Elementary School

Elementary Health and Physical Education Curriculum

In grades K-5, students build knowledge and foundational skills in movement; space awareness; fitness planning; individual, team, and lifetime sports; dance, rhythm, educational gymnastics; and the benefits of balancing physical activity and nutritional decisions (energy balance). 

Virginia Department of Education 2022 Physical Education Standards of Learning (SOLS) 


Kindergarten Physical Education Pacing and Unit Guides

Participating in a variety of movement experiences to develop fundamental movement patterns is the primary focus of the kindergarten physical education curriculum. While children at this level vary in development across all movement skills, they should demonstrate continuous improvement in movement under very simple conditions. While developing fundamental skill patterns, students begin to learn key movement concepts that help them perform in a variety of educational games, dances, and gymnastics. Students are introduced to a few critical elements (i.e., small, isolated parts of the whole skill or movement). They learn how their bodies react to vigorous physical activity. Students learn to use safe practices, cooperate with and respect others, and follow classroom rules. Experiences in physical education help them develop a positive attitude for leading a healthy, active lifestyle.

Kindergarten/ Physical Education students in Prince William County Public Schools will learn the Physical Education Standards of Learning set by the Virginia Department of Education.  Students will experience the following units in this course: 

Quarter 1

Unit 1: Expectation & Routines / Cooperative Games  

In this unit, the students will apply safety rules and routines in the physical education setting that will be used throughout the year. The students will use cooperative skills during activities to build relationships with their peers. 

Standards Covered:  K.4.a, K.4.b 

Unit 2: Movement

In this unit, students will demonstrate a variety of movement concepts and spatial awareness that will be used within and outside of the physical education setting. Students will learn the difference between locomotor skills (walking, jogging, running, hopping, galloping, and jumping); movement patterns (forwards, sideways, side-to-side); pathways (straight, curve, zig zag); and speed (fast, slow, and moderate).  

Standards Covered:  K.1.a, K.1.c, K.1.e, K.1.f, K.2.c

Unit 3: Throwing and Catching 

In this unit, the students will learn how to underhand toss, catch, and roll a ball towards a target. Students will also explain that fruits and vegetables are needed to keep the body moving. 

Standards Covered: K.1.h, K.5.b

Quarter 2

Unit 4: Education Gymnastics

In this unit, students will demonstrate a variety of movement concepts needed within and outside of the physical education setting requiring balancing, moving at different levels, and rolling. 

Standards Covered: K.1.b, K.1.d, K.1.g, K.2.a

Unit 5: Dribbling with Hands

In this unit, students will learn basic elements for dribbling a basketball beginning with bouncing and catching a basketball.

Standards Covered: K.1h

Unit 6: Fitness and Energy Balance I

In this unit, students will explain the connection between movement and heartbeat.

Standards Covered: K.2b, K.3.a, K.3.c

Quarter 3

Unit 7: Rhythm and Dance

In this unit, students will demonstrate how to match movement to music and sounds. Students will also use rhythm to successfully turn and jump over a rope. 

Standards Covered: K.1.j, K.1.k

Unit 8: Volleying

In this unit, students will learn hand-eye coordination and dexterity by learning how to strike a ball/balloon with their hands. Students basic volleying techniques. 

Standards Covered: K1.h

Unit 9: Striking with Implements

In this unit, students will progress from using their hands to strike a balloon/ball to striking a balloon/ball with short-handled and long-handled implements.

Standards Covered: K.1.h

Quarter 4

Unit 10: Fitness and Energy Balance II

In this unit, students will explain that fruits and vegetables are needed to keep the body moving.

Standards Covered: K.5.a, K.5.c

Unit 11: Dribbling with Feet

In this unit, students will demonstrate a variety of movement skills using their feet that can be used within and outside of the physical education setting. 

Standards Covered: K.1.i

Unit 12: Outdoor and Recreational Activities

In this unit, students will learn the importance of being physically active outside of school. Students will participate in a variety of outdoor recreational activities. 

