Secondary Orchestra

Middle School Orchestra Curriculum


Middle School Intermediate Orchestra Pacing and Unit Guides

The standards for Middle School Orchestra, Beginning Level enable students to begin receiving instruction on a string instrument of their choice with guidance from the music teacher. Students identify parts of the instrument and demonstrate proper instrument care, playing posture, instrument positions, fingerings, embouchure (if applicable), and tone production. Students apply emerging music skills to create and notate original work. Music literacy skills are emphasized as students read, notate, and perform music. Students use critical thinking skills to respond to, describe, interpret, and evaluate works of music as performers and listeners. Students identify opportunities to engage with music beyond the classroom. Opportunities are provided for students to participate in local, district, and regional music events as appropriate to level, ability, and interest.

Quarter 1

Unit 1: Preparatory Playing Procedures: Selection, Parts, and Care of the Instrument

This unit focuses on demonstrating preparatory instrumental basics and playing procedures. This initial unit may start the first week of Orchestra Classes. Once students have made their instrument choice, basic instrument and case care should be taught prior to sending instruments home. This should include learning about parts of the instrument and the parts that students are not allowed to touch or adjust yet.  

Standards: MIB.14 a-c

Unit 2: Tuning

This unit introduces beginning orchestra students to tuning their instruments. Students will identify important parts of the instrument used for tuning, explore different tuning devices and visual aids, and begin to develop their aural skills for tuning. With practice, students will gain independence and confidence with this technique. 

Standards: MIB.14 e

Unit 3: Posture and Playing Position: Holding the Instrument, Left-Hand Position, Notes, and Intonations

This unit focuses on proper instrumental techniques in MIB.14 and MIB.15, to include proper playing position and placing fingers correctly on the fingerboard. In Quarter 1, the focus is on posture and playing position, and the introduction of notes on the D string. Quarter 2 will add notes on the A string (vln/va/c) and G string (bass), but will continue to focus on posture. Quarter 3 can add G string and a continuous review of posture. Quarter 4 should include an introduction to notes on the G, C & E strings, if not already introduced. 

Standards: MIB.14 d; MIB.15 a

Unit: Bowing, Tone, and Articulation

This unit introduces, refines, and builds upon right hand technique. Students learn proper pizzicato technique and bow hold. The students place the bow on the string, create and maintain a straight bow stroke to improve their tone quality. Finally, students build on their right hand skills to produce acceptable, tension-free, tone quality and to demonstrate basic articulations – staccato, legato, and two-note slurs.

MIB.15 c; MIB.15 e

Unit 5: Practice Techniques and Expectations

This unit addresses practice and goal setting for the beginning Strings student. Students learn how to set a musical goal and work toward it. They also identify quality practice methods, and they integrate these methods into their personal practice sessions. 

MIB.2 c

Quarter 2
Unit 6: Music Literacy: Rhythm

This unit focuses on developing rhythmic ability, in both reading and performing. In Q1, music terminology and quarter notes and rests are the focus. In Q2, additional music terminology will be added. In Q3, the remainder of the rhythms are added, except for dotted quarter which will be introduced in Q4.   

MIB.12 a-h

Unit 7: Music Literacy: Note Reading

This unit focuses on Note Reading for music literacy. Q1 introduces vocabulary, musical symbols, open string notes on the staff, and D string notes. Q2 adds notes on the A string for vln/va/c and G string notes for bass. Q3 introduces naturals and Q4 adds notes on the other strings.   

Standards: MIB.12 a-h

Unit 8: Musicianship and Ensemble Skills

This unit focuses on EI.16 - musicianship and ensemble skills. This unit can be incorporated throughout the year in class and during concerts. Through this standard, students will begin to incorporate timbre, blend, balance, dynamic contrast, internal rhythmic pulse, and articulations into their musical performance to increase their musicality and expression. They will also improve their aural skills to build strong intonation on their instrument. Students will learn to follow a conductor, preparing for future performing ensembles.   

Standards: MIB.16 a-g

Unit 9: Scales

This unit introduces the D, G, and C Major scales and explores half steps and whole steps. It also introduces the concept of minor scales. 

Standards: MIB.13 a-c

Unit 10: Performance, Ensemble Skills, and Critique

This unit explains concerts in Orchestra. Students are expected to perform in three concerts per year, as per the PWCS Strategic Plan. They must learn how to use aural skills to provide a quality performance. As they grow into intermediate level musicians, it is important that they learn how to follow a conductor – demonstrating the ability to recognize basic gestures for expression, articulation, and rest/playing position. They may not have had prior experience as a performer or audience member in an orchestral setting, and they will need to learn proper etiquette for rehearsal and performances (as a musician or audience member). Finally, students will demonstrate knowledge of the functions of music – expressive, communicative, ceremonial, entertainment – through practice and performance of a wide variety of beginner literature. 

Standards: MIB.5 a-c; MIB.7

Quarter 3

Unit 11: Musical Course Preparation

Students will gain knowledge about the various elective options available to them, understand the skills and benefits associated with being in the orchestra, and make choices that align with their interests and goals. This unit plan aims to empower students to make informed choices about their elective options while highlighting the valuable skills gained through orchestra participation.  

