Middle Health and Physical Education Curriculum
In grades 6-8 students continue to build physical education knowledge and skills in fitness planning; individual, team, and lifetime sports; dance, rhythm, educational gymnastics; and the benefits of balancing physical activity and nutritional decisions (energy balance). Students in grades 6-8 discuss health education topics including physical health, wellness, and disease prevention; nutrition and physical activity; safety and injury prevention; social, emotional and mental wellness; violence prevention and healthy relationships; substance abuse prevention and opioids; community and environmental health; and family life education. For more information on the courses and descriptions available in Prince William County Public Schools, visit the Secondary Course Catalog.
Virginia Department of Education 2022 Physical Education Standards of Learning (SOLS)
Virginia Department of Education 2020 Health Standards of Learning (SOLs)
Sixth Grade
Sixth Grade Health and Physical Education
Students in grade six health develop more sophistication in understanding health issues and practicing health skills. They apply physical, emotional, social, and environmental health skills and strategies to improve or maintain personal and family health (self-awareness, social awareness, self-management, responsible decision making, and relationship skills). Students begin to understand adolescent health issues and concerns and the relationship between choices and consequences (responsible decision making). They understand how to be a positive role model (social awareness and relationship skills) and the impact of positive and negative peer pressure (social awareness and relationship skills). Students demonstrate injury-prevention behaviors at school and elsewhere (self-management).
Students in grade six physical education apply fundamental skills and knowledge of anatomical structures and movement principles to build movement competence and confidence through acquisition, performance, and refinement of skills. Cooperative and competitive small-group games are appropriate as well as outdoor pursuits, fitness activities, dance and rhythmic activities, aquatics, individual performance activities, and sports (net/wall, striking/fielding, and goal/target), with an emphasis on developing skills and tactical understanding. Students use feedback to initiate and maintain practice to improve skill performance. Students assess their health-related fitness status and set reasonable and appropriate goals for development, maintenance, and improvement. Students in grade six will explain the connection between energy balance and nutrition guidelines, meal planning, and heart rate. Social interaction becomes more complex as peer pressure becomes increasingly pronounced, affecting individual performance. Students solve problems and make responsible decisions as they work together. They identify and seek opportunities to participate in regular physical activity at school and outside the school environment.
Students in Prince William County Public Schools will learn the 2022 Physical Education and the 2020 Health Standards of Learning (SOLs) set by the Virginia Department of Education. Students will experience the following units in this course:
Quarter 1
Unit 1: Expectations & Routines / Cooperative Games
In this unit, students will demonstrate communication, creative thinking, problem solving, decision-making, conflict resolution, integrity, inclusion, and etiquette skills in cooperative activities. Students will identify types, purpose, and appropriate behaviors for school safety drills.
Standards Covered: PE: 6.4.a, 6. 4.e, 6.4.f HE: 6.1.o, 6.2.o, 6.3.o
Unit 2: Physical Health & Disease Prevention / Body Systems
In this unit, students will identify causes and prevention strategies for noncommunicable diseases; identify immunizations and vaccines that prevent communicable diseases; identify influences that impact a person’s health choices; and identify the structures and functions of the renal and urinary system (kidneys, ureters, urethra, and bladder).
Standards Covered: HE: 6.1.d, 6.2.d, 6.3.d, 6.1.e, 6.2.e, 6.3.e, 6.1.f, 6.2.f, 6.1.g, 6.2.g, 6.3.g, 6.1.a, 6.2.a, 6.3.a
Unit 3: Fitness Principles I
In this unit, students will analyze their personal fitness data and create a fitness plan for one component of fitness (cardiorespiratory endurance, muscular strength, muscular endurance, or fitness). Students will identify resources they can use to evaluate and monitor activities
Standards Covered: PE: 6.3.a, 6.3.b, 6.3c., 6.3.d
Unit 4: Team Activities I
In this unit, students will demonstrate accuracy and control of overhand and underhand throwing and catching in game-play and identify the benefits of competitive and non-competitive activities. Students will identify rules, procedures, etiquette, and safety considerations associated with different tactical games.
Standards Covered: PE: 6.1.a, 6.4.b, 6.4.d
Quarter 2
Unit 5: Energy Balance
In this unit, students will explain the connection between energy balance and nutrition guidelines, meal planning, and heart rate.