Standards Covered: K.3.b, K.3.d

First Grade

First Grade Physical Education Pacing and Unit Guides

Students in grade one refine locomotor skills and further develop fundamental non-locomotor and manipulative skills in educational games, dance, and gymnastics. They identify some critical elements (i.e., small, isolated parts of the whole skill) and start to practice applying them to improve movement skills. They continue to develop an understanding of key concepts and anatomical basis of movement principles and link these concepts and principles to their movement. Students explore and experiment with a range of movement experiences in a variety of environmental contexts, with the goal of becoming confident and competent movers. Students relate participation in vigorous physical activity to changes in the body, to enjoyment, and to improving their health and wellness. They further their understanding of the importance of physical activity and energy balance (nutrition) in their lives. As students increase their understanding of movement, they gain a deeper understanding of how the body moves. Students continue to develop socially as they work safely alone and in groups. The natural enjoyment of physical activity should be reinforced and complemented by educational games, dance, and gymnastic activities in which students learn and are successful.

First Grade Physical Education students in Prince William County Public Schools will learn the Physical Education Standards of Learning set by the Virginia Department of Education.  Students will experience the following units in this course: 

Quarter 1

Unit 1: Expectations and Routines / Cooperative Games and Activities

In this unit, the students will apply safety rules and routines in cooperative activities. Students will learn boundaries, expectations for equipment, and safe play. 

Standards Covered: 1.4.b, 1.4.d, 1.4.g

Unit 2: Movement

In this unit, students will demonstrate locomotor skills (walking, running, galloping, leaping, skipping, sliding); movement concepts (directions, pathways, speed); and spatial awareness. 

 Standards Covered: 1.1.a, 1.1.c,1.1.d,1. 2.e 

Unit 3: Throwing and Catching

In this unit, students will demonstrate the elements for underhand tossing, throwing, catching, and rolling towards a target or partner. Students will identify healthy foods from each food group. 

Standards Covered: 1.1.f, 1.5.a, 1.5.b 

Quarter 2 

Unit 4: Educational Gymnastics

In this unit, students will demonstrate a variety of movement concepts needed within and outside of the physical education setting requiring balancing, transferring of weight, and rolling.

Standards Covered: 1.1.e, 1.1.b, 1. 2.b 

Unit 5: Dribbling with Hands

In this unit, students practice using the critical elements of dribbling a ball with their hand while walking, focusing on using their finger pads to push the ball. Students will also be able to identify the location of their brain.

Standards Covered: 1.1.f, 1.2.a 

Unit 6: Fitness and Energy Balance I

In this unit, students will identify the heart as a muscle, describe how the heart and lungs work together, and identify fun activities and healthy foods that strengthen their cardiorespiratory system.

Standards Covered: 1.2.c, 1. 2.d, 1.3.b 

Quarter 3

Unit 7: Rhythm and Dance

In this unit, students will demonstrate how to match movement to music and sounds. Students will also use rhythm to successfully turn and jump over a rope.

Standards Covered: 1.1.h, 1.1.i 

Unit 8: Volleying

In this unit, students will demonstrate critical elements used to volley, demonstrate personal space, work cooperatively with their peers, and demonstrate sharing equipment.

Standards Covered: 1.1.f, 1.4.a 

Unit 9: Striking with Implements

In this unit, students will progress from striking a balloon/ball with a paddle while stationary, to striking a balloon/ball while moving. Students will learn self-management skills and practice controlling emotions while engaging in physical activities. 

Standards Covered: 1.1.f, 1.4.e 

Quarter 4  

Unit 10: Fitness and Energy Balance II

In this unit, students will learn that food provides energy for the body to move; to maintain a healthy body, it must perform physical activities at different intensity levels; and when the body is physically active it helps improve how you feel and helps a person be ready to learn.

Standards Covered: 1.3.c, 1.5.d, 1.4.f 

Unit 11: Dribbling with Feet

In this unit, students will demonstrate a variety of movement skills including dribbling and kicking a stationary and moving ball with their feet, which can be used within and outside of the physical education setting.

