert C and G major scales (Q4).
Standards: HIB.13 a-c
Unit 7: Music Literacy and Practical Skills--Muscianship
This unit will focus on the elements required for musicianship. Q2 – Define and demonstrate dynamics as an individual. Define and demonstrate articulation styles. Q3 – Understand, identify, and demonstrate all dynamic and articulation markings in literature being studied. Q4 – Understand, identify, and demonstrate all dynamic and articulation markings in literature being studied as a means of expression
Standards: HIB.12 a, g, h; HIB.16 d, e, g
Unit 8: Practical Skill--Ensemble Skill
This unit will focus on the ensemble concepts of balance and blend, matching dynamics, and style. Beginning in Q3 – Understand and demonstrate matching dynamics and playing style as an ensemble. Q4 – Continue to refine ensemble skills through blend, matching dynamics, and styles. Introduce or review balance within an ensemble.
Standards: HIB.16 b, d, e
Unit 10: Ensemble Performance/Literature
Q1, Q2, and Q4 will focus on aspects of ensemble performance and literature selection and usage.
Standards: HIB.2 a-c; HIB.5 a, b, d; HIB.6 a, b; HIB.7; HIB.15 a, b, c, e
Quarter 3
Unit 11: Critical Thinking: Analyze, Interpret, and Evaluation
This unit will cover critical thinking skills along with personal student reflection.
Standards: HIB.3 a-e; HIB.4 a, b
Unit 12: Composition and Form
This unit will explore aspects of composition and form. Throughout the year, students will connect musical form to selections being performed or studied. Often, in Q3 or Q4 a composition project may be offered.
Standards: HIB.1 a-c; HIB.12 b, f
Quarter 4
Unit 13: Ethics and Careers
This unit guide is currently under construction and will be published on March 11, 2025.
Unit 9: Audition Preparation
This unit guide is currently under construction and will be published on March 11, 2025.
Unit 10: Ensemble Performance/Literature
This unit guide is currently under construction and will be published on March 11, 2025.
High School Intermediate Band Pacing and Unit Guides
The standards for High School Band, Beginning Level enable students to begin receiving instruction on a wind or percussion instrument of their choice with guidance from the music teacher. Instruction may begin at any middle school grade level. Students identify parts of the instrument and demonstrate proper instrument care, playing posture, instrument positions, fingerings, embouchure (if applicable), and tone production. Students apply emerging music skills to create and notate original work. Music literacy skills are emphasized as students read, notate, and perform music. Students use critical thinking skills to respond to, describe, interpret, and evaluate works of music as performers and listeners. Students identify opportunities to engage with music beyond the classroom. Opportunities are provided for students to participate in local, district, and regional music events as appropriate to level, ability, and interest.
Quarter 1
Unit 1:Preparatory Procedures, Practice Techniques, and Rehearsal Etiquette
This unit covers preparatory instrumental basics and playing procedures, including reinforcing playing posture and position and developing proper tuning practices. In this unit, students will also develop their practice techniques, including setting goals and how to practice efficiently, and demonstrating proper rehearsal etiquette.
Standards:HII.14 a-e; HII.2 b; HII.5 b
Unit 2: Practical Skill--Tone and Tone Production
This unit focuses on proper instrumental techniques which contribute to characteristic tone. Q1, introduce diaphragmatic breathing. Identify characteristic tone. Establish appropriate embouchure and voicing. Display and demonstrate proper matched stick/mallet grip and proper striking area on instrument. Q2, review the elements of characteristic tone through expanded ranges and registers. Q3 and Q4, continue to develop elements of characteristic tone through music literature being studied.
Standards: HII.15 b, c; HII.16 a
Unit 3: Music Literacy and Practical Skills--Rhythm and Pulse
This unit focuses on rhythm, pulse, and counting systems. Q1 – review counting systems with basic rhythms as well as introduce or review 16th notes and corresponding rests. Simple meters (2/4, ¾, 4/4) will be reviewed as well as expanding understanding through 5/4 and 6/4. Q2 – introduce dotted 8th notes in conjunction with 16th note patterns and corresponding rests. Cut time introduced. Q3 – introduce quarter note triplets. Review 6/8 meter while adding 3/8 and 5/8. Q4 – introduce half note triplets.