Standards: MIB.9

Unit 12: College and Career Readiness

The unit explores careers in music at an introductory level. Higher level curriculums will go more in-depth into the topic. 

Standards: MIB.9

Unit 13: Composition and Improvisation

Students will identify, examine, and apply steps of a creative process. They will apply these skills and begin to compose and improvise music at a beginning level. 

Standards: MIB.1 a-c; MIB a-b

Unit 14: Technology and Intellectual Property

This unit covers the eighth and tenth Standards of Learning – intellectual property, culture, and technology. Students will learn about copyright and intellectual property, and they will apply it to music as a musician and as a consumer. Students will also learn about and identify ways in which culture and technology influence the development of music and musical styles. 

Standards: MIB.8; MIB.10

Quarter 4

Unit 15: Cultural/Cross-Curricular/Historical Connections

This unit will be available on March 11, 2025.

Unit 16: Critical Thinking and Analysis

This unit will be available on March 11, 2025


Middle School Intermediate Orchestra Pacing and Unit Guides

The standards for Middle School Orchestra, Intermediate Level enable students to continue to develop basic musicianship and music literacy. Students examine inquiry-based questions related to music as part of a creative process. Students increase individual technical skills while developing their understanding of the collaborative skills required to create and refine music for ensemble performance. Music literacy skills are emphasized as students read, notate, sight-read, and perform music. Students respond to, describe, interpret, and evaluate music as performers and listeners, and experience music from a variety of cultural influences, styles, composers, and historical periods. Students compare and contrast career options in music and examine the relationship of instrumental music to the other fine arts. Opportunities are provided for students to participate in local, district, and regional music events as appropriate to level, ability, and interest.

Quarter 1

Unit 1: Preparatory Playing Procedures: Care, Maintenance and Playing Position

This Unit focuses on demonstrating preparatory instrumental basics and playing procedures. This initial unit may start the first week of Orchestra Classes. Once students have their instrument, basic instrument and case care should be taught prior to sending instruments home. This should include learning about parts of the instrument and the parts that students are not allowed to touch or adjust yet. 

Standards: MII.14 a

Unit 2: Tuning

This unit introduces beginning orchestra students to tuning their instruments. Students will identify important parts of the instrument used for tuning, explore different tuning devices and visual aids, and begin to develop their aural skills for tuning. With practice, students will gain independence and confidence with this technique. 

Standards: MII.14 c

Unit 3: Posture and Playing Position: Adjust Intonation

This Unit focuses on proper instrumental techniques in MII.14 and MII.15, to include proper playing position and placing fingers correctly on the fingerboard. In Q1, the focus is on posture and playing position and the review of finger patterns on all open strings. This should also focus on adjusting intonation and matching the ensemble. Q2 will add new left-hand patterns of low 1 (violin/viola), backward extension (cello), and ½ position (bass). Q3 can add high 3 (violin/viola) and 4th finger extension (cello). Q4 should include review of all strings, finger patterns, intonation adjustments, and continuous review of posture throughout the entire school year. 

Standards: MII.14 b; MII.15 a

Unit: Bowing, Tone, and Articulation

This Unit focuses on proper instrumental techniques in MII.15, to include proper bow hold, placement, articulation, and tone. In Q1, the focus will be on reviewing legato, staccato, 2 note slurs, hooked bowing, and accents. Q1 will also focus on creating good tone and maintaining a proper bow hold. Q2 will focus on introducing new bowings- multiple note slurs, slurred staccato, and sforzando. Q3 and Q4 should use music that uses these skills. Throughout the year, there should be review and refinement of the bow hold and these skills. 

Standards: MII.15 b, d

Unit 5: Practice Techniques and Expectations

This unit addresses practice and goal setting for the continuing Strings student. Students learn how to set a musical goal and work toward it. They also identify quality practice methods, and they integrate these methods into their personal practice sessions. 

Standards: MII.2 c

Quarter 2
Unit 6: Music Literacy: Rhythm

This unit focuses on developing rhythmic ability, in both reading and performing. In Q1, review of quarter, half, whole, eighth, dotted quarter, and dotted half notes and rests will be done with reading of the music and playing of the instrument. Q1 will also introduce sixteenth notes and dotted eighth notes. Q2 will introduce the concept of cut time (2/2 meter). In Q3, syncopation, 6/8 meter, and triplet eighth notes will be introduced. Q4 should review all new conceptts that were learned throughout the year.  

Standards: MII.12 a-e

Unit 7: Music Literacy: Note Reading

This unit focuses on Note Reading for music literacy. Q1 will review note reading of all strings, especially of C and E string reading, and it will review sharp vs. Natural note reading. Students should also learn how to read key signatures for C, G, and D Major. In Q2, students will learn about flats and learn to read in subsequent key signatures. In Q4, students should learn how to read minor a, e, g and d minor key signatures.  

Standards: MII.12 a, c, f, g, h

Unit 8: Musicianship and Ensemble Skills

This unit focuses on MII.16 - musicianship and ensemble skills. This unit can be incorporated throughout the year in class and during concerts. Through this standard, students will begin to incorporate timbre, blend, balance, dynamic contrast, internal rhythmic pulse, and articulations into their musical performance to increase their musicality and expression. They will also improve their aural skills to build strong intonation on their instrument. Students will learn to follow a conductor, preparing for future performing ensembles. 

