Elementary English Language Arts and Literacy Curriculum
In kindergarten through third grade, the primary goal is to teach all students to read fluently and to comprehend a variety of fiction and nonfiction selections that relate to all areas of the curriculum. As they progress through the elementary grades, students continue to gain strategies for comprehending and additional exposure to new topics and texts. Students focus on reading, writing, speaking, and listening throughout the English Language Arts block and the instructional day.
Grade K
Kindergarten Pacing and Units of Study
Kindergarten students in Prince William County Public Schools will learn the 2024 Standards of Learning set by the Virginia Department of Education. Students will experience the following units in this course:
Quarter 1
Unit 1: Curious About Kindergarten/Opinion Writing
In this module, students will find out that the year ahead promises to be full of new experiences. They will meet new people, explore new places, learn new skills, and think of new ideas. As students listen to a variety of texts, they will begin to learn new vocabulary words, build background knowledge, and make connections. During the writing workshop, students will share their opinions by writing about things they like about kindergarten.
Standards Covered
- K.FFR.1; K.FFR.1(D,E) Print Concepts
- K.FFR.2(B,C) Phonological and Phonemic Awareness
- K.FFR.3(A,B,F,H) Phonics and Word Analysis
- K.DSR.1(D) Developing Skilled Readers and Building Stamina
- K.RV.1 Vocabulary Development and Word Analysis
- K.RL Reading Literary Text
- K.RL.1(A,B) Key Ideas and Plot Details
- K.RL.3(A,C) Integration of Concepts
- K.RI Reading Informational Text
- K.RI.1(A) Key Ideas and Confirming Details
- K.FFW.1(A,B,C,E) Handwriting
- K.FFW.2 (B,C) Spelling
- K.W Writing in a Variety of Forms
- K.W.1.C Modes and Purposes for Writing
- K.W.2(A) Organization and Composition
- K.LU.1(B,D,E) Grammar
- K.LU.2(A) Mechanics
- K.C.1(A) Communication, Listening, and Collaboration
- K.C.2(A,D) Speaking and Presentation of Ideas
Unit 2: There’s Only One Me!/Narrative Writing
In this module, students will explore what makes each of us one of a kind. Children learn from characters who are experts at self-reflection. They see that when we take time to appreciate who we are – inside and out, our successes and shortcomings – the happier we are just to be ourselves, and we are better able to celebrate our differences. Students will begin to apply what they have learned about story elements in fictional texts to writing a personal narrative, first as an interactive class writing and then as an independent project.
Standards Covered
- K.FFR.1(A,B,C,D,F) Print Concepts
- K.FFR.2(B,C) Phonological and Phonemic Awareness
- K.FFR.3(A,B,F,H) Phonics and Word Analysis
- K.DSR.1(D) Developing Skilled Readers and Building Stamina
- K.RL.1(A,B) Key Ideas and Plot Details
- K.RL.3(C)Integration of Concepts
- K.RI.1(A,B) Key Ideas and Confirming Details
- K.FFW.1(A,B,C,E) Handwriting K.FFW.2(B,C) Spelling
- K.W.1(A,B,C) Modes and Purposes for Writing
- K.W.2(A) Organization and Composition
- K.LU.1(D,E) Grammar; K.LU.2(A) Mechanics
- K.C.1(A) Communication, Listening, and Collaboration
Quarter 2
Unit 3: My Community Heroes/Informational Writing
In this module, students will explore that there are many everyday heroes in our communities. Children will see that we accomplish more together and that they don’t need to wait to contribute. Communities are about pooling our unique backgrounds and skills—the more diverse, the better—and that’s something they can get started on right away! Students will be introduced to Informational Writing. They will learn that they don’t just write to tell stories. They also write to teach readers about interesting topics.
Standards Covered
- K.FFR.1(A,B,C,E,F)
- K.FFR.2(B,C)
- K.FFR.3(A,B,F,H)
- K.DSR.1(D)
- K.RV.1(A,C)
- K.RL.1(A,B,C,D)
- K.RL.3(A,C)
- K.RI.1(B)
- K.RI.2(A)
- K.FFW.1(A,B,C,E)
- K.FFW.2(B,C)
- K.W.1(B,C)
- K.W.2(A)
- K.LU.1(A,B,D)
- K.LU.2(A)
- K.C.1(A)
Unit 4: Happy Healthy Me/Research
In this module, kindergartners will learn to take good care of their bodies; we’re not just helping them feel great today. We’re helping them form healthy habits to carry throughout their lives. In this module, children learn the essentials of healthy living, like eating well, exercising, and practicing good hygiene. After fun, active days, it’s a good night’s sleep.