Standards: HII.12 a, d, e; HII.16 d, e
Unit 4: Music Literacy and Practical Skills--Pitch and Intonation
This unit will focus on the skills and technique required for accurate pitch and intonation. Q1 – introduce or review tuning with a tuner. Identify accurate intonation through examples. Identify strategies for making large and small adjustments for intonation. Introduce or review concepts of note reading. Q2 – refine intonation adjustments through a variety of strategies. Introduce pitch matching and adjusting with drones. Refine and expand reading literacy through literature studied. Q3 – continue to refine pitch matching and intonation skills through a variety of tonalities as dictated by literature studied. Expand understanding of pitch and intonation tendencies for individual instruments. Refine and expand reading literacy through literature being studied. Q4 – continue to refine pitch matching and intonation skills through a variety of tonalities as dictated by the literature being studied. Expand understanding of pitch and intonation tendencies for individual instruments. Refine and expand reading literacy through literature studied.
HII.12 a, c; HII.13 a; HII.14 c; HII.15 a; HII.16 b
Quarter 2
Unit 5; Practical Skills--Technique
This unit will focus on proper instrumental technique. Q1 – review proper posture and position. Introduce instrumental techniques as dictated by the literature being studied. Q2, Q3, Q4 – introduce or review instrumental techniques as dictated by the literature being studied.
Standards: HII.12 h, i; HII.14 d, e; HII.15 c, e
Unit 6: Practical Skills--Scale and Scale Patterns
This unit will focus on scales. Q1 – understand key signature identification basics (order of sharps and flats). Review C, F, Bb, Eb, Ab and G major scales (MS All-District scales); chromatic scale. Q2 – Identify key signatures applicable to the literature being studied. Introduce Db, D, and A major scales. Review other scales as needed. Q3 – Identify key signatures applicable to the literature being studied. Introduce E and B major scales. Review other scales as needed. Q4 – Identify key signatures applicable to the literature being studied. Introduce minor scales up to 3 flats and 1 sharp. Review scales as needed.
Standards: HII.13 a, b
Unit 7: Music Literacy and Practical Skills--Muscianship
This unit will focus on the elements required for musicianship. Q1 – understand and demonstrate matching dynamics and playing style as an individual. Demonstrate matching articulation styles throughout the ensemble. Q2, Q3, and Q4 – understand, identify, and demonstrate all dynamic and articulation markings in literature being studied with a focus on expression, such as phrasing, in Q3 and Q4.
Standards: HII.12 a, g, h; HII.16 c, d, f
Unit 8: Practical Skill--Ensemble Skill
This unit will focus on the ensemble concepts of balance and blend, matching dynamics, and style. Beginning in Q2 – understand and demonstrate matching dynamics and playing style as an ensemble. Introduce or review blend within an ensemble. Q3 – continue to refine ensemble skills through blend, matching dynamics, and styles. Introduce or review balance within an ensemble. Q4 – continue to refine ensemble skills through blend, matching dynamics, styles, and balance within an ensemble.
Standards: HII.16 a, c, d
Unit 9: Audition Preparation
Students have the opportunity to audition for a variety of ensembles throughout the year. September – Regional Orchestra auditions (winds and percussion), November – All County auditions, December – All District, February – All Virginia (pending eligibility), ensemble placement auditions (determined school by school).
Standards: HII.13 a, b; HII.15 a, b, c, e
Unit 10: Ensemble Performance/Literature
Q1, Q2, and Q4 (see Unit 11 for more information about Q3) will focus on aspects of ensemble performance and literature selection and usage.
Standards: HII.2 a, b; HII.5 a, b, d; HII.6 a-c; HII.7; HII.15 a, b, c, e; HII.16 a-f
Quarter 3
Unit 11: District Assessment Performance
This unit will explore aspects of the District Assessment Performance process.
Standards: HII.2 a, b; HII.5 a-c; HII.6 a-c; HII.7; HII.15 a, b, c, e; HII.16 a-f
Unit: 12: Critical Thinking: Analyze, Interpret, and Evaluate
This unit will cover critical thinking skills along with personal student reflection.
Standards: HII.3 a-d; HII.4 a, b
Unit 13: Composition and Form
This unit will explore aspects of composition and form. Throughout the year, students will connect musical form to selections being performed or studied. Often, after Assessment a composition project may be offered.
Standards: HII.1 a-c; HII.12 b, f
Quarter 4
Unit 14: Ethics and Careers
This unit guide is currently under construction and will be published on March 11, 2025.
Unit 10: Ensemble Performance/Literature
This unit guide is currently under construction and will be published on March 11, 2025.