Standards: MII.16 a-g

Unit 9: Scales

This unit focuses on scales, which is one of the most important and fundamental skills of learning an instrument. Q1 will introduce 2 octave G Major for violins and 2 octave C major for cellos and violas (basses will repeat their 1 octave). Q2 will introduce and review Bb and F Major. Q3 will introduce A major and will introduce minor scales (a, e, g, and d). 

Standards: MII.13 a, b

Unit 10: Performance, Ensemble Skills, and Critique

This unit explains concerts in Middle School Orchestra. Students are expected to perform in three concerts per year, as per the PWCS Strategic Plan. They must learn how to use aural skills to provide a quality performance. As they grow into intermediate level musicians, it is important that they learn how to follow a conductor – demonstrating the ability to recognize basic gestures for expression, articulation, and rest/playing position. They may not have had prior experience as a performer or audience member in an orchestral setting, and they will need to learn proper etiquette for rehearsal and performances (as a musician or audience member). Finally, students will demonstrate knowledge of the functions of music – expressive, communicative, ceremonial, entertainment – through practice and performance of a wide variety of beginner literature. 

Standards: MII.5 a-c; MII.7

Quarter 3

Unit 11: Musical Course Preparation

In this unit students will gain knowledge about the various elective options available to them, understand the skills and benefits associated with being in the orchestra, and make choices that align with their interests and goals. This unit aims to empower students to make informed choices about their elective options while highlighting the valuable skills gained through orchestra participation. 

Standards: MII.9

Unit 12: College and Career Readiness

This unit explores careers in music and can be connected to 7th grade curriculum in “Career Investigations.” 

Standards: MII.9

Unit 13: Composition and Improvisation

In this unit, students will learn how to contribute to the creative process of music through composition and improvisation. They will learn how to create rhythmic and melodic variations to music they have learned. They will also learn how to improvise and create their own melodies.   

Standards: MII.1 a-c; MII.2 a, b

Unit 14: Technology and Intellectual Property

This unit covers the eighth and tenth Standards of Learning – intellectual property, culture, and technology. Students will learn about copyright and intellectual property, and they will apply it to music as a musician and as a consumer. Students will also learn about and identify ways in which culture and technology influence the development of music and musical styles.  

Standards: MII.8; MII.10

Quarter 4

Unit 15: Cultural/Cross-Curricular/Historical Connections

This unit will be available on March 11, 2025.

Unit 16: Critical Thinking and Analysis

This unit will be available on March 11, 2025.


Middle School Advanced Orchestra Pacing and Unit Guides

The standards for Middle School Orchestra, Advanced Level enable students to advance technical and expressive skills. Students develop individual solutions to creative challenges through independent research, investigation, and inquiry of music ideas and concepts. Students extend their knowledge of instrument-specific techniques while expanding their vocabulary of scales, arpeggios, and rudiments in more complex rhythmic patterns. Ensemble skills become more developed as students participate and collaborate with others to create and recreate music. Music literacy and performance skills are emphasized through performing and sight-reading progressively challenging literature. Students investigate connections between music skills and college, career, and workplace skills and investigate current and emerging technology in music. Opportunities are provided for students to participate in local, district, regional, and state events as appropriate to level, ability, and interest.

Quarter 1

Unit 1: Preparatory Playing Procedures: Care, Maintenance and Playing Position

This Unit focuses on demonstrating preparatory instrumental basics and playing procedures. This initial unit may start the first week of Orchestra Classes. Once students have their instrument, basic instrument and case care should be taught prior to sending instruments home. This should include learning about parts of the instrument and the parts that students are not allowed to touch or adjust yet. 

Standards: MIAD.14 a

Unit 2: Tuning

This unit introduces advanced orchestra students to tuning their instruments. Students will identify important parts of the instrument  

used for tuning, explore different tuning devices and visual aids, and begin to develop their aural skills for tuning so that they do not need a device to tune. With practice, students will gain independence and confidence with this technique. They will learn to use their fine tuners and pegs.  

Standards: MIAD.14 c

Unit 3: Posture and Playing Position: Adjust Intonation

This unit focuses on proper instrumental techniques in MIAD.14 and MIAD.15, to include proper playing position and placing fingers correctly on the fingerboard. In Q1, the focus is on posture and playing position and the review of finger patterns. This should also focus on adjusting intonation and matching the ensemble. Q1 will also introduce the concept of shifting to 3rd position for violin and violas and 4th position for cellos. Q2 and Q3 will continue to review and build upon the skill of shifting. Q4 should include review of all strings, finger patterns, intonation adjustments, and continuous review of posture throughout the entire school year . 

Standards: MIAD.14 b; MIAD.15 a

Unit 4: Bowing, Tone, and Articulation

This unit focuses on proper instrumental techniques in MIAD.15, to include proper bow hold, placement, articulation, and tone. In Q1, the focus will be on reviewing legato, staccato, slurs, slurred staccato, and types of accents. Q1 will also focus on creating good tone and maintaining a proper bow hold. Q2 will introducing new bowings- brush stroke and tremolo. Q3 and Q4 should use music that uses these skills. Throughout the year, there should be review and refinement of the bow hold and these skills. 