Standards Covered: 1.1.g, 1.4.c 

Unit 12: Outdoor and Recreational Activities

In this unit, students will understand the impact daily physical movement has on their body, identify physical activities they can do individually and with others, and explore why the body needs water.

Standards Covered: 1.3.a, 1.5.c 

Second Grade

Second Grade Physical Education Pacing and Unit Guides

Students in grade two focus on correct movement patterns, not on traditional games, while participating in a variety of movement experiences to develop fundamental motor skills and patterns. Students identify some critical elements (i.e., small, isolated parts of the whole skill or movement) and apply them in their movement. They vary movement patterns and begin to combine skills in educational game, dance, and gymnastic activities. Students progress in skill development and in understanding key elements of fundamental movement skills, including movement concepts, major muscles and bones, health-related fitness concepts, energy balance concepts, and the benefits of physical activity. Students work cooperatively and responsibly in groups and begin to build skills to meet movement challenges. They participate in physical activities at school and identify opportunities to participate in regular physical activity outside school.

Second Grade Physical Education students in Prince William County Public Schools will learn the Physical Education Standards of Learning set by the Virginia Department of Education.  Students will experience the following units in this course: 

Quarter 1    

Unit 1: Expectations and Routines / Cooperative Games and Activities 

In this unit, students will apply safety rules and routines in cooperative activities. Students will learn boundaries, expectations for equipment, and safe play. 

Standards Covered: 2.4.c, 2.4.e, 2.4.g 

Unit 2: Movement 

In this unit, students will continue to develop appropriate forms of locomotor skills (jogging, running, skipping, galloping, sliding, hopping, jumping, and leaping). Students will explain concepts of relationships (over, under, around, etc.) and spatial awareness during activities.  

Standards Covered: 2.1.a, 2.2.a, 2. 2.b 

Unit 3: Throwing and Catching 

In this unit, the students will demonstrate the elements for catching, rolling, underhand, and overhand throwing. Students will also identify a variety of healthy snacks and explain how food provides the body with energy to move and grow. 

Standards Covered: 2.1.c, 2.5.b, 2.5.d, 2.5.e 

Quarter 2  

Unit 4: Educational Gymnastics  

In this unit, students will demonstrate a variety of movement concepts needed within and outside of the physical education setting requiring balancing, transferring of weight, rolling, and flight.

Standards Covered: 2.1.b, 2.2.d, 2.2.e, 2.2.f 

Unit 5: Dribbling with Hands 

In this unit, students will demonstrate dribbling with control using their dominant hand. Students will also explain the role the brain plays in sending messages to the body to allow muscles to move. 

Standards Covered: 2.1.c, 2.2.c 

Unit 6: Fitness and Energy Balance I 

In this unit, students will identify the major structures of the cardiorespiratory system, explain the difference between muscular strength and endurance, describe flexibility, and identify what makes up a person’s body composition.

Standards Covered: 2.3.a, 2.3.b, 2.3.c,  2.3.e 

Quarter 3   

Unit 7: Rhythm and Dance 

In this unit, students will demonstrate how to match movement to music and sounds. Students will also use rhythm to successfully turn and jump over a short and long rope.  Students will make connections between the importance of cardiorespiratory endurance and dance and rhythmic activities. 

Standards Covered:  2.1.e,  2.1.f 

Unit 8: Volleying 

In this unit, students will keep a ball in the air with their hands using mature form. Students will learn boundaries, expectations for equipment, and safe play. 

Standards Covered: 2.1.c, 2.4.b, 2.4.d 

Unit 9: Striking with Implements 

In this unit, students will progress by demonstrating striking skills with a variety of short- and long-handled implements.

Standards Covered: 2.1.c, 2.4.f 

Quarter 4   

Unit 10: Fitness and Energy Balance II 

In this unit, students will identify the heart and lungs as parts of the cardiorespiratory system, explain that cardiorespiratory endurance activities keep them healthy, and identify physical activities that promote each component of fitness. 

