Elementary School Family Life Education
The elementary family life education program is taught by classroom teachers in grades four and five and counselors in kindergarten through grade five.
Human Growth/Development and Reproduction
Grades four and five classroom teachers deliver instruction on Human Growth/Development and Reproduction. Students learn the maturational process, including changes that occur during puberty and processes related to reproduction. Students view age-appropriate videos and participate in lessons that teach these concepts in meaningful ways. Students begin to examine the influence of media on behavior and attitudes and how gender stereotypes are perpetuated in society, including the message that careers are gender specific. Emphasis is on the importance of terminology used to describe career roles (e.g., gender specific to gender neutral: "police officer" versus "policeman;" "server" or "wait staff" versus "waitress" or "waiter").
Social and Emotional Health
Elementary counselors are responsible for teaching Social and Emotional Health (family relationships, body safety, and child abuse prevention) to students in kindergarten through grade five. In the early elementary years students are taught that their body belongs to them and they have the right to say "no" to any touch they perceive as uncomfortable or unsafe. Students are introduced to types of abuse and where to seek help if needed. An important message is delivered: abuse is never a child's fault.
Kindergarten - Grade Five Family Life Education at a Glance
The Parent Information Letter/Opt-Out Request Form, Grade Level Objectives, and Instructional Scope and Sequence and Pacing are located in grade level folders. Learn more about Family Life Education at each grade by clicking on the tabs below.
Family Life Education Objectives
Parent Letter and Opt-Out Request Form
- Parent Letter and Opt-Out Request Form (PDF)
- Parent Letter and Opt-Out Request Form - Arabic (PDF)
- Parent Letter and Opt-Out Request Form - Chinese (PDF)
- Parent Letter and Opt-Out Request Form - Farsi (PDF)
- Parent Letter and Opt-Out Request Form - Korean (PDF)
- Parent Letter and Opt-Out Request Form - Pashto (PDF)
- Parent Letter and Opt-Out Request Form - Spanish (PDF)
- Parent Letter and Opt-Out Request Form - Urdu (PDF)
- Parent Letter and Opt-Out Request Form - Vietnamese (PDF)