Standards: MIAD.15b; MIAD.5 d

Unit 5: Practice Techniques and Expectations

This unit addresses practice and goal setting for the continuing Strings student. Students learn how to set a musical goal and work toward it. They also identify quality practice methods, and they integrate these methods into their personal practice sessions. 

Standards: MIAD.2 c

Quarter 2
Unit 6: Music Literacy: Rhythm

This unit focuses on developing rhythmic ability, in both reading and performing. In Q1, review of rhythms taught in their intermediate course. Q3 will introduce the rhythm of quarter note triplets. It will also introduce compound and asymmetrical meters. Q4 will continue review of meters and rhythms.  

MIAD.12 a, d, e, g, h, i

Unit 7: Music Literacy: Note Reading

This unit focuses on Note Reading for music literacy. Q1 will introduce the concept of shifting and reading notes higher on the E string for violins (up to D6), A string for viola and cello (up to G5- Violas/up to G4 cellos), and higher notes on the G string for bass (up to F4). Throughout the school year, these concepts should be reviewed, along with the flats, sharps, and naturals. 

Standards: MIAD.12 a, c, f, g, h

Unit 8: Musicianship and Ensemble Skills

This unit focuses on MIAD.16 - musicianship and ensemble skills. This unit can be incorporated throughout the year in class and during concerts. Through this standard, students will begin to incorporate timbre, blend, balance, dynamic contrast, internal rhythmic pulse, and articulations into their musical performance to increase their musicality and expression. They will also improve their aural skills to build strong intonation on their instrument. Students will learn to follow a conductor, preparing for future performances. 

Standards: MIAD.16 a-g

Unit 9: Scales

This unit focuses on scales, which is one of the most important and fundamental skills of learning an instrument. Q1 will review 1 octave G, D, C, F, Bb Major scales and a, e, g, and d minor scales. Q1 will introduce 2 octave G ,C, D major scales that involve shifting into III position for violins and violas and IV position for cellos. Q2 will introduce b minor scales. Continued review is need of these scales in Q3 and Q4.  

Standards: MIAD.13 b

Unit 10: Performance, Ensemble Skills, and Critique

This unit explains concerts in Middle School Orchestra. Students are expected to perform in three concerts per year, as per the PWCS Strategic Plan. Not only that, but it is also a requirement to take at least one ensemble to District Assessment. They must learn how to use aural skills to provide a quality performance. As they grow into advanced level musicians, it is important that they learn how to follow a conductor – demonstrating the ability to recognize basic gestures for expression, articulation, and rest/playing position. They may not have had prior experience as a performer or audience member in an orchestral setting, and they will need to learn proper etiquette for rehearsal and performances (as a musician or audience member). Finally, students will demonstrate knowledge of the functions of music – expressive, communicative, ceremonial, entertainment – through practice and performance of a wide variety of beginner literature. 

MIAD.5 a-c; MIAD.7

Quarter 3

Unit 11: Musical Course Preparation

Students will gain knowledge about the various elective options available to them, understand the skills and benefits associated with being in the orchestra, and make choices that align with their interests and goals. This unit plan aims to empower students to make informed choices about their elective options while highlighting the valuable skills gained through orchestra participation. 

Standards: MIAD.9

Unit 12: College and Career Readiness

This unit explores careers in music and can be connected with high school course requests to help with college preparedness.  

Standards: MIAD.9

Unit 13: Composition and Improvisation

In this unit, students will learn how to contribute to the creative process of music through composition and improvisation. They will learn how to create rhythmic and melodic variations to music they have learned. They will also learn how to improvise and create their own melodies. 

Standards: MIAD.1 a-c; MIAD.2 a, b

Unit 14: Technology and Intellectual Property

This unit covers the eighth and tenth Standards of Learning – intellectual property, culture, and technology. Students will learn about copyright and intellectual property, and they will apply it to music as a musician and as a consumer. Students will also learn about and identify ways in which culture and technology influence the development of music and musical styles.   

Standards: MIAD.8; MIAD.10

Quarter 4

Unit 15: Cultural/Cross-Curricular/Historical Connections

This unit will be available on March 11, 2025.

Unit 16: Critical Thinking and Analysis

This unit will be available on March 11, 2025.

High School Orchestra Curriculum


Quarter 1

Unit 1: Preparatory Procedures, Practice Techniques, and Rehearsal Etiquette

This unit covers introducing and developing preparatory instrumental basics and playing procedures. This unit begins with instrument selection and basic instrument care. This should include learning about parts of the instrument and the parts that students should not touch or adjust yet. In this unit, students will also learn practice techniques, including setting goals and how to practice efficiently, and proper rehearsal etiquette. 

Standards: HIB.14 a-d; HIB.2 c; HIB.5 b

Unit 2: Practical Skill: Tone and Tone Production

This unit focuses on proper instrumental techniques which contribute to characteristic tone. Q1 focuses on forming a proper bow hold and pizzicato technique while performing with characteristic beginning tone and timbre. Q2 focuses on developing a more mature characteristic tone through the exploration of bow placement, weight, angle, and speed. Q3 and Q4 should study literature that uses these skills. Throughout the year, there should be review and refinement of the bow hold and these skills. 