Standards Covered: 2.2.g, 2.3.d, 2.3.f, 2.3.h 

Unit 11: Dribbling with Feet 

In this unit, students will demonstrate dribbling while walking to open spaces, as well as a variety of movement skills including dribbling and kicking a stationary and moving ball with their feet.

Standards Covered: 2.1.d

Unit 12: Outdoor and Recreational Activities 

In this unit, students will understand the impact daily physical movement has on their body and identify physical activities they can do individually and with others, at home and at school. Calcium is also highlighted to learn the importance of bone growth.

Standards Covered: 2.3.g, 2.4.a, 2.5.a, 2.5.c

Third Grade

Third Grade Physical Education

Skill development remains a central focus for students in grade three as they begin to accept feedback from and provide appropriate feedback to others. Students refine, vary, and combine skills in complex situations and demonstrate more proficient movement patterns in educational games, dance, and gymnastic activities to become confident and competent movers. Students identify critical elements (small, isolated parts of the whole skill or movement) and apply them in their movement. They develop fitness knowledge and can relate regular physical activity to energy balance and health benefits. Students continue to build knowledge of body structures and systems. They know safe practices, rules, and procedures and apply them with little or no reinforcement. Students work cooperatively with peers and understand that there are many differences in movement skill and ability levels among their classmates.

Third Grade Physical Education students in Prince William County Public Schools will learn the Physical Education Standards of Learning set by the Virginia Department of Education.  Students will experience the following units in this course: 

Quarter 1    

Unit 1: Expectations and Routines / Cooperative Games and Activities 

In this unit, students will apply safety rules and routines in cooperative activities. Students will explain why cooperation and working with others is important and explain the difference between being inclusive and non-inclusive.  

Standards Covered: 3.4.a, 3.4.b, 3.4.c, 3.4.g 

Unit 2: Fitness Principles 

In this unit, students will explain the five components of fitness (cardiorespiratory endurance, muscular strength, muscular endurance, flexibility, and body composition) and identify one activity to improve each component.  

Standards Covered: 3.a, 3.b, 3.c 

Unit 3: Throwing and Catching 

In this unit, students will demonstrate the critical elements for underhand and overhand throwing, rolling, and catching. Students will also identify the macronutrients (carbohydrates, protein, and fats) and learn how choosing a variety of macronutrients helps keep the body healthy. 

Standards Covered: 3.1.a, 3.5.d 

Quarter 2   

Unit 4: Educational Gymnastics  

In this unit, students will demonstrate a variety of movement concepts requiring balancing, transferring of weight, rolling, and flight. Students will also identify major bones and muscles needed to help the body perform gymnastics skills.

Standards Covered: 3.1.c, 3.1.e, 3.2.b, 3.2.d, 3.2.e 

Unit 5: Dribbling with Hands 

In this unit, students will demonstrate dribbling with their dominant while moving to open spaces used to measure heart rate.

Standards Covered: 3.1.a, 3.2.a 

Unit 6: Fitness and Energy Balance I 

In this unit, students will identify the concept of energy balance and explain how it relates to being physically active and choosing good nutrition.

Standards Covered: 3.5.a, 3.5.b, 3.5.e 

Quarter 3  

Unit 7: Rhythm and Dance 

In this unit, students will demonstrate how to match movement to music and sounds. Students will also use creativity and rhythm to perform a jump rope sequence and a dance. 

Standards Covered: 3.1.d, 3.1.e, 3.4.f 

Unit 8: Volleying 

In this unit, students will demonstrate overhand and underhand volley passes with a partner or small group and use feedback to improve skill performance.

Standards Covered: 3.1.a, 3.4.d 

Unit 9: Striking with Implements 

In this unit, students will strike a ball with their hands and progress to striking a ball with short-handled and long-handled implements under control with proper form and force. Students will practice striking while moving safely in lead-up games and activities.  Students will explore intensity levels and how it relates to physical activity.

Standards Covered: 3.1.a, 3.3.d 

Quarter 4   

Unit 10: Fitness and Energy Balance II 

In this unit, students will describe the structure and function of the cardiorespiratory system and identify major arteries. 

