History and Social Science Standards of Learning Documents - Adopted 2015
The Standards of Learning and Curriculum Framework comprise the history and social science content that teachers in Virginia are expected to teach and students are expected to learn.
On March 26, 2015, the Virginia School Board approved the 2015 History and Social Science Standards of Learning.
The 2015 History and Social Science Standards of Learning will be in effect until the next scheduled adoption cycle which occurs every seven years.
SOL Testing
Beginning with the Spring 2020 test administration, the following tests will be based on the 2015 History and Social Science Standards of Learning:
Virginia Studies
Civic and Economics
Virginia and U.S. History
PWCS History and Social Science Curriculum Documents
PWCS provides students with a guaranteed, viable curriculum in history and the social sciences in grades K-12.
By clicking on menu to the right, students, parents, and teachers will find documents that clearly articulate what students are to know and be able to do as a result of their work in social studies classes. These documents represent a minimum standard. Most courses far exceed these basic standards.
Curriculum Overviews
Parents and students can easily understand what topics will be studied in each grade level by reviewing these documents. In addition to the basic course content and skills, these documents can be used to select outside readings and to plan family field trips to enhance and enrich what students are learning in class.
Curriculum Frameworks
These documents contain the minimum expectations for the content and skills PWCS teachers are required to teach our students. Most teachers' lessons will exceed these standards. Parents and students are guaranteed that their students will receive instruction that meets or exceeds what is contained in this document.
Suggested Pacing Guides
These documents provide teachers with a recommended sequence and duration of instruction in the required course content. Following the suggested pace will ensure that students are exposed to all of the standards they are required to study prior to their SOL test and/or exams. Professional teachers may decide to deviate from the suggested pace to meet the needs of their students, but significant deviations should be made with the knowledge and approval of their supervising administrator and the rationale should be clearly communicated to parents.
If a parent has a concern about instructional pacing, they should always feel free to contact their child's teacher with their questions.