Standards: HIB.15 a, c, e; HIB.16 a, b

Unit 3: Music Literacy and Practical Skills: Rhythm and Pulse

This unit focuses on rhythm, pulse, and counting systems. In Q1, the focus is on establishing understanding of steady beat and pulse and basic rhythmic values (whole, half, quarter) with a consistent counting system in 4/4 and common time. In Q2, introduce additional rhythmic values (8th, dotted half, dotted quarter) as well as additional meters (3/4 and 2/4). Q3, introduce syncopations. Q4, introduce new meter (6/8). Q3 and Q4, continue to reinforce counting and counting systems. 

Standards: HIB.12, a, d, e; HIB.16 e, f

Unit 4: Music Literacy and Practical Skills: Pitch and Intonation

This unit will focus on the skills and technique required for accurate pitch and intonation. Q1 – Introduce basic elements of note reading and notes on the D string. Students will use tapes, tuners, and aural skills to place fingers in tune while maintaining proper left hand and arm position. Q2 - Introduce notes on the A string (G string III position for bass). Identify accurate intonation through examples and introduce the concept of left-hand intonation adjustments. Q3 - Introduce C-natural, F-natural, B-flat, and G string notes (A and E strings for bass). Refine left-hand intonation adjustments through a variety of strategies. Introduce pitch matching and adjusting with drones. Q4 - Introduce C string (va/vc) and E string (vln) notes. Continue to refine pitch matching, intonation, and reading literacy through the literature being studied. 

Standards: HIB.12 a, c; HIB.13 a, b; HIB.15 b; HIB.16 c

Quarter 2

Unit 5: Practical Skill: Technique

This unit will focus on proper instrumental technique. Q1 – introduce proper posture, positionon, left hand position, and bow hold. Introduce legato and détaché bow strokes. Q2 - Introduce staccato and two-note slurs. Reinforce proper posture and position. Q3, Q4 - Introduce or review instrumental techniques required as dictated by literaturere being studied. Reinforce proper posture and position.  

Standards: HIB.12 h, i; HIB.14 d; HIB.15 e

Unit 6: Practical Skill: Scale and Scale Patterns

This unit will focus on scales. Q2 - 1 octave D and G Major scales. Identify key signatures applicable to literature being studied. Q3 - 1 octave C Major and D harmonic minor scales. Identify key signatures applicable to literature being studied. Q4 - 1 octave F Major scale. Identify key signatures applicable to literature being studied. 

Standards: HIB.13 a, b, d

Unit 7: Music Literacy and Practical Skill: Musicianship

This unit will focus on the elements required for musicianship. Q1 – introduce basic dynamics. Q2 Understand, identify, and demonstrate all dynamic markings and basic articulation markings in literature being studied. Q3, and Q4 – understand, identify, and demonstrate all dynamic and articulation markings in literature being studied with a focus on expression. 

Standards: HIB 12 a, g, h; HIB.16 d, e, g

Unit 8: Practical Skill: Ensemble Skill

This unit will focus on the ensemble concepts of balance and blend, matching dynamics, and style. Beginning in Q2 – Introducee matching dynamics as an ensemble. Q3 – Introduce blend and balance within an ensemble. Refine ensemble skills through blend, balance, and matching dynamics and articulations. Q4 – Ccontinue to refine ensemble skills through blend, matching dynamics, styles, and balance within an ensemble. 

HIB.16 b, d, e

Quarter 3

Unit 10: Critical Thinking: Analyze, Interpret, and Evaluate

This unit covers critical thinking skills and personal student reflection. Students will evaluate their performances using a rubric in preparation for concerts throughout the school year. Students will also evaluate and analyze works of music and performances using accepted criteria and explore and justify their own musical preferences. 

Standards: HIB.3 a-e; HIB.4 a, b

Unit 11: Composition and Form

This unit will explore aspects of composition and form. Throughout the year, students will connect musical form to selections being performed or studied. Often, a composition project may be offered at the end of the year. 

Standards: HIB.1 a-c; HIB.12 b, f; 

Quarter 4

Unit 12: Ethics and Careers

This unit will be available on March 11, 2025.

Unit 9: Ensemble Performance/Literature

This unit will be available on March 11, 2025.


Quarter 1

Unit 1: Preparatory Procedures, Practice Techniques, and Rehearsal Etiquette

This unit covers preparatory instrumental basics and playing procedures, including reinforcing playing posture and position and developing proper tuning practices. In this unit, students will also develop their practice techniques, including setting goals and how to practice efficiently, and demonstrate proper rehearsal etiquette. 

Standards: HII.14 a-d; HII.2 b; HII.5 b

Unit 2: Practical Skill: Tone and Tone Production

This unit focuses on proper instrumental techniques which contribute to characteristic tone. Q1, review proper bow placement, weight, angle, speed, and usage. Q2, review the elements of characteristic tone through expanded ranges and registers. Q3 and Q4, continue to develop elements of characteristic tone through music literature being studied. 

