Recess & Unstructured Recreational Time Resources


Regulation 602-1 - Elementary Instructional Day

Schools shall provide no less than 30 minutes of unstructured recreational time each day and this time shall be included in the calculation of total instructional time. Ten of these minutes can be conducted in the classroom informally, as the school determines during the course of the day.

Unstructured recreational time is defined as time allocated for students to develop teamwork, social skills, and improve overall physical fitness. These activities may include, but are not limited to:

Additional Recess Resources

10 Reasons for Recess (PDF)

Action for Healthy Kids website

SHAPE America Recess Template (Word)

CDC Strategies for Recess in Schools (PDF)

Activities and resources for supplemental and alternative health and physical education and supporting physical activity and learning; structured recess, indoor recess, integrating movement into core academic subjects, and active learning in the classroom:

...and too many more to list here! Please contact the Health and Physical Education program in the Student Learning Department for more ideas.