High School Advanced Band Pacing and Unit Guides
The standards for High School Band, Beginning Level enable students to begin receiving instruction on a wind or percussion instrument of their choice with guidance from the music teacher. Instruction may begin at any middle school grade level. Students identify parts of the instrument and demonstrate proper instrument care, playing posture, instrument positions, fingerings, embouchure (if applicable), and tone production. Students apply emerging music skills to create and notate original work. Music literacy skills are emphasized as students read, notate, and perform music. Students use critical thinking skills to respond to, describe, interpret, and evaluate works of music as performers and listeners. Students identify opportunities to engage with music beyond the classroom. Opportunities are provided for students to participate in local, district, and regional music events as appropriate to level, ability, and interest.
Quarter 1
Unit 1: Preparatory Procedures, Practice Techniques, and Rehearsal Etiquette
This unit covers preparatory instrumental basics and playing procedures, including reinforcing playing posture and position and developing proper tuning practices. In this unit, students will also develop their practice techniques, including setting goals and how to practice efficiently, and demonstrating proper rehearsal etiquette.
Standards: HIAD.14 a-d; HIAD.2 b; HIAD.5 b
Unit 2: Practical Skill--Tone and Tone Production
This unit focuses on proper instrumental techniques which contribute to characteristic tone. Q1, review diaphragmatic breathing, wind support, and characteristic tone. Develop appropriate embouchure and continue to refine voicing and vowel shapes. Continue to refine proper matched stick/mallet grip and proper striking area on instrument as well as the four basic stroke types. Q2, review the elements of characteristic tone through expanded ranges and registers. Q3 and Q4, continue to develop elements of characteristic tone through music literature being studied.
Standards: HIAD.15 b, d; HIAD.16 a
Unit 3: Music Literacy and Practical Skills--Rhythm and Pulse
This unit focuses on rhythm, pulse, and counting systems. Q1 – review desired counting system with basic and complex rhythms and meters. Q2, Q3, and Q4 – continue reinforcing counting system relating to literature studied, encompassing varied rhythmic patterns, complex meters, and precision.
Standards: HIAD.12 a, d; HIAD.16 e-g
Unit 4: Music Literacy and Practical Skills--Pitch and Intonation
This unit will focus on the skills and technique required for accurate pitch and intonation. Q1 – review, describe, and demonstrate the tuning process. Demonstrate accurate intonation. Review the concepts of intonation adjustments and intonation tendencies of the instrument. Review concepts of advanced notation on the musical staff and application on the instrument. Q2 – refine intonation adjustments through a variety of strategies. Review pitch matching and adjusting within the ensemble. Refine and expand reading literacy through the literature studied. Q3 and Q4 – Continue to refine pitch matching and intonation skills through student identification of pitch/intonation problems within the ensemble. Continue to refine reading literacy through literature studied.
Standards: HIAD.12 a, c; HIAD.13 a; HIAD.14 b; HIAD.15 a; HIAD.16 b, c
Quarter 2
Unit 5; Practical Skills--Technique
This unit will focus on proper instrumental technique. Q1 – review proper posture and position. Review instrumental techniques as dictated by the literature being studied. Q2, Q3, and Q4 – introduce or review instrumental techniques as dictated by the literature being studied.
Standards: HIAD.12 g; HIAD.14.d; HIAD.15 c
Unit 6: Practical Skills--Scale and Scale Patterns
This unit will focus on scales. Q1 – Review key signature identification basics (order of sharps and flats). Review flat major scales. Review chromatic scale. Q2 – Review sharp major scales and chromatic scale. Identify key signatures applicable to the literature being studied. Q3 – Introduce minor scales. Review major scales as needed. Continue to refine chromatic scale. Identify key signatures applicable to the literature being studied. Q4 – Identify key signatures applicable to the literature being studied. Review or iintroduce remaining scales not covered during the year.
Standards: HIAD.13 a-c
Unit 7: Music Literacy and Practical Skills--Muscianship
This unit will focus on the elements required for musicianship. Q1 – understand and demonstrate matching dynamics and playing style as an ensemble. Demonstrate matching articulation styles throughout the ensemble. Q2, Q3, and Q4 – understand, identify, and demonstrate all dynamic, dynamic contrast, and articulation markings in literature being studied with a focus on expression, such as phrasing, in Q3 and Q4.