Standards Covered: 3.2.c, 3.3.e 

Unit 11: Dribbling with Feet 

In this unit, students will demonstrate a variety of movement skills including dribbling, trapping, and kicking a ball with their feet that can be used within and outside of the physical education setting.

Standards Covered: 3.1.b, 3.4.e 

Unit 12: Outdoor and Recreational Activities 

In this unit, students will identify healthy hydration choices and the importance of the body having enough water. Activities may include frisbee, biking, golf, yoga, water safety, and rock climbing. 

Standards Covered: 3.5.c 

Fourth Grade

Fourth Grade Physical Education

In grade four, students make continuous progress across all fundamental motor patterns. Proficient movement patterns are possible as students combine locomotor and manipulative skills in increasingly complex situations. Students create sequences in educational dances and gymnastics. They apply movement concepts and principles and knowledge of anatomical structures in individual movement performances, and tactical strategies in modified activities. Fitness assessment is appropriate at this grade level, and students interpret the results of their assessments and set personal goals based on the results. Students exhibit appropriate etiquette, integrity, and conflict-resolution skills, and they apply proper rules and procedures.

Fourth Grade Physical Education students in Prince William County Public Schools will learn the Physical Education Standards of Learning set by the Virginia Department of Education.  Students will experience the following units in this course: 

Quarter 1   

Unit 1: Expectations and Routines / Cooperative Games and Activities 

In this unit, students will apply rules and strategies in cooperative activities. Students will explain the meaning of etiquette and identify activities that help others feel included. 

Standards Covered: 4.4.a, 4.4.c,  4.4.f 

Unit 2: Fitness Principles 

In this unit, students will describe the components of fitness, identify ways to measure each component, and use their baseline data to create a goal for one area of fitness (cardiorespiratory endurance, muscular strength, muscular endurance, or flexibility).  

Standards Covered: 4.3.a, 4.3.b, 4.3.c, 4.3.f 

Unit 3: Throwing and Catching 

In this unit, students will demonstrate the critical elements of overhand throw and catch with partners and teams. Students will demonstrate the concepts of moving to an open space to catch a throw and using the appropriate amount of force to complete a pass. Students will learn nutrition concepts including what calories are and how many calories are in a macronutrient (carbohydrates, protein, fat). 

Standards Covered: 4.1.a, 4.5.a, 4. 5.c 

Quarter 2    

Unit 4: Educational Gymnastics  

In this unit, students will demonstrate a variety of movement concepts requiring balancing, transferring of weight, rolling, and flight. Students will also identify major bones and muscles needed to help the body perform gymnastics skills.

Standards Covered: 4.1.b, 4.2.b, 4.2.c, 4.2.e 

Unit 5: Dribbling with Hands 

In this unit, students will demonstrate dribbling with their dominant while moving to open spaces.

Standards Covered: 4.1.a, 4.2.f 

Unit 6: Fitness and Energy Balance I 

Overview:  In this unit, students will describe the structure and function of the cardiorespiratory system and identify major arteries used to measure heart rate.

Standards Covered: 4.3.d, 4.5.d, 4.5.g 

Quarter 3  

Unit 7: Rhythm and Dance 

In this unit, students will demonstrate how to match movement to music and sounds. Students will also use creativity and rhythm to perform a jump rope sequence and a dance.

Standards Covered: 4.1.c, 4.1.d, 4.4.e 

Unit 8: Volleying 

In this unit, students will demonstrate overhand and underhand volley passes with a partner or small group and use feedback to improve skill performance.

Standards Covered: 4.1.a, 4.4.d 

Unit 9: Striking with Implements 

In this unit, students will strike a ball with their hands and progress to striking a ball with short-handled and long-handled implements under control with proper form and force.

Standards Covered: 4.1.a, 4.4.b 

Quarter 4 

Unit 10: Fitness and Energy Balance II 

In this unit, students will identify the concept of energy balance and explain how it relates to being physically active and choosing good nutrition.