Standards Covered: PE: 6.5.a, 6.5.c
Unit 6: Nutrition
In this unit, students will monitor their progress towards a nutrition goal by comparing RDAs of macronutrients when meal planning.
Standards Covered: HE: 6.1.b, 6.1.c, 6.2.b, 6.2.c, 6.3.b, 6.3.c, 6.3.f
Unit 7: Individual / Dual Activities
In this unit, students apply fundamental skills and knowledge of skeletal structures and movement principles to build movement competence and confidence through acquisition, performance, and refinement of skills
Standards Covered: PE: 6.1.c, 6.2.b
Unit 8: Mental Health & Wellness
In this unit, students focus on personal characteristics, body image, managing criticism and stress, personal/group success.
Standards Covered: HE: 6.1.p, 6.1.q, 6.1.r, 6.1.s, 6.1.t, 6.1.u, 6.2.p, 6.2.q, 6.2.r, 6.2.s, 6.2.t, 6.2.u, 6.3.p, 6.3.q, 6.3.r, 6.3.s, 6.3.t, 6.3.u
Quarter 3
Unit 9: Rhythm & Dance
In this unit, students participate in a variety of dance and rhythmic activities.
Standards Covered: PE: 6.1.a, 6.3.d
Unit 10: Substance Abuse & Prevention
In this unit, students will differentiate between proper use, misuse, and abuse of medications, alcohol, tobacco, nicotine products, opioids, and other drugs.
Standards Covered: 6.1.h, 6.1.i, 6.1.j, 6.1.k, 6.1.l, 6.2.h, 6.2.i, 6.2.j, 6.2.k, 6.2.l, 6.3.h, 6.3.i, 6.3.j, 6.3.k, 6.3.l
Unit 11: Personal Fitness
In this unit, students will gain knowledge about perceived exertion during different activities, calculate their heart rate during a variety of activities, and explain the relationship between exercise intensity and heart rate.
Standards Covered: PE: 6.1.f, 6.3.c, 6.3.g, 6.5.b, HE: 6.3.f
Unit 12: Violence Prevention & Safety / Family Life Education
In this unit, students will discuss a variety of ways to keep themselves safe and healthy.
Standards Covered: HE: 6.1.m, 6.1.n, 6.2.m, 6.2.n, 6.3.m, 6.3.n, 6.1.v, 6.1.w, 6.1.x, 6.2.v, 6.2.w, 6.2.x, 6.3.v, 6.3.w, 6.3.x
Quarter 4
Unit 13: Team Activities II
In this unit, students will continue to develop movement and skill combinations and apply appropriate offensive and defensive strategies in tactical games.
Standards Covered: PE: 6.1.a, 6.1.d, 6.1.g
Unit 14: Fitness Principles II
In this unit, students will analyze their post fitness data and reflect on the progress they made toward their fitness goal.
Standards Covered: PE: 6.3.a, 6.3.e
Unit 15: Community and Environmental Health
In this unit, students will identify community health and safety issues and explore the role of community agencies, professionals, and individuals in protecting the environment.
Standards Covered: HE: 6.1.y, 6.1.z, 6.2.y, 6.2.z, 6.3.y, 6.3.z
Unit 16: Net Activities / Recreational & Outdoor Activities
In this unit, students will apply concepts of force, accuracy, direction, speed, and spatial awareness when participating in recreational activities. Activities in this unit can include pickleball, tennis, badminton, frisbee, biking, golf, yoga, water safety, and rock climbing.
Standards Covered: PE: 6.1.b, 6.2.a, 6.4.a, 6.4.c,
Seventh Grade
Seventh Grade Health and Physical Education
Students in grade seven health generate and choose positive alternatives to risky behaviors (responsible decision making). They use skills to resist peer pressure (relationship skills) and manage stress and anxiety (self-management). Students are able to relate health choices to alertness, feelings, and performance at school or during physical activity (self-awareness). Students exhibit a healthy lifestyle, interpret health information, and promote good health.
