Middle School Choral
Middle School Beginning Choral Music
The standards for Middle School Choral Music, Beginning Level enable students to obtain musical knowledge and skills in the choral setting. Students begin to develop choral skills, including singing in unison and two-part harmony, with emphasis on vocal production and technique. They learn to read, write, and notate music using basic music theory concepts and perform music from a variety of music styles, composers, cultural influences, and historical periods. Students identify the steps of a creative process and apply emerging music skills to create and notate original work. Students examine career options in music and identify the relationship of choral music to other fine arts. Opportunities are provided for students to participate in local and district music events as appropriate to level, ability, and interest.
Quarter 1
Unit 1: Vocal Technique
This unit introduces the basic concepts of vocal technique. This involves vocal anatomy, vocal health, body alignment, and vocal agility and range exercises to prepare the students to be healthy and successful singers throughout the year.
Standards: MCB.14 a-g
Unit 2: Music Literacy--Choral Score, Note Reading, Unison Music
In this unit, students will begin to learn how to read a choral octavo. They will learn how to follow their voice part and identify parts of the staff. By the end of the unit students should feel comfortable navigating an octavo for whatever literature you are working on in class. Students should also begin learning to mark their scores. This can be as simple as highlighting their line and can scaffold up to marking dynamics, tempos, tricky spots, etc.
Standards: MCB.12 a-e
Unit 3: Solfege and Sight Reading
This unit will be introducing the concept of Sight Reading to students. This should be an ongoing unit throughout the year and shouldld be revisited at least once per quarter for around 2 weeks. Students will learn to sing on solfege syllables and should be comfortable reading solfege “Do, Re, Mi, Fa, Sol” as well as echoing all solfege syllables.
Standards: MCB.12 a-e; MCB.13 a-d
Unit 4: Concert Literature
Students will be preparing concert music to perform at Fall, Winter, and Spring Concerts.
Standards: MCB.3 a-d; MCB.4 a, b; MCB.5 a-c
Quarter 2
Unit 5: Music Literacy--Tempo, Rhythm
Students will be learning the basics of reading rhythms and understanding tempo. This should be an ongoing unit throughout the year and should be revisited at least once per quarter for around 2 weeks. This Unit should be worked through alongside of the solfege and sight-reading unit. By the end of the unit, students should be familiar with quarter notes/rests, paired eighth notes, half note/rest, whole note/rest, and dotted half notes.
Standards: MCB.15 a-f
Unit 6: Music Literacy--Dynamics, Phrasing
In this unit, students will learn the skills that help bring the music off the page. Students will be learning about dynamics and phrasing, how to identify them in their music, and how to respond to conducting gestures that show this information.
Standards: MCB.15 a-f
Unit 7: Creative Process
This unit will introduce students to the idea of creating their own music using concepts they are already familiar with. By this time in the school year, students should be familiar with rhythmic sight reading. They can now start creating their own examples to further their understanding of the topic.
Standards: MCB.1 a-c; MCB.2 a, b; MCB.16
Unit 8: Music History and Culture
In this unit, students will start to explore other facets of music through the study of famous composers, both past and current, classical and more modern. They will get to research the composers, finding out more about their life, their music, and other parts of theirr careers that made them the large influences on music that they are today. This unit can be completed twice. Once in the second quarter with some past (more classical) composers, and once closer to the end of the year with some more modern composers.
Standards: MCB.6 a, b; MCB.7; MCB.11
Quarter 3
Unit 9: District Assessment Performance
Students will be preparing for District Assessment. It is recommended to hold a Pre-Assessment concert to prepare them for the event.
Standards: MCB.5 a-c; MCB.14 a, d, e, f; MCB.15 a-f
Unit 10: Analysis and Interpretation
Students will be learning how to properly listen to music through the lens of giving appropriate and constructive feedback. This skill will help students start to listen more closely not only to other performances, but their own as well and start to use these skills to improve their own performances.