Standards Covered: 4.2.a, 4.2.d, 4.3.g, 4.3.e 

Unit 11: Dribbling with Feet 

In this unit, students will demonstrate a variety of movement skills including dribbling, trapping, and kicking a ball with their feet that can be used within and outside of the physical education setting. Students will also provide feedback to help classmates improve skill performance.

Standards Covered: 4.1.a, 4.1.e 

Unit 12: Outdoor and Recreational Activities 

In this unit, students will learn about the uses of salt and sugar and the importance of hydration. Activities in this unit may include frisbee, biking, golf, yoga, water safety, and rock climbing. 

Standards Covered: 4.5.b, 4.5.e, 4.5.f 

Fifth Grade

Fifth Grade Physical Education

Students in grade five apply movement principles and concepts and knowledge of anatomical structures and functions to enhance their movement performance, personal fitness, and game strategy and tactics. They develop proficiency in physical activities, dances, and educational gymnastics. Students demonstrate specialized skills alone, with a partner, or in a small group. They access and use resources to plan and improve personal fitness as they exhibit a physically active lifestyle. Students continue to develop responsible personal and social behaviors as they work with others in safe and respectful ways.

Fifth Grade Physical Education students in Prince William County Public Schools will learn the Physical Education Standards of Learning set by the Virginia Department of Education.  Students will experience the following units in this course: 

Quarter 1  

Unit 1: Expectations and Routines / Cooperative Games and Activities 

In this unit, students will create safety rules and responsibilities for an activity. Students will describe the importance of being respectful and inclusive in physical activity settings.  

Standards Covered: 5.4.a, 5.4.b, 5.4.e, 5.4.f 

Unit 2: Fitness Principles 

In this unit, students will use their fitness data to develop personal fitness goals and activity plans.

Standards Covered: 5.3.a, 5.3.b, 5.3.c, 5.3.d

Unit 3: Throwing and Catching

In this unit, students will demonstrate the critical elements of overhand and underhand throwing and catching in small-sided games and sports activities. Students will demonstrate accuracy of throwing to a target. Students will explain how the body uses each macronutrient (carbohydrates, protein, and fat). 

Standards Covered: 5.1.a, 5.5.d

Quarter 2

Unit 4: Educational Gymnastics

In this unit, students will create an educational gymnastics sequence that includes four or more movements

Standards Covered: 5.1.b, 5.2.c 

Unit 5: Dribbling with Hands

In this unit, students will participate in modified sports games in which they will continue to build their own skill level while demonstrating good sportsmanship by using polite behaviors during activities.

Standards Covered: 1.a, 4.c 

Unit 6: Fitness and Energy Balance I 

In this unit, students will learn about recommended daily allowances and how they differ for people of different ages.

Standards Covered: 5.5.a, 5.5.b, 5.5.e, 5.5.f 

Quarter 3   

Unit 7: Rhythm and Dance 

In this unit, students will create and perform dance and jump rope routines. Students will also discuss how physical activity can improve mental health and reduce stress.

Standards Covered: 5.1.c, 5.1.d, 5.1.e, 5.4.d 

Unit 8: Volleying 

In this unit, students will volley a ball with a partner over a net using appropriate force and directions and demonstrate good sportsmanship by using polite behaviors during activities.

Standards Covered: 5.1.a, 5.4.c 

Unit 9: Striking with Implements 

In this unit, students will progress from striking a ball while stationary to moving. 

Standards Covered: 5.1.a, 5.2.b 

Quarter 4   

Unit 10: Fitness and Energy Balance II 

In this unit, students will collect fitness data to compare against their baseline data and reflect on their progress/attainment of their fitness goal.

Standards Covered: 5.2.a, 5.3.d, 5.3.e 

Unit 11: Dribbling with Feet 

In this unit, students will apply kicking and dribbling skills to modified games and activities.

Standards Covered: 5.1.a 

Unit 12: Outdoor and Recreational Activities 

In this unit, students will learn the purpose of vitamins and minerals. Students will also explain the importance of getting enough physical activity each day. Activities in this unit can include frisbee, biking, golf, yoga, water safety, and rock climbing. 

Standards Covered: 5.5.c,  5.5.f