Students in grade seven physical education continue to develop competence in modified versions of various games/sports, rhythmic, and recreational activities. They vary movement during dynamic and unpredictable game situations. Recreational pursuits become an additional curriculum option, broadening lifelong physical activity options. The ability to analyze skill performance through observing and understanding critical elements (small, isolated parts of the whole skill or movement) is increasingly apparent, as is the application of basic scientific principles of anatomical structures, movement principles, energy balance, and personal fitness. Students relate the importance of physical activity to health, focusing particularly on weight and stress management. Students understand strategies to achieve and maintain personal fitness standards and create plans by setting reasonable and appropriate goals for improvement or maintenance of health-related fitness. Students continue to develop social skills and cooperative behaviors by demonstrating problem solving, conflict resolution, communication skills, appropriate etiquette, integrity, and respect for others.
Students in Prince William County Public Schools will learn the 2022 Physical Education and the 2020 Health Standards of Learning (SOLs) set by the Virginia Department of Education. Students will experience the following units in this course:
Quarter 1
Unit 1: Expectations & Routines / Cooperative Games
In this unit, students will apply problem solving, conflict resolution, and communication skills in cooperative activities. Students will discuss the value of including others in cooperative activities and how individual feelings are impacted by feeling included or not feeling included.
Standards Covered: PE: 7.1.a, 7.4.b, 7.4.c, 7.4.e., 7.4.i
Unit 2: Disease Prevention & Health Promotion / Body Systems
In this unit, students will identify the functions of the circulatory system. Students will identify the impact personal habits (sleep, physical activity, nutrition) and external conditions (weather, sun, allergies, school, and community) can impact a person’s health and wellness.
Standards Covered: HE: 7.1.g, 7.1.h, 7.1.i, 7.1.j, 7.2.g, 7.2.h, 7.2.i, 7.2.j, 7.3.g, 7.3.h, 7.3.i, 7.3.j
Unit 3: Fitness Principles I
In this unit, students will analyze their individual fitness levels, develop goals for three fitness components (cardiorespiratory endurance, muscular strength, muscular endurance, or flexibility), and create a fitness action plan. Students will identify resources and tools they can use to monitor their progress.
Standards Covered: PE: 7.3.b, 7.3.c, 7.3.d, 7.5.d
Unit 4: Team Activities I
In this unit, students will combine movement skills during game-play and apply safety rules and etiquette by self-officiating activities and games.
Standards Covered: PE: 7.1.a, 7.4.a
Quarter 2
Unit 5: Energy Balance
In this unit, students will identify the role of the anaerobic and aerobic energy systems, identify nutrients needed to maximize each energy system, and explain the importance of sleep for energy balance.
Standards Covered: PE: 7.5.b, 7.5.c, 7.5.e HE: 7.1.a
Unit 6: Nutrition
In this unit, students will identify a variety of nutrient-dense foods, analyze the benefits of selecting healthy foods and beverage, and identify the importance of understanding food allergens and respecting allergen safe-zones.
Standards Covered: HE: 7.1.b, 7.1.c, 7.1.d, 7.1.e, 7.2.b, 7.2.c, 7.2.d, 7.2.e, 7.3.b, 7.3.c, 7.3.d, 7.3.e
Unit 7: Individual / Dual Activities
In this unit, students will learn how biomechanical principles including center of gravity and center of support impact a person’s ability to balance and respond in a game or activity.
Standards Covered: PE: 7.1.e, 7.2.b
Unit 8: Mental Health & Wellness
In this unit, students will develop coping strategies, demonstrate healthy communication skills, and promote strategies to manage mental health and wellness.
Standards Covered: HE: 7.1.o, 7.1.p, 7.1.q, 7.1.r, 7.1.s, 7.1.t, 7.1.u, 7.2.o, 7.2.p, 7.2.q, 7.2.r, 7.2.s, 7.2.v, 7.2.w, 7.3.o, 7.3.p, 7.3.q, 7 3.r, 7.3.s, 7.3.t, 7.3.u
Quarter 3
Unit 9: Rhythm & Dance
In this unit, students will experience a variety of dances. Students will identify the different planes of movement and connect them to rhythmic movements used in dance.
Standards Covered: PE: 7.1.d, 7.1.e
Unit 10: Substance Abuse Prevention
In this unit, students learn about the risks and consequences of substance use and misuse, identify factors influencing substance use, and develop skills to resist peer pressure and make healthy choices.
Standards Covered: HE: 7.1.k, 7.1.l, 7.1.m, 7.2.k, 7.2.l, 7.2.m, 7.3.k, 7.2.l, 7.3.m
Unit 11: Personal Fitness
In this unit, students will identify the anatomy needed to stabilize movement and apply knowledge of anatomy and joints to demonstrate fitness related skills.