Standards: MCB.3 a-d; MCB.4 a, b
Quarter 4
Unit 11: Ethics and Careers
This unit guide is currently under construction and will be published on March 11, 2025.
Unit 12: Final Performance
This unit guide is currently under construction and will be published on March 11, 2025.
Unit 13: Preparing for Auditions
This unit guide is currently under construction and will be published on March 11, 2025.
Middle School Intermediate Choral Music
The standards for Middle School Choral Music, Intermediate Level enable students to build upon the skills and knowledge acquired at the beginning level. Students continue the development of vocal production techniques, ensemble etiquette, and basic music theory concepts. Opportunities are provided for students to explore choral music as a means of expression and communication. Students apply steps of a creative process to refine ideas and skills in a variety of contexts in choral music. They explore and perform music from a variety of musical styles, composers, cultural influences, and historical periods. Students compare and contrast career options in music and examine the relationship of choral music to the other fine arts. Through the collaborative environment of the choral setting, students develop an understanding of teamwork and leadership skills. Opportunities are provided for students to participate in local, district, and regional music events as appropriate to level, ability, and interest.
Quarter 1
Unit 1: Vocal Technique
This unit introduces the concepts of vocal technique. This involves vocal anatomy, vocal health, body alignment, and vocal agility and range exercises to prepare the students to be healthy and successful singers throughout the year.
Standards: MCI.14 a-i
Unit 2: Music Literacy--Note Names, Multi-part Music
In this unit, students will continue to learn how to read a choral octavo. They will learn how to follow their voice part and identify parts of the staff. By the end of the unit students should feel comfortable navigating an octavo for whatever literature you are working on in class. Students should also begin learning to mark their scores. This can be as simple as highlighting their line and can scaffold up to marking dynamics, tempos, tricky spots, etc.
Standards: MCI.12 a-f
Unit 3: Solfege and Sight Reading
This unit will be introducing the concept of Sight Reading to students. This should be an ongoing unit throughout the year and should be revisited at least once per quarter for around 2 to 3 weeks. Students will learn to sing on solfege syllables and should be comfortable reading solfege “Do, Re, Mi, Fa, Sol, La as well as echoing all solfege syllables.
Standards: MCI.12 a-f; MCI.13 a-d
Unit 4: Concert Literature
Students will be preparing concert music to perform at Fall, Winter, and Spring Concerts.
Standards: MCI.3 a-c; MCI.4 a, b; MCI.5 a-c
Quarter 2
Unit 5: Music Literacy--Tempo, Rhythm
Students will be learning the basics of reading rhythms and understanding tempo. This should be an ongoing unit throughout the year and should be revisited at least once per quarter for around 2 weeks. This Unit should be worked through alongside of the solfege and sight-reading unit. By the end of the unit, students should be familiar with flagged vs. paired 8th notes, 16th notes, and 8th rests. Remember to take time to review some of the concepts from last year.
Standards MCI.15 a, b
Unit 6: Music Literacy--Dynamics, Phrasing
In this unit, students will learn the skills that help bring the music off the page. Students will be learning about dynamics and phrasing, how to identify them in their music, and how to respond to conducting gestures that show this information. Be sure to review concepts from the previous year before moving to new concepts.
Standards: MCI.15 a-f
Unit 7: Creative Process
This unit will introduce students to the idea of creating their own music using concepts they are already familiar with. By this time in the school year, students should be familiar with rhythmic sight reading. They can now start creating their own examples to further their understanding of the topic.
Standards: MCI.1 a-c; MCI.2 a-c; MCI.16
Unit 8: Music History and Culture
In this unit, students will start to explore other facets of music through the study of famous composers, both past and current, classical and more modern. They will get to research the composers, finding out more about their life, their music, and other parts of their careers that made them the large influences on music that they are today. This unit can be completed twice. Once in the second quarter with some past (more classical) composers, and once closer to the end of the year with some more modern composers.
Standards: MCI.6 a, b; MCI.7; MCI.11
Quarter 3
Unit 9: State Music Performance Assessment
Students will be preparing for District Assessment. It is recommended to hold a Pre-Assessment concert to prepare them for the event.