HIAD.12 a, f; HIAD.15 c; HIAD.16 d, e, h
Unit 8: Practical Skill--Ensemble Skill
This unit will focus on the ensemble concepts of balance and blend, matching dynamics, and style. Q1 – understand and demonstrate matching dynamics and playing style as an ensemble. Review blend within an ensemble. Q2 – continue to refine ensemble skills through blend, matching dynamics, and styles. Review balance within an ensemble. Q3 and Q4 – continue to refine ensemble skills through blend, matching dynamics, styles, and balance. Introduce or review the roles of conducting gestures (Q3). Demonstrate conducting gestures (Q4).
Standards: HIAD.16 a, d, e f
Unit 9: Audition Preparation
Students have the opportunity to audition for a variety of ensembles throughout the year. September – Regional Orchestra auditions (winds and percussion), November – All County auditions, December – All District, February – All Virginia (pending eligibility), ensemble placement auditions (determined school by school).
Standards: HIAD.13 a-c; HIAD.15 a-d
Unit 10: Ensemble Performance/Literature
Q1, Q2, and Q4 (see Unit 11 for more information about Q3) will focus on aspects of ensemble performance and literature selection and usage.
Standards: HIAD.2 a, b; HIAD.5 a-c; HIAD.6 a-c; HIAD.7; HIAD.15 a-d; HIAD.16 a-h
Quarter 3
Unit 11: District Assessment Performance
This unit will explore aspects of the District Assessment Performance process.
Standards: HIAD.2 a, b; HIAD.5 a-c; HIAD.6 a-c; HIAD.7; HIAD.15 a-d; HIAD.16 a-h
Unit: 12: Critical Thinking: Analyze, Interpret, and Evaluate
This unit will cover critical thinking skills along with personal student reflection using the District Assessment Rubric.
HIAD.3 a-c; HIAD.4 a, b
Unit 13: Composition and Form
This unit will explore aspects of composition and form. Throughout the year, students will connect musical form to selections being performed or studied. Often, after Assessment a composition project may be offered.
HIAD.1 a-e; HIAD.12 b, e
Quarter 4
Unit 14: Ethics and Careers
This unit guide is currently under construction and will be published on March 11, 2025.
Unit 10: Ensemble Performance/Literature
This unit guide is currently under construction and will be published on March 11, 2025.
High School Artist Band Pacing and Unit Guides
The standards for High School Band, Beginning Level enable students to begin receiving instruction on a wind or percussion instrument of their choice with guidance from the music teacher. Instruction may begin at any middle school grade level. Students identify parts of the instrument and demonstrate proper instrument care, playing posture, instrument positions, fingerings, embouchure (if applicable), and tone production. Students apply emerging music skills to create and notate original work. Music literacy skills are emphasized as students read, notate, and perform music. Students use critical thinking skills to respond to, describe, interpret, and evaluate works of music as performers and listeners. Students identify opportunities to engage with music beyond the classroom. Opportunities are provided for students to participate in local, district, and regional music events as appropriate to level, ability, and interest.
Quarter 1
Unit 1: Preparatory Procedures, Practice Techniques, and Rehearsal Etiquette
This unit covers preparatory instrumental basics and playing procedures, including reinforcing playing posture and position and developing proper tuning practices. In this unit, students will also develop their practice techniques, including setting goals and how to practice efficiently, and demonstrate proper rehearsal etiquette.
Standards: HIAR.14 a-d; HIAR.2 b; HIAR.5 b
Unit 2: Practical Skill--Tone and Tone Production
This unit focuses on proper instrumental techniques which contribute to characteristic tone. Q1, review diaphragmatic breathing, wind support, and characteristic tone. Develop appropriate embouchure and continue to refine voicing and vowel shapes. Continue to refine proper matched stick/mallet grip and proper striking area on instrument as well as the four basic stroke types. Q2, review the elements of characteristic tone through expanded ranges and registers. Q3 and Q4, continue to develop elements of characteristic tone through music literature being studied.
Standards: HIAR.15 b, d; HIAR.16 a
Unit 3: Music Literacy and Practical Skills--Rhythm and Pulse
This unit focuses on rhythm, pulse, and counting systems. Q1 – review desired counting system with basic and complex rhythms and meters. Q2, Q3, and Q4 – continue reinforcing counting system relating to literature studied, encompassing varied rhythmic patterns, complex meters, and precision.
