High School Photography

High School Photography 

Photography I

Quarter 1

Unit 1: What is Photography

This unit aims to introduce photography as an art form and help students acclimate to the classroom culture. Students will create and implement a file management system and digital portfolio. The students will also review the Elements of Art and Principles of Design.

Standards: AII.6 b, c; AII.7; AII.2 b

Unit 2: Rules of Composition and Abstract Photography

In this unit, students will learn the basic rules of composition and the concept of Abstract Art as they apply to photography. Students will also review how to talk about art and the critique process. 

Standards: AII.4; AII.13

Unit 3: History of Photography and the Exposure Triangle

In this unit students will gain a foundational understanding of photography by exploring its historical development and mastering the fundamental concept of the exposure triangle. Students will continue to study the history of photography throughout the years.

Standards: AII.5; AII.15

Quarter 2

Unit 4: Career Exploration and Stock Photography

In this unit, students will gain insight into photography career paths while developing commercially valuable skills.

Standards: AII.9; AII.10; AII.16

Unit 5: Introduction to Portrait Photography

In this unit, students will gain a foundation in portrait photography by learning basic posing techniques and exploring the impact of lighting on creating compelling portraits.

Standards: AII.1 a; AII.3 b, c; AII.11

Unit 6: Candid Intentional Photography

In this unit, students will explore the art of capturing candid yet intentional photographs. They will learn how to combine observational skills and composition techniques to create compelling images of the world around us.

Standards: AII.14

Quarter 3

Unit 7: Life in Color

In this unit students will gain a deeper understanding of color theory and psychology and develop skills in working with limited color palettes through practical challenges. Students will also select and prepare work for the Arts Festival. 

Standards: AII.2 c; AII.12

Unit 8: Sequence

In this unit, students will explore various sequencing methods to create photographs that visually narrate a story, capture movement, or evoke a specific emotion. 

Standards: AII.3

Quarter 4

Unit 9: Conceptual Photography

This unit will be available on March 11, 2025.

Unit 10: Portfolio Review and Reflection

Photography II

High School Photography II Pacing and Curriculum

Quarter 1

Unit 1: Welcome to Photo 2

This unit aims to help students acclimate to the classroom culture, activate prior knowledge, create and implement a file management system and their digital portfolios.

Standards: AIII.1; AIII.2 c

Unit 2: Advanced Rules of Composition

In this unit, students will review the basic rules of composition from photo 1 and be introduced to the Advanced Rules of Composition. Students will also review and continue practicing talking about and critiquing art and photography

Standards: AIII.2 a, b; AIII.14

Unit 3: History of Photography and the Exposure Triangle

In this unit students will gain a foundational understanding of photography by exploring its historical development and mastering the fundamental concept of the exposure triangle. Students will continue to study the history of photography throughout the years.

Standards: AII.5; AII.15

Quarter 2

Unit 4: Career Exploration and Stock Photography

In this unit, students will gain insight into photography career paths while developing commercially valuable skills.

Standards: AII.9; AII.10; AII.16

Unit 5: Introduction to Portrait Photography

In this unit, students will gain a foundation in portrait photography by learning basic posing techniques and exploring the impact of lighting on creating compelling portraits.

Standards: AII.1 a; AII.3 b, c; AII.11

Unit 6: Candid Intentional Photography

In this unit, students will explore the art of capturing candid yet intentional photographs. They will learn how to combine observational skills and composition techniques to create compelling images of the world around us.

Standards: AII.14

Quarter 3

Unit 7: Cinematic Photography

In this unit, students will explore the influence of cinema on photography and create photo series that evoke a narrative flow. Building heavily on content from the second semester of Photography 1, this unit synthesizes everything students have learned so far, enabling them to produce cinematic style photographs that tell compelling stories. 

Standards: AIII.6; AIII.10; AIII.12

Unit 8: Raising your Voice--Visual Communication and Literacy

In this unit, students will explore the power of photojournalism to amplify their voices and advocate for causes they care about. They will learn to combine impactful text with their images to create visually compelling tools for advocacy, enhancing their ability to communicate powerful messages through photography. 

Standards: AIII.3; AIII.7

Quarter 4

Unit 9: Career Exploration: Real Estate and Architectural Photography

This unit will be available on March 11, 2025. 

Unit 10: Portfolio Review and Reflection

This unit will be available on March 11, 2025.