Standards: MCI.5 a-c; MCI.14 a, d, e, f, g, h
Unit 10: Analysis and Interpretation
Students will be learning how to properly listen to music through the lens of giving appropriate and constructive feedback. This skill will help students start to listen more closely not only to other performances, but their own as well and start to use these skills to improve their own performances.
Standards: MCI.3 a-c; MCI.4 a, b
Quarter 4
Unit 11: Ethics and Careers
This unit guide is currently under construction and will be published on March 11, 2025.
Unit 12: Final Performance
This unit guide is currently under construction and will be published on March 11, 2025.
Unit 13: Preparing for Auditions
This unit guide is currently under construction and will be published on March 11, 2025.
Middle School Advanced Choral Music
The standards for Middle School Choral Music, Advanced Level enable students to build upon the skills and knowledge acquired at the intermediate level. As students perform choral works and develop sight-reading skills, they expand their performance abilities and creativity. Through the collaborative environment of the choral setting, students demonstrate teamwork and display leadership skills. Students apply steps of a creative process to identify and examine inquiry-based questions related to choral music. They explore and perform music from a variety of musical styles, composers, cultural influences, and historical periods. Students investigate connections between music skills and college, career, and workplace skills and analyze cross-disciplinary connections with music. Opportunities are provided for students to participate in local, district, regional, and state events as appropriate to level, ability, and interest.
Quarter 1
Unit 1: Vocal Technique
This unit reinforces the concepts of vocal technique. This involves vocal anatomy, vocal health, body alignment, and vocal agility and range exercises to prepare the students to be healthy and successful singers throughout the year.
Standards: MCAD.14 a-i
Unit 2: Music Literacy--Note Names, Identify Key Signature, Multi-part Music
In this unit, students will continue to learn how to read a choral octavo. They will learn how to follow their voice part and identify parts of the staff. By the end of the unit students should feel comfortable navigating an octavo for whatever literature you are working on in class. Students should also begin learning to mark their scores. This can be as simple as highlighting their line and can scaffold up to marking dynamics, tempos, tricky spots, etc.
Standards: MCAD.12 a-g
Unit 3: Solfege and Sight Reading
This unit will continue teaching the concept of Sight Reading to students. This should be an ongoing unit throughout the year and should be revisited at least once per quarter for around 2 to 3 weeks. Students will learn to sing on solfege syllables and should be comfortable reading solfege ( full major scale, low ti, arpeggio skips) as well as echoing all solfege syllables.
Standards: MCAD.12 a-g; MCAD.13 a-f
Unit 4: Concert Literature
Students will be preparing concert music to perform at Fall, Winter, and Spring Concerts.
Standards: MCAD.3 a-d; MCAD.4 a, b; MCAD.5 a-c
Quarter 2
Unit 5: Music Literacy--Compound Meter, Time Signatures, Dotted Rhythms
Students will continue reading more advanced rhythms and understanding tempo. This should be an ongoing unit throughout the year and should be revisited at least once per quarter for around 2 weeks. This Unit should be worked through alongside of the solfege and sight-reading unit. By the end of the unit, students should be familiar with flagged vs. paired 8th notes, 16th notes, and 8th rests and triplets. Remember to take time to review some of the concepts from last year.
Standards: MCAD.15 a, b
Unit 6: Music Literacy--Dynamics, Phrasing, Respond to Conducting Gestures
In this unit, students will learn the skills that help bring the music off the page. Students will be learning about dynamics and phrasing, how to identify them in their music, and how to respond to conducting gestures that show this information. Be sure to review concepts from the previous year before moving to new concepts.
Standards: MCAD.15 a-f
Unit 7: Creative Process
This unit will introduce students to the idea of creating their own music using concepts they are already familiar with. By this time in the school year, students should be familiar with rhythmic sight reading. They can now start creating their own examples to further their understanding of the topic.