In writing, students will begin to do research to learn about a topic they don’t already know about. They will be doing research writing about staying healthy.
Standards Covered
- K.FFR.1(A,)
- K.FFR.2(B,C)
- K.FFR.3(A,B,F,H)
- K.DSR.1(D)
- K.RV.1(A)
- K.RL.1(A,B,C)
- K.RL.3(A,C)
- K.RI.1(A,B)
- K.RI.2(A)
- K.FFW.1(A,B,C,E)
- K.FFW.2(B,C)
- K.W.1(C)
- K.W.2A(ii)
- K.LU.1(B,E)
- K.LU.2(A,B,C)
- K.C.1(A)
- K.R.1(A,B,C,D)
Grade 1
First-Grade Pacing and Units of Study
First-grade students in Prince William County Public Schools will learn the 2024 Standards of Learning set by the Virginia Department of Education. Students will experience the following units in this course:
Quarter 1
Unit 1: Nice to Meet You!/Personal Narrative
In this module, children will read about how the people they meet and their experiences can help them. Children will read about the different activities they can do at school. They also will read about what makes a good friend, the many kinds of friends they can have, and what makes each person special. During the writing workshop, students will learn that everyone has a story to tell. Children will engage in the full writing process to produce an oral story.
Standards Covered
- 1.FFR.2(A,B,C)
- 1.FFR.3(A,E,F)
- 1.DSR(A,D)
- 1.RV.1
- 1.RL.1(A,B,C,D)
- 1.RL.3(A,C)
- 1.RI.1(A,B)
- 1.FFW.2(A,D)
- 1.W.1(A) 1.W.2(A)
- 1.LU.1(A,C,E,F)
- 1.LU.2(A)
- 1.C.1(A)
- 1.C.2(A,B)
Unit 2: My Family, My Community/Descriptive Essay
This module describes communities as special places to live. It explains how the people who live there, including family members, work together to make it better for everyone. As students listen to a variety of texts, they will build deep topic knowledge about different kinds of communities and families. In the writing workshop, children will engage in the full writing process to produce a descriptive essay about what makes our world a special place.
Standards Covered
- 1.FFR.2(A,B,C)
- 1.FFR.3(A,E,F)
- 1.DSR(D)
- 1.RL.1(A,B,C)
- 1.RL.3(A)
- 1.RI.1(A,B,C)
- 1.RI.2(A)
- 1.RI.3(A,B)
- 1.FFW.2(A,D)
- 1.W.1(B)
- 1.W.2(A)
- 1.W.3(A)
- 1.LU.1(A,C,D,G)
- 1.LU.2(A,B)
- 1.C.1(A)
- 1.C.2(B)
- 1.C.2(B)
Quarter 2
Unit 3: Amazing Animals/Research Essay
In this module, children will discover many details about animals as they read both nonfiction and fiction selections. These texts encourage readers to be curious as they investigate animal life. Children will learn about the various characteristics of animals that allow them to grow and survive in the natural world. They will also explore the different kinds of structures animals build for homes and protection. After reading the module’s texts, children should have a greater appreciation of the animal kingdom’s diversity. In writing, children will engage in the full writing process to produce a research essay.
Standards Covered
- 1.FFR.2(A,B,C)
- 1.FFR.3(A,B)
- 1.DSR(A,D)
- 1.RV.1(A,C)
- 1.RL.1(A,B,C)
- 1.RL. 3(A)
- 1.RI.1(A,B)
- 1.RI.2(A,B)
- 1.FFW.2(A,C)
- 1.W.1(B,D)
- 1.W.2(A)
- 1.W.3(A)
- 1.LU.1(A,B,D)
- 1.LU. 2(A,B)
- 1.C.1(A)
- 1.C.2(B)
- 1.R.1(B,D,E)
Unit 4: Better Together/Procedural Text
Playing games and doing fun things with other people is part of being a child. In this module, children will listen to and read stories and informational texts about getting along and being a good sport. They will discover that playing games is a great way to spend time with friends and get healthy exercise, too! As children explore this topic, they will also learn about the importance of playing fairly and persevering when things get challenging. In writing, children will engage in the full writing process to produce a procedural text.