Standards Covered: PE: 7.2.a,7.2.e, 7.3.a, 7.3.e, 7.5.a, 7.5.d
Unit 12: Violence Prevention & Safety / Family Life Education
In this unit, students will identifydifferent types of violence, including bullying, harassment, and family violence, and understand their impact on individuals and communities. Students will learn effective strategies for managing conflicts nonviolently, recognizing signs of emotional distress, and seeking help from trusted adults.
Standards Covered: HE: 7.1.n, 7.1.v, 7.1.w, 7.1.x, 7. 2.n, 7.2.v, 7.2.w, 7.2.x, 7.3.v, 7.3.w, 7.3.x
Quarter 4
Unit 13: Team Activities II
In this unit, students will continue to develop movement and skill combinations and apply appropriate offensive and defensive strategies in tactical games.
Standards Covered: PE: 7.1.b, 7.4.h
Unit 14: Fitness Principles II
In this unit, students will reassess their fitness levels, reflect on SMART goals and modify their fitness plans.
Standards Covered: PE: 7.3.b, 7.3.f
Unit 15: Community & Environmental Health
In this unit, students learn how human behaviors impact pollution, explain the relationship between environmental, personal, and community health, and demonstrate ways to conserve and promote natural resources.
Standards Covered: HE: 7.1.y, 7.2.y, 7.3.y
Unit 16: Net Activities / Recreational & Outdoor Activities
In this unit, students will use knowledge of body mechanics to improve their own skills. Students will also discuss the benefits and enjoyment of participating in recreational activities. Activities in this unit can include pickleball, tennis, badminton, frisbee, biking, golf, yoga, water safety, and rock climbing.
Standards Covered: PE: 7.1.c, 7.1.f, 7.2.d, 7.4.d, 7.4.f, 7.4.g
Eighth Grade
Eighth Grade Health (HE) and Physical Education (PE)
Students in grade eight health have an understanding of the origins and causes of diseases, including the relationship between family history and certain health risks (self-awareness and social awareness). They begin to relate short- and long-term consequences of health choices (responsible decision making) and apply health skills to specific personal, family, and community health concerns (self-management, responsible decision making, and relationship skills). Students can discern relationships among all components of health and wellness and knowledgeably use consumer information.
Students in grade eight physical education demonstrate competence in skillful movement in modified, dynamic game/sport situations and in a variety of rhythmic and recreational activities. They transition from modified versions of movement forms to more complex applications across all types of activities. The grade-eight student applies knowledge of major body structures to explain how body systems interact with and respond to physical activity and how structures help the body create movement. Students will explain the relationship between nutrition, activity, and body composition to deepen understanding of energy balance. They will demonstrate socially responsible behavior as they show respect for others, make reasoned and appropriate choices, resist negative peer pressure, and exhibit integrity and fair play to achieve individual and group goals in the physical activity setting. Students are able to set goals, track progress, and participate in physical activities to improve health-related fitness. They have a repertoire of abilities across a variety of game/sport, dance, and recreational pursuits and begin to develop competence in specialized versions of lifelong game/sport activities.
Students in Prince William County Public Schools will learn the 2022 Physical Education and the 2020 Health Standards of Learning (SOLs) set by the Virginia Department of Education. Students will experience the following units in this course:
Quarter 1
Unit 1: Expectations & Routines / Cooperative Games
In this unit, students will apply skill combinations in a variety of cooperative activities, explain how following the rules impacts safe participation and independently provide positive feedback to peers. Students will demonstrate how to promote inclusion and reduce exclusion in team settings.
Standards Covered: PE: 8.1.a, 8.4.a, 8.4.b, 8.4.e
Unit 2: Disease Prevention & Health Promotion / Body Systems
In this unit, students will describe the major structures and functions of the nervous system and describe ways to maintain brain health. Students will evaluate the health benefits of physical activity and sleep and identify factors that increase a person’s risk of chronic diseases.
Standards Covered: HE: 8.1.a, 8.1.f, 8.1.g, 8.1.h, 8.2.a, 8.2.f, 8.2.g, 8.2.h, 8.3.a, 8.3.f, 8.3.g, 8.3.h
Unit 3: Fitness Principles I
In this unit, students will complete a self-assessment of their current fitness level and create a personal fitness plan. Students will identify a variety of technology tools and resources they can use to monitor and record their fitness progress.