Standards: MCAD.1 a-c; MCAD.2 a-c; MCAD.16 a, b
Unit 8: Music History and Culture
In this unit, students will start to explore other facets of music through the study of famous composers, both past and current, classical and more modern. They will get to research the composers, finding out more about their life, their music, and other parts of their careers that made them the large influences on music that they are today. This unit can be completed twice. Once in the second quarter with some past (more classical) composers, and once closer to the end of the year with some more modern composers.
Standards: MCAD.6 a, b; MCAD.7; MCAD.11
Quarter 3
Unit 9: State Music Performance Assessment
Students will be preparing for District Assessment. It is recommended to hold a Pre-Assessment concert to prepare them for the event.
Standards: MCAD.5 a-c
Unit 10: Analysis and Interpretation
Students will be learning how to properly listen to music through the lens of giving appropriate and constructive feedback. This skill will help students start to listen more closely not only to other performances, but their own as well and start to use these skills to improve their own performances.
Standards: MCAD.3 a-d; MCAD.4 a, b
Quarter 4
Unit 11: Ethics and Careers
This unit guide is currently under construction and will be published on March 11, 2025.
Unit 12: Final Performance and Solo Singing
This unit guide is currently under construction and will be published on March 11, 2025.
Unit 13: HS Music Course Preparation
This unit guide is currently under construction and will be published on March 11, 2025.
High School Choral
High School Beginning Choral Music
The standards for High School Choral Music, Beginning Level enable students to obtain musical knowledge and skills in a choral setting. Students learn to read, write, and notate music using basic music theory concepts and perform music from a variety of music styles, composers, cultural influences, and historical periods. They begin to develop choral skills, including singing in unison and two-part harmony, with emphasis on vocal production techniques and ensemble performance. Students apply emerging music skills to create and notate original work. Students explore choral music as a means of expression and communication and examine opportunities for engaging in music beyond the classroom. Through the collaborative environment of the choral setting, students develop an understanding of teamwork and leadership skills and develop an understanding of appropriate etiquette as a performer and as an audience member. Opportunities are provided for students to participate in local, district, and regional music events as appropriate to level, ability, and interest.
Quarter 1
Unit 1: Vocal Technique
This unit introduces the basic concepts of vocal technique. This involves vocal anatomy, vocal health, body alignment, and vocal agility and range exercises to prepare the students to be healthy and successful singers throughout the year.
Standards: HCB.14 a, b, c, d
Unit 2: Music Literacy: Tempo and Rhythm
This unit focuses on the part of music literacy that involves singing and reading the rhythms of sight-reading exercises and concert music.
Standards: HCB.12 b, f, i
Unit 3: Music Literacy: Pitch and Solfege
This unit focuses on the part of music literacy that involves reading a vocalizing the correct pitches of written music notation. This form of literacy, linked with Unit 2, is the essential foundation for music literacy.
Standards: HCB.12 e; HCB.13 a, b
Unit 5: Audition Preparation
This unit is a yearlong endeavor to prepare students for various honor choirs that happen at the county and state level.
Standards: HCB.14 h
Unit 6: Ensemble Performance and Literature
This unit is for all concert performances throughout the school year. These performance opportunities vary from school to school and ensemble to ensemble. Usually, concerts occur each marking period. (October, December, March, May). Q1 – Fall Concert; Q2 – Winter Concert; Q3 – Pre-Assessment and State Music Performance Assessment; Q4 – Spring Concert
Standards: HCB.3 a, b, c, d, e; HBC.4 a, b, c; HCB.5 a, b, c
Quarter 2
Unit 4: Music Literacy: Expressive Elements
This unit focuses on the part of music literacy that involves singing, reading, and understanding markings in the music for dynamics, articulation, and navigation in their concert music and sight-reading exercises.
Standards: HCB.15 a
Unit 5: Audition Preparation
This unit is a yearlong endeavor to prepare students for various honor choirs that happen at the county and state level.