Standards: HII.15 b, d; HII.16 a

Unit 3: Music Literacy and Practical Skills: Rhythm and Pulse

This unit focuses on rhythm, pulse, and counting systems. Q1 – review counting systems with basic rhythms as well as introduce or review 16th notes and corresponding rests. Ssimple meters (2/4, ¾, 4/4) will be reviewed as well as expanding understanding through 5/4 and 6/4. Q2 – introduce dotted 8th notes in conjunction with 16th note patterns and corresponding rests. Cut time introduced. Q3 – introduce quarter note triplets. Review 6/8 meter while adding 3/8 and 5/8. Q4 – introduce half note triplets. 

Standards: HII.12 a, d, e; HII.16 d, e

Unit 4: Music Literacy and Practical Skills: Pitch and Intonation

This unit will focus on the skills and technique required for accurate pitch and intonation. Q1 – introduce or review tuning with a tuner. Identify aaccurate intonation through examples and introduce the concept of left-hand intonation adjustments. Introduce or review concepts of note reading. Q2 – introduce pitch matching and adjusting with drones. Q3 – introduce a variety of finger patterns. Refine and expand reading literacy through literature being studied. Q4 – continue to refine pitch matching, intonation, and reading literacy through the literatureure being studied. 

Standards: HII.12 a, c; HII.13 a; HII.14 c; HII.15 a; HII.16 b

Quarter 2

Unit 5: Practical Skill: Technique

This unit will focus on proper instrumental technique. Q1 – review proper posture and position. Introduce instrumental techniques as dictated by the literature being studied. Q2, Q3, Q4 – introduceuce or review instrumental techniques as dictated by the literature being studied. Introduce additional articulations, rudimentary vibrato technique, and shifting to III/IV positions.  

Standards: HII.12 h, i; HII.14 d; HII.15 d

Unit 6; Practical Skill: Scale and Scale Patterns

This unit will focus on scales. Q1 – understand key signature identification basics (order of sharps and flats). Review 2 octave C, G, and D major scales and A minor scale. Q2 – introduce 2 octave A major, and E and B minor scales. Identify key signatures applicable to the literature being studied. Q3 – Introduce 2 octave F, Bb, and Eb major scales. Identify key signatures applicable to the literature being studied. Q4 – Identify key signatures applicable to the literature being studied. Review scales as needed. 

Standards: HII.13 a, c

Unit 7: Music Literacy and Practical Skill: Musicianship

This unit will focus on the elements required for musicianship. Q1 – understand and demonstrate matching dynamics and playing style as an individual. Demonstrate matching articulation styles throughout the ensemble. Q2, Q3, and Q4 – understand, identify, and demonstrate all dynamic and articulation markings in literature being studiesed with a focus on expression, such as phrasing. 

Standards: HII.12 a, g, h; HII.16 c, d, f

Unit 8: Practical Skill: Ensemble Skills

This unit will focus on the ensemble concepts of balance and blend, matching dynamics, and style. Beginning in Q2 – understand and demonstrate matching dynamics and playing style as an ensemble. Introduce or review blend within an ensemble. Introduce the roles of conducting gestures. Q3 – continue to refine ensemble skills through blend, matching dynamics, and styles. Introduce or review balance within an ensemble. Q4 – continue to refine ensemble skills through blend, matching dynamics, styles, and balance within an ensemble. 

Standards: HII.16 a, c, d

Unit 9: Audition Preparation

Students have the opportunity to audition for a variety of ensembles throughout the year. 

Standards: HII.13 a, c; HII.15 a, b, d

Quarter 3

Unit 11: District Assessment Performance

This unit will explore aspects of the District Assessment Performance process.

Standards: HII.2 a, b; HII.5 a-c; HII.6 a-c; HII.7; HII.15 a, b; HII.16 a-f

Unit 12: Critical Thinking: Analyze, Interpret, and Evaluate

This unit covers critical thinking skills and personal student reflection. Students will evaluate their performances using a rubric in preparation for concerts throughout the school year. Students will also evaluate and analyze works of music and performances using accepted criteria and explore and justify their own musical preferences. 

Standards: HII.3 a-d; HII.4 a-b

Unit 13: Composition and Form

This unit will explore aspects of composition and form. Throughout the year, students will connect musical form to selections being performed or studied. Often, after Assessment a composition project may be offered. 

Standards: HII.1 a-c; HII.12 b, f

Quarter 4

Unit 14: Ethics and Careers

This unit will be available on March 11, 2025.

Unit 10: Ensemble Performance/Literature

Q1, Q2, and Q4 (see Unit 11 for more information about Q3) will focus on aspects of ensemble performance and literature selection and usage. 

Standards: HII.2 a, b; HII.5 a-c; HII.6 a-c; HII.7; HII.15 a, b, d; HII.16 a-f


Quarter 1

Unit 1: Preparatory Procedures, Practice Techniques, and Rehearsal Etiquette

This unit covers preparatory instrumental basics and playing procedures, including reinforcing playing posture and position and developing proper tuning practices. In this unit, students will also develop their practice techniques, including setting goals and how to practice efficiently, and demonstrate proper rehearsal etiquette. 