Standards: HIAR.12 a, d; HIAR.16 d-f
Unit 4: Music Literacy and Practical Skills--Pitch and Intonation
This unit will focus on the skills and technique required for accurate pitch and intonation. Q1 – review, describe, and demonstrate the tuning process. Demonstrate accurate intonation. Review the concepts of intonation adjustments and intonation tendencies of the instrument. Review concepts of advanced notation on the musical staff and application on the instrument. Q2 – refine intonation adjustments through a variety of strategies. Review pitch matching and adjusting within the ensemble. Refine and expand reading literacy through the literature studied. Q3 and Q4 – Continue to refine pitch matching and intonation skills through student identification of pitch/intonation problems within the ensemble. Continue to refine reading literacy through literature studied.
Standards: HIAR.12 a, c; HIAR.13 a; HIAR.14 b; HIAR.15 a; HIAR.16 b
Quarter 2
Unit 5; Practical Skills--Technique
This unit will focus on proper instrumental technique. Q1 – review proper posture and position. Review instrumental techniques as dictated by the literature being studied. Q2, Q3, and Q4 – introduce or review instrumental techniques as dictated by the literature being studied.
Standards: HIAR.12 h; HIAR.14 d, e; HIAR.15 d
Unit 6: Practical Skills--Scale and Scale Patterns
This unit will focus on scales. Q1 – Review key signature identification basics (order of sharps and flats). Review flat major scales. Review chromatic scale. Q2 – Review sharp major scales and chromatic scale. Identify key signatures applicable to the literature being studied. Q3 – Introduce minor scales. Review major scales as needed. Continue to refine chromatic scale. Identify key signatures applicable to the literature being studied. Q4 – Identify key signatures applicable to the literature being studied. Review or introduce remaining scales not covered during the year. Add tonic arpeggios.
Standards: HIAR.13 a-c
Unit 7: Music Literacy and Practical Skills--Muscianship
This unit will focus on the elements required for musicianship. Q1 – understand and demonstrate matching dynamics and playing style as an ensemble. Demonstrate matching articulation styles throughout the ensemble. Q2, Q3, and Q4 – understand, identify, and demonstrate all dynamic, dynamic contrast, and articulation markings in literature being studied with a focus on expression, such as phrasing, in Q3 and Q4.
Standards: HIAR.12 a, e, f; HIAR.15 c; HIAR.16 c, d, g
Unit 8: Practical Skill--Ensemble Skill
This unit will focus on the ensemble concepts of balance and blend, matching dynamics, and style. Q1 – understand and demonstrate matching dynamics and playing style as an ensemble. Review blend within an ensemble. Q2 – continue to refine ensemble skills through blend, matching dynamics, and styles. Review balance within an ensemble. Q3 and Q4 – continue to refine ensemble skills through blend, matching dynamics, styles, and balance. Introduce or review the roles of conducting gestures (Q3). Demonstrate conducting gestures (Q4).
Standards: HIAR.16 a, c, d, e
Unit 9: Audition Preparation
Students have the opportunity to audition for a variety of ensembles throughout the year. September – Regional Orchestra auditions (winds and percussion), November – All County auditions, December – All District, February – All Virginia (pending eligibility), ensemble placement auditions (determined school by school).
Standards: HIAR.13 a-c,; HIAR.15 a-d
Unit 10: Ensemble Performance/Literature
Q1, Q2, and Q4 (see Unit 11 for more information about Q3) will focus on aspects of ensemble performance and literature selection and usage.
Standards: HIAR.2 a, b; HIAR.5 a-c; HIAR.6 a-c; HIAR.7; HIAR.15 a-d; HIAD.16 a-h
Quarter 3
Unit 11: District Assessment Performance
This unit will explore aspects of the District Assessment Performance process.
Standards: HIAR.2 a, b; HIAR.5 a-c; HIAR.6 a-c; HIAR.7; HIAR.15 a-d; HIAD.16 a-h
Unit: 12: Critical Thinking: Analyze, Interpret, and Evaluate
This unit will cover critical thinking skills along with personal student reflection using the District Assessment Rubric.
Standards: HIAR.3 a, b; HIAR.4 a, b
Unit 13: Composition and Form
This unit will explore aspects of composition and form. Throughout the year, students will connect musical form to selections being performed or studied. Often, after Assessment a composition project may be offered.
Standards: HIAR.1 a-d; HIAR.12 b, g
Quarter 4
Unit 14: Ethics and Careers
This unit guide is currently under construction and will be published on March 11, 2025.
Unit 10: Ensemble Performance/Literature
This unit guide is currently under construction and will be published on March 11, 2025.