Frequently Asked Questions
Application Process Questions
View the Preschool Application Process webpage for information on how to apply, what documents are needed, and what happens after the application is submitted.
What school attendance areas are served by the Preschool program?
Prince William County Public Schools offers preschool programs for low-income families with children between the ages of 4 to 5 years of age living in the following elementary school boundaries (last updated March 30, 2024):
- Antietam
- Bel Air
- Belmont
- Bennett
- Bristow Run
- Buckland Mills
- Cedar Point
- Chris Yung
- Coles
- Covington-Harper
- Dale City
- Dumfries
- Ellis
- Enterprise
- Featherstone
- Fitzgerald
- Henderson
- Innovation
- John Jenkins
- Kerrydale
- King
- Kilby
- Lake Ridge
- Leesylvania
- Loch Lomond
- Marumsco Hills
- McAuliffe
- Minnieville
- Montclair
- Mullen
- Neabsco
- Nokesville
- Occoquan
- Old Bridge
- Pattie
- Penn
- Piney Branch
- Potomac View
- River Oaks
- Rockledge
- Rosa Parks
- Signal Hill
- Sinclair
- Springwoods
- Sudley
- Swans Creek
- T. Clay Wood
- Triangle
- Tyler
- Vaughan
- Victory
- West Gate
- Westridge
- Williams
- Wilson
- Yorkshire
Families who live within other elementary boundaries in Prince William County may be accepted only if there is space available in a nearby classroom (within a 5 mile radius). Parents must provide transportation to/from school for out-of-area students.
How do I know which school attendance area I live in?
Visit the Find Your School website to figure out what attendance area you live in.
Who do I contact for help with the application?
Contact the Preschool office at 703-791-8708 or [email protected] for assistance. Applications may be completed online, over the phone, or in person.
What happens after I apply for the program?
After completing the online application and uploading the required documents, families are contacted by the Preschool office to review the application. Families should allow 2 weeks for the preschool office to review the application and contact parents. Once the application is reviewed, children are officially placed on the waiting list.
Selections begin in April and continue until classes are filled. If accepted, families are notified.
Can I apply for my child go to preschool if they have an IEP?
The Preschool program reserves 10% of slots for students with disabilities. The program receives referrals from the Early Childhood Special Education Office. If your child has a current IEP, please contact your Special Education Teacher to discuss if a general education preschool class would be right for your child.
Children with an IEP are not guaranteed a slot in the preschool class.
How does the program choose which child to accept?
Children are not accepted on a first-come, first-served basis. Children are accepted according to enrollment criteria set by both the Head Start and Virginia Preschool Initiaive grants, to ensure children with the highest level of need receive priority.
How does the waiting list work?
Each preschool classroom has 17-19 slots. Once slots are filled, the other children will remain on the waiting list. The preschool program is required to maintain full enrollment. During the school year, when drops occur, children are pulled from the waiting list and enrolled in class.
What if my family is over the income limit?
Families must meet income requirements to be eligible for the preschool program.
If space remains in classrooms after all eligible children are enrolled, families who are over income may be accepted.
Acceptance for over-income children does not begin until July, to ensure eligible families have time to complete applications.
The program is limited to 10% of the total enrollment for those over the income limit.
What if I live outside of the school attendance area?
Children who do not live within an elementary attendance area with a preschool program are considered out-of-area. Out-of-area children, whose parents are willing to provide transportation or who have a day care provider within the school attendance area served, may be accepted if space remains after all eligible children are enrolled.
Acceptance for out-of-area children does not begin until July, to ensure eligible in-area students have time to complete applications.
Out-of-area children are placed on wait lists for schools within a five mile radius of their home.
General Questions about the program
When do preschools classes start?
Preschool classes begin August 20-21, 2025.
What are the preschool class hours?
Classroom hours vary by school and are determined by the transportation department.
Most preschool classes are 6 hours per day, with a few a.m./p.m. classes lasting 3.5 hours per day.
What school supplies does my child need?
Preschool children only need a bookbag large enough to fit a folder. All other school supplies are provided by the Head Start/VPI program.
Can preschool children participate in the SACC before/after care program?
Preschool children are not eligible for the SACC program.
Families in need of before/after care may contact Foundation First for information on available child care providers.
- Phone: 571-287-7600 (press #3)
- Email: [email protected]
Who do I contact if I have concerns about my child's speech or development?
If you have concerns about your child's speech or development contact the Preschool Child Find Evaluation Center at 703-791-8857 for information about a screening.
What does my child learn in the preschool program?
The preschool program uses HighScope, Second Step, and Conscious Discipline curricula to help students grow academically, socially, and emotionally.
Do all children get bus transportation?
Preschool students who live within the school attendance area, or have a sitter within the school attendance area, may receive bus transportation. Parents should be aware:
- The school walking zone in considered a one mile radius of the school. Students in the walking zone do not receive bus transportation.
- Bus stops are determined by the transportation department. Preschool students are not picked up in front of their home.
What happens when PWCS schools are closed or delayed?
When delays or early closings of school are announced, this automatically alters the preschool schedules. Parents/guardians should follow the Prince William County Public Schools procedures related to school closings and delays.