Standards: HIAD.14 a-d; HIAD.2 b; HIAD.5 b

Unit 2: Practical Skill: Tone and Tone Production

This unit focuses on proper instrumental techniques which contribute to characteristic tone. Q1, review proper bow placement, weight, angle, speed, and usage. Expand students’ understanding and ability to describe tone and tone production. Q2, review the elements of characteristic tone through expanded ranges and registers. Q3 and Q4, continue to develop elements of characteristic tone through music literature being studied. 

Standards: HIAD.15 b, d; HIAD.16 a

Unit 3: Music Literacy and Practical Skills: Rhythm and Pulse

This unit focuses on rhythm, pulse, and counting systems. Q1 – review desired counting system with basic and complex rhythms and meters. Q2, Q3, and Q4 – continue reinforcing counting system relating to literature studied, encompassing varied rhythmic patterns, complex meters, and precision. 

Standards: HIAD.12 a, d; HIAD.16 e-g

Unit 4: Music Literacy and Practical Skills: Pitch and Intonation

This unit will focus on the skills and technique required for accurate pitch and intonation. Q1 – review, describe, and demonstrate the tuning process; demonstrate accurate intonation; review the concept of left-hand intonation adjustments; review concepts of advanced notation on the musical staff and application on the instrument. Q2 – refine left-hand intonation adjustments through a variety of strategies, review pitch matching and adjusting within the ensemble; refine and expand reading literacy through the literature studied. Q3 and Q4 – Continue to refine pitch matching and intonation skills through student identification of pitch/intonation problems within the ensemble; continue to refine reading literacy through literature studied. 

Standards: HIAD.12 a, c; HIAD.13 a; HIAD.14 b; HIAD.15 a; HIAD.16 b, c

Quarter 2

Unit 5: Practical Skill: Technique

This unit will focus on proper instrumental technique. Q1 – review proper posture and position; review instrumental techniques as dictated by the literature being studied. Q2, Q3, and Q4 – introduce or review instrumental techniques as dictated by the literature being studied; rdefine articulation and vibrato, and introduce shifting to upper positions. 

Standards: HIAD.12 g; HIAD.14 d; HIAD.15 c

Unit 6; Practical Skill: Scale and Scale Patterns

This unit will focus on scales. Q1 – Review key signature identification basics (order of sharps and flats); review 2-octave C, G, and D major scales, and A and E minor scales. Q2 – Review 2-octave A, F, Bb, and Eb major and B minor scales; iidentify key signatures applicable to the literature being studied. Q3 – Introduce 2-octave E, B, and F# major and D minor scales; iidentify key signatures applicable to the literature being studied. Q4 – Identify key signatures applicable to the literature being studied; iintroduce remaining sscales not covered during the year. 

Standards: HIAD.13 a, b

Unit 7: Music Literacy and Practical Skill: Musicianship

This unit will focus on the elements required for musicianship. Q1 – understand and demonstrate matching dynamics and playing style as an ensemble. Demonstrate matching articulation styles throughout the ensemble. Q2, Q3, and Q4 – understand, identify, and demonstrate all dynamic, dynamic contrast, and articulation markings in literature being studied with a focus on expression, such as phrasing. 

Standards: HIAD.12 a, f; HIAD.15 c; HIAD.16 d, e, h

Unit 8: Practical Skill: Ensemble Skills

This unit will focus on the ensemble concepts of balance and blend, matching dynamics, and style. Q1 – understand and demonstrate matching dynamics and playing style as an ensemble. Review blend within an ensemble. Q2 – continue to refine ensemble skills through blend, matching dynamics, and styles. Review balance within an ensemble. Q3 and Q4 – continue to refine ensemble skills through blend, matching dynamics, styles, and balance. Q3- introduce or review the roles of conducting gestures. Q4 - demonstrate conducting gestures. 

Standards: HIAD.16 a, d, e, f

Unit 9: Audition Preparation

Students have the opportunity to audition for a variety of ensembles throughout the year.

Standards: HIAD.13 a, b; HIAD.15 a-d

Quarter 3

Unit 11: District Assessment Performance

This unit will explore aspects of the District Assessment Performance process. 

Standards: HIAD.2 a, b; HIAD.5 a-c; HIAD.6 a-c; HIAD.7; HIAD.15 a-d; HIAD.16 a-h

Unit 12: Critical Thinking: Analyze, Interpret, and Evaluate

This unit covers critical thinking skills and personal student reflection. Students will evaluate their performances using a rubric in preparation for concerts throughout the school year. Students will also evaluate and analyze works of music and performances using accepted criteria and explore and justify their own musical preferences. 

Standards: HIAD.3 a-c; HIAD.4 a, b

Unit 13: Composition and Form

This unit will explore aspects of composition and form. Throughout the year, students will connect musical form to selections being performed or studied. Often, after Assessment a composition project may be offered. 

Standards: HIAD.1 a-e; HIAD.12 b, e

Quarter 4

Unit 14: Ethics and Careers

This unit will be available on March 11, 2025.

Unit 10: Ensemble Performance/Literature

This unit will be available on March 11, 2025.


Quarter 1

Unit 1: Preparatory Procedures, Practice Techniques, and Rehearsal Etiquette

This unit covers preparatory instrumental basics and playing procedures, including reinforcing playing posture and position and developing proper tuning practices. In this unit, students will also develop their practice techniques, including setting goals and how to practice efficiently, and demonstrate proper rehearsal etiquette. 