Standards Covered
- 1.FFR.2(A,B,C)
- 1.FFR.3(B)
- 1.DSR(A,D)
- 1.RV.1(A,B,C,E)
- 1.RL.1(A,B,C,D)
- 1.RL.3(A,B)
- 1.RI.1(B,C)
- 1.RI.2(A)
- 1.RI.3(B)
- 1.FFW.2(A)
- 1.W.1(B,D)
- 1.W.2(A)
- 1.W.3(A)
- 1.LU.1(A,B,C)
- 1.LU.2(A,B,C)
- 1.C.1(A)
- 1.C.2(B)
Children have become very familiar with the routines they follow during times of light and dark or day and night. They may want to know why daytime turns to nighttime. This module describes how sources of light affect people. It explains the relationship between the Earth and the sun. Children learn that the rotation of the Earth causes night and day. They also learn how the seasons change as Earth revolves around the sun. In the writing, children will engage in the full writing process to produce an imaginative story.
Standards Covered
- 1.FFR.2(A,B,C)
- 1.FFR.3(A,B,D)
- 1.DSR(D)
- 1.RV.1(A,E,F)
- 1.RL.1(A,B,C,D)
- 1.RL.3(A,B)
- 1.RI.1(A,B,C)
- 1.RI.2(A)
- 1.FFW.1(A)
- 1.FFW.2(A,B,C)
- 1.W.1(A,D)
- 1.W.2(A)
- 1.W.3(A)
- 1.LU.1(A,B,C,D,E,F)
- 1.LU.2(A,B)
- 1.C.1(A)
- 1.C.2(B)
Grade 2
Second-Grade Pacing and Units of Study
Second-grade students in Prince William County Public Schools will learn the 2024 Standards of Learning set by the Virginia Department of Education. Students will experience the following units in this course:
Quarter 1
Unit 1: Be a Super Citizen/Personal Narrative
Doing the right thing, telling the truth, respecting the needs of others, and being kind are all characteristics of good citizens. These principles can be simple to put into practice, but people sometimes need to pay more attention to them. In this module, children will listen to and read about characters and real people who illustrate what it means to be a good citizen. They will also learn how being a good citizen makes a difference at home, school, and community. To frame students’ thinking before writing their personal narrative in this module, they will think about how even the smallest actions can lead to big results.
Standards Covered
- 2.FFR.2(A,B,C)
- 2.FFR.3(A,B,C,E)
- 2.DSR(A,D)
- 2.RV.1
- 2.RL.1(A,C,D)
- 2.RL.3(A)
- 2.RI.1(B)
- 2.Rl.2(B)
- 2.FFW.2(A,C)
- 2.W.1(A,D)
- 2.W.2(A)
- 2.W.3(A,B)
- 2.LU.1(A,F,H)
- 2.LU.2(A)
- 2.C.1(A)
- 2.C.2(A)
Assessment Window: October 7-11, 2024
Unit 2: Look Around and Explore/Descriptive Essay
When children hear the word explore, they may think about traveling great distances to faraway lands. However, children do not have to go far to explore. Stepping outside to observe the plants and animals in nature can provide opportunities for exploration. Exploration can take place inside a good book! In this module, children will listen to and read texts that inspire them to look at the details in the world around them and learn new things. To frame students' thinking before writing their descriptive essay, students will learn that there are many ways to explore the world.
Standards Covered
- 2.FFR.2(A,B,C)
- 2.FFR.3(A,B,C,D,E)
- 2.DSR(B,C,D)
- 2.RV.1
- 2.RL.1(A,D)
- 2.RL.3(A,B)
- 2.RI.1(B)
- 2.Rl.2(A,B)
- 2.RI.3 (A)
- 2.FFW.2(A,B,C)
- 2.W.1(B)
- 2.W.2(A)
- 2.W.3(A,B)
- 2.LU.1(C,F)
- 2.LU.2(A)
- 2.C.1(A)
- 2.C.2(A)
- 2.R.1(A,B,C,D,E)
Assessment Window: October 28 - November 1, 2024
Quarter 2
Unit 3: Meet in the Middle/Persuasive Essay
Disagreements can sometimes stress relationships. But can we agree to disagree and still get along