Standards Covered: PE: 8.1.f, 8.3.a, 8.3.c
Unit 4: Team Activities I
In this unit, students will continue to develop movement and skill combinations and apply offensive and defensive strategies in games and activities. Students will also identify rules, procedures, etiquette, and safety considerations associated with different games and activities.
Standards Covered: PE: 8.1.a, 8.2.c
Quarter 2
Unit 5: Energy Balance
In this unit, students will identify activities that utilize anaerobic and aerobic energy systems and how RPE relates to energy expenditure.
Standards Covered: PE: 8.3.f, 8.5.a, 8.5.b, 8.5.c, 8.5.d, 8.5.e
Unit 6: Nutrition
In this unit, students identify a variety of nutrients the body system needs, identify how to prepare and store food to prevent food borne illnesses, and discuss the impact external sources have on body image.
Standards Covered: HE: 8.1.b, 8.1.c, 8.1.d, 8.1.e, 8.2.b, 8.2.c, 8.2.d, 8.2.e, 8.3.b, 8.3.c, 8.3.d, 8.3.e
Unit 7: Individual / Dual Activities
In this unit, students will learn how biomechanical principles including center of gravity and center of support impact a person’s ability to balance and respond in a game or activity.
Standards Covered: PE: 8.1.d, 8.1.g, 8.2.b, 8.2.e
Unit 8: Mental Health & Wellness
In this unit, students will identify positive resources for mental and emotional health; iidentify factors that can influence unhealthy relationships, and mental health factors; and uunderstand the importance of developing relationships that are positive and promote wellness.
Standards Covered: 8.1.p, 8.1.q, 8.1.r, 8.1.s, 8.2.p, 8.2.q, 8.2.r, 8.2.s, 8.3.p, 8.3.q, 8.3.r, 8.3.s
Quarter 3
Unit 9: Rhythm & Dance
In this unit, students will create a rhythmic or dance sequence and demonstrate how to analyze a skill and provide feedback to improve the movement skill.
Standards Covered: PE: 8.1.b, 8.1.c, 8.4.d
Unit 10: Substance Abuse & Prevention
In this unit, students will identify the dangers of varies drugs and the impact it has on the different body systems.
Standards Covered: HE: 8.1.i, 8.1.j, 8.2.i, 8.2.j, 8.3.i, 8.3.j
Unit 11: Personal Fitness
In this unit, students will gain an understanding of physiological principles and anatomy, enabling them to accurately describe various movements.
Standards Covered: PE: 8.1.e, 8.2.g., 8.3.b, 8.3.d, 8.3.e
Unit 12: Violence Prevention & Safety
In this unit, students will identify proper online safety, etiquette, and the risks and benefits of internet use. Students will assessing levels of personal stress and learn how to manage stress physically and psychologically. Students will identify the difference between bullying behaviors, peer conflict, harassment, and joking situations.
Standards Covered: HE: 8.1.k, 8.1.l, 8.1.m, 8.1.n, 8.1.o, 8.1.t, 8.1.u, 8.2.k, 8.2.l, 8.2.m, 8.2.n, 8.2.o, 8.2.t, 8.2.u,8. 3.k, 8.3.l, 8.3.m, 8.3.n, 8.3.o, 8.3.t, 8.3.u
Quarter 4
Unit 13: Team Activities II
In this unit, students will focus on using self-management skills and equipment properly allows for safe participation in physical activities.
Standards Covered: PE: 8.4.c, 8.4.f
Unit 14: Fitness Principles II
In this unit, students interpret personal fitness data and reflect on their progress of their fitness goal and plan.
Standards Covered: PE: 8.1.e, 8.3.a
Unit 15: Community and Environmental Health
In this unit, students will explain the impact of pollutants found in water, soil, and air and how they can impact the body systems.
Standards Covered: HE: 8.1.v, 8.2.v, 8.3.v
Unit 16: Net Activities / Recreational & Outdoor Activities
In this unit, use peer assessment and feedback to improve one movement skill. Students will promote the positive social and emotional benefits in school and the community. Activities in this unit can include pickleball, tennis, badminton, frisbee, biking, golf, yoga, water safety, and rock climbing.
Standards Covered: PE: 8.2.a, 8.2.d, 8.2.e, 8.4.a, 8.4.g, 8.4.h