Standards: HCB.14 h
Unit 6: Ensemble Performance and Literature
This unit is for all concert performances throughout the school year. These performance opportunities vary from school to school and ensemble to ensemble. Usually, concerts occur each marking period. (October, December, March, May). Q1 – Fall Concert; Q2 – Winter Concert; Q3 – Pre-Assessment and State Music Performance Assessment; Q4 – Spring Concert
Standards: HCB.3 a, b, c, d, e; HBC.4 a, b, c; HCB.5 a, b, c
Quarter 3
Unit 7: State Music Performance Assessment
This unit is for all concert performances throughout the school year. These performance opportunities vary from school to school and ensemble to ensemble.
Standards: HCB.3 a-e; HCB.4 a-c; MCB.5 a-c
Unit 8: Analysis, Interpretation, and Criticism
This unit focuses on developing students' skills in analyzing, interpreting, and critiquing choral music. Students will explore various styles of choral music, understand the social, cultural, and historical contexts of works, and apply accepted criteria for evaluating and critiquing performances. Additionally, students will formulate and justify personal responses to music, using appropriate music terminology.
Standards: HCB.3 a-d; HCB.4 a-c
Quarter 4
Unit 9: Ethics and Careers
This unit guide is currently under construction and will be published on March 11, 2025.
Unit 5: Audition Preparation
This unit is a yearlong endeavor to prepare students for various honor choirs that happen at the county and state level.
Standards: HCB.14 h
Unit 6: Ensemble Performance and Literature
This unit is for all concert performances throughout the school year. These performance opportunities vary from school to school and ensemble to ensemble.
Standards: HCB.3 a, b, c, d, e; HBC.4 a, b, c; HCB.5 a, b, c
High School Intermediate Choral Music
The standards for High School Choral Music, Intermediate Level enable students to build upon the skills and knowledge acquired at the beginning level. Students continue the development of vocal production techniques and ensemble participation, and perform music from a variety of music styles, composers, cultural influences, and historical periods. Students continue to develop and refine personal choral music ideas. Students explore choral music as a means of expression and communication. Through the collaborative environment of the choral setting, students develop an understanding of teamwork and leadership skills and develop an understanding of appropriate etiquette as a performer and as an audience member. Students compare and contrast career options in music and make cross-curricular connections to explore how music works together with other disciplines to develop innovative solutions to problems. Opportunities are provided for students to participate in local, district, and regional music events as appropriate to level, ability, and interest.
Quarter 1
Unit 1: Vocal Technique
This unit reinforces the basic concepts of vocal technique. This involves vocal anatomy, vocal health, body alignment, and vocal agility and range exercises to prepare the students to be healthy and successful singers throughout the year.
Standards: HCI.14 a, b, c, e
Unit 2: Music Literacy: Tempo and Rhythm
This unit focuses on the part of music literacy that involves singing and reading the rhythms of sight-reading exercises and concert music.
Standards: HCI.12 b, f
Unit 3: Music Literacy: Pitch and Solfege
This unit focuses on the part of music literacy that involves reading a vocalizing the correct pitches of written music notation. This form of literacy, linked with Unit 2, are the essential foundation for music literacy.
Standards: HCI.12 d; HCI.13 a, d
Unit 5: Audition Preparation
This unit is a yearlong endeavor to prepare students for various honor choirs that happen at the county and state level.
Standards: HCI.14 i
Unit 6: Ensemble Performance and Literature
This unit is for all concert performances throughout the school year. These performance opportunities vary from school to school and ensemble to ensemble. Usually, concerts occur each marking period. (October, December, March, May). Q1 – Fall Concert; Q2 – Winter Concert; Q3 – Pre-Assessment and State Music Performance Assessment *See Unit 7; Q4 – Spring Concert
Quarter 2
Unit 4: Music Literacy: Expressive Elements
This unit focuses on the part of music literacy that involves singing, reading, and understanding markings in the music for dynamics, articulation, and navigation in their concert music and sight-reading exercises.
Standards: HCI.15 a
Unit 5: Audition Preparation
This unit is a yearlong endeavor to prepare students for various honor choirs that happen at the county and state level.