Standards: HIAR.14 a-d; HIAR.2 d; HIAR.5 b

Unit 2: Practical Skill: Tone and Tone Production

This unit focuses on proper instrumental techniques which contribute to characteristic tone.  Q1, review proper bow placement, weight, angle, speed, and usage. Expand students’ understanding and ability to describe tone and tone production.  Q2, review the elements of characteristic tone through expanded ranges and registers.  Q3 and Q4, continue to develop elements of characteristic tone through music literature being studied. 

Standards: HIAR.15 b, d; HIAR.16 a

Unit 3: Music Literacy and Practical Skills: Rhythm and Pulse

This unit focuses on rhythm, pulse, and counting systems. Q1 – review desired counting system with basic and complex rhythms and meters. Q2, Q3, and Q4 – continue reinforcing counting system relating to literature studied, encompassing varied rhythmic patterns, complex meters, and precision. 

Standards: HIAR.12 a, d; HIAR.16 d-f

Unit 4: Music Literacy and Practical Skills: Pitch and Intonation

This unit will focus on the skills and technique required for accurate pitch and intonation. Q1 – review, describe, and demonstrate the tuning process; demonstrate accurate intonation; review the concept of left-hand intonation adjustments; review concepts of advanced notation on the musical staff and application on the instrument. Q2 – refine left-hand intonation adjustments through a variety of strategies; review pitch matching and adjusting within the ensemble, refine and expand reading literacy through the literature studied. Q3 and Q4 – Continue to refine pitch matching and intonation skills through student identification of pitch/intonation problems within the ensemble; continue to refine reading literacy through literature studied.

Standards: HIAR.12 a, c; HIAR.13 a; HIAR.14 b; HIAR.15 a; HIAR.16 b

Quarter 2

Unit 5: Practical Skill: Technique

This unit will focus on proper instrumental technique. Q1 – review proper posture and position. Review instrumental techniques as dictated by the literature being studied. Q2, Q3, and Q4 – introduce or review instrumental techniques as dictated by the literature being studied; rdefine articulation, vibrato, and shifting technique. 

Standards: HIAR.12 h; HIAR.14 d; HIAR.15 d

Unit 6; Practical Skill: Scale and Scale Patterns

This unit will focus on scales. Q1 – Review key signature identification basics (order of sharps and flats); review previously learned 2-octave scales and tonic arpeggios. Q2 – Introduce 2-octave C-sharp, F-sharp, B, and E Major scales and D-sharp, G-sharp, C-sharp, and F-sharp minor scales and tonic arpeggios; iidentify key signatures applicable to the literature being studied. Q3 – Introduce A-flat, D-flat, and G-flat Major scales and C, F, and B-flat minor scales; iidentify key signatures applicable to the literature being studied. Q4 – Identify key signatures applicable to the literature being studied. 

Standards: HIAR.13 a, b

Unit 7: Music Literacy and Practical Skill: Musicianship

This unit will focus on the elements required for musicianship. Q1 – understand and demonstrate matching dynamics and playing style as an ensemble; demonstrate matching articulation styles throughout the ensemble. Q2, Q3, and Q4 – understand, identify, and demonstrate all dynamic, dynamic contrast, and articulation markings in literature being studied with a focus on expression, such as phrasing and various tempos. 

Standards: HIAR.12 a, e, f; HIAR.15 c; HIAR.16 c, d, g

Unit 8: Practical Skill: Ensemble Skills

This unit will focus on the ensemble concepts of balance and blend, matching dynamics, and style. Q1 – understand and demonstrate matching dynamics and playing style as an ensemble. Review blend within an ensemble. Q2 – continue to refine ensemble skills through blend, matching dynamics, and styles. Review balance within an ensemble. Q3 and Q4 – continue to refine ensemble skills through blend, matching dynamics, styles, and balance. Introduce or review the roles of conducting gestures (Q3). Demonstrate conducting gestures (Q4). 

Standards: HIAR.16 a, c, d, e

Unit 9: Audition Preparation

Students have the opportunity to audition for a variety of ensembles throughout the year.

Standards: HIAR.13 a, b; HIAR.15 a-d

Quarter 3

Unit 11: District Assessment Performance

This unit will explore aspects of the District Assessment Performance process. 

Standards: HIAR.2 a-b; HIAR.5 a-c; HIAR.6 a-c; HIAR.7; HIAR.15 a-d; HIAR.16 a-g

Unit 12: Critical Thinking: Analyze, Interpret, and Evaluate

This unit covers critical thinking skills and personal student reflection. Students will evaluate their performances using a rubric in preparation for concerts throughout the school year. Students will also evaluate and analyze works of music and performances using accepted criteria and explore and justify their own musical preferences. 

Standards: HIAR.3 a, b; HIAR.4 a, b

Unit 13: Composition and Form

This unit will explore aspects of composition and form. Throughout the year, students will connect musical form to selections being performed or studied. Often, after Assessment a composition project may be offered. 

Standards: HIAR.1 a-d; HIAR.12 b, g

Quarter 4

Unit 14: Ethics and Careers

This unit will be available on March 11, 2025.

Unit 10: Ensemble Performance/Literature

This unit will be available on March 11, 2025.