Standards: HCI.14 i
Unit 6: Ensemble Performance and Literature
This unit is for all concert performances throughout the school year. These performance opportunities vary from school to school and ensemble to ensemble.
Standards: HCI.3 a-d; HCI.4 a, b; HCI.5 a-c
Quarter 3
Unit 7: State Music Performance Assessment
This unit is for all concert performances throughout the school year. These performance opportunities vary from school to school and ensemble to ensemble.
Standards: HCI.3 a-d; HCI.4 a, b; HCI.5 a-c
Unit 8: Analysis, Interpretation, and Criticism
This unit focuses on developing students' skills in analyzing, interpreting, and critiquing choral music. Students will explore various styles of choral music, understand the social, cultural, and historical contexts of works, and apply accepted criteria for evaluating and critiquing performances. Additionally, students will formulate and justify personal responses to music, using appropriate music terminology.
Standards: HCI.3 a-d; HCI.4 a, b
Quarter 4
Unit 9: Ethics and Careers
This unit guide is currently under construction and will be published on March 11, 2025.
Unit 5: Audition Preparation
This unit is a yearlong endeavor to prepare students for various honor choirs that happen at the county and state level.
Standards: HCI.14 i
High School Advanced Choral Music
The standards for High School Choral Music, Advanced Level enable students to build upon the skills and knowledge acquired at the intermediate level. As students perform choral works and sight-read music, they expand their performance abilities and creativity. Students continue to use a creative process to develop, compose, and refine personal choral music ideas, and to document research, inquiry, and analysis of a focused choral music topic of personal interest. Through the collaborative environment of the choral setting, students develop an understanding of teamwork and leadership skills. Students research career options in music and the variety of careers that involve skills learned in music. They investigate cross-disciplinary connections to identify how music works with other disciplines to develop innovative solutions to inquiry-based problems. Opportunities are provided for students to participate in local, district, regional, and state events as appropriate to level, ability, and interest.
Quarter 1
Unit 1: Vocal Technique
This unit reinforces concepts of vocal technique. This involves vocal anatomy, vocal health, body alignment, and vocal agility and range exercises to prepare the students to be healthy and successful singers throughout the year as they navigate more advanced repertoire with a higher vocal demand.
Standards: HCAD.14 a, c, e, h
Unit 2: Music Literacy: Tempo and Rhythm
This unit focuses on the part of music literacy that involves singing and reading the rhythms of sight-reading exercises and concert music.
Standards: HCAD.12 b, f
Unit 3: Music Literacy: Pitch and Solfege
This unit focuses on the part of music literacy that involves reading a vocalizing the correct pitches of written music notation. This form of literacy, linked with Unit 2, are the essential foundation for music literacy.
Standards: HCAD.12 d; HCAD.13 a, c
Unit 5: Audition Preparation
This unit is a yearlong endeavor to prepare students for various honor choirs that happen at the county and state level. Students who are interested in pursuing music at the collegiate level should begin researching and preparing for college/university auditions.
Standards: HCAD.14 j
Unit 6: Ensemble Performance and Literature
This unit is for all concert performances throughout the school year. These performance opportunities vary from school to school and ensemble to ensemble.
Standards: HCAD.3 a-d; HCAD.4 a, b; HCAD.5 a-d
Quarter 2
Unit 4: Music Literacy: Expressive Elements
This unit focuses on the part of music literacy that involves singing, reading, and understanding markings in the music for dynamics, articulation, and navigation in their concert music and sight-reading exercises.
Standards: HCAD.15 a
Quarter 3
Unit 7: State Music Performance Assessment
This unit is for all concert performances throughout the school year. These performance opportunities vary from school to school and ensemble to ensemble.
Standards: HCAD.3 a-d; HCAD.4 a, b; HCAD.5 a-d
Unit 8: Analysis, Interpretation, and Criticism
This unit focuses on developing students' skills in analyzing, interpreting, and critiquing choral music. Students will explore various styles of choral music, understand the social, cultural, and historical contexts of works, and apply accepted criteria for evaluating and critiquing performances. Additionally, students will formulate and justify personal responses to music, using appropriate music terminology.
Standards: HCAD.3 a-d; HCAD.4 a, b
Quarter 4
Unit 9: Ethics and Careers
This unit guide is currently under construction and will be published on March 11, 2025.
Unit 5 Audition Preparations
This unit guide is currently under construction and will be published on March 11, 2025.
Unit 6: Ensemble Performance and LIterature
This unit guide is currently under construction and will be published on March 11, 2025.
High School Artist Choral Music
The standards for High School Choral Music, Artist Level enable students to refine advanced technical and expressive skills in individual and ensemble performance. Through a mature level of musicianship, students demonstrate musical elements of greater complexity and perform music from a variety of cultural influences, composers, historical periods, styles, and genres. In-depth experience in solo and/or ensemble singing and the use of foreign languages assist in preparing the student for future musical and vocal development. Students use critical thinking skills to critique personal performance as well as the performance of others. The understanding of a creative process is realized as students document growth, skill development, and learning in the development of an individual musical repertoire that includes documentation of a creative process as well as final products. Students communicate the role of music in a variety of contexts using critique, interpretation, and evaluation, and explore the innovations of the art form for the next generation. Increasing awareness of the interrelation among music, the other fine arts, and other disciplines is emphasized. Students investigate career pathways in music and analyze how music works together with other disciplines to develop innovative solutions to problems. Opportunities are provided for students to participate in local, district, regional, state, and national events.
Quarter 1
Unit 1: Vocal Technique
This unit reinforces concepts of vocal technique. This involves vocal anatomy, vocal health, body alignment, and vocal agility and range exercises to prepare the students to be healthy and successful singers throughout the year as they navigate more advanced repertoire with a higher vocal demand.
Standards: HCAR.14 a, b, c, h
Unit 2: Music Literacy: Tempo and Rhythm
This unit focuses on the part of music literacy that involves singing and reading the rhythms of sight-reading exercises and concert music.
Standards: HCAR.12 b, g
Unit 3: Music Literacy: Pitch and Solfege
This unit focuses on the part of music literacy that involves reading a vocalizing the correct pitches of written music notation. This form of literacy, linked with Unit 2, are the essential foundation for music literacy.
Standards: HCAR.12 d; HCAR.13 a, b
Unit 5: Audition Preparation
This unit is a yearlong endeavor to prepare students for various honor choirs that happen at the county and state level. Students who are interested in pursuing music at the collegiate level should begin researching and preparing for college/university auditions.
Standards: HCAR.14 i
Unit 6: Ensemble Performance and Literature
This unit is for all concert performances throughout the school year. These performance opportunities vary from school to school and ensemble to ensemble.
Standards: HCAR.3 a, b; HCAR.4 a, b; HCAR.5 a, b, c, d
Quarter 2
Unit 4: Music Literacy: Expressive Elements
This unit focuses on the part of music literacy that involves singing, reading, and understanding markings in the music for dynamics, articulation, and navigation in their concert music and sight-reading exercises.
Standards: HCAR.15 a
Quarter 3
Unit 7: State Music Performance Assessment
This unit is for all concert performances throughout the school year. These performance opportunities vary from school to school and ensemble to ensemble.
Standards: HCAR.3 a, b; HCAR.4 a, b; HCAR.5 a-d
Unit 8: Analysis, Interpretation, and Criticism
This unit focuses on developing students' skills in analyzing, interpreting, and critiquing choral music. Students will explore various styles of choral music, understand the social, cultural, and historical contexts of works, and apply accepted criteria for evaluating and critiquing performances. Additionally, students will formulate and justify personal responses to music, using appropriate music terminology.
Standards: HCAR.3 a, b; HCAR.4 a, b
Quarter 4
Unit 9: Ethics and Careers
This unit guide is currently under construction and will be published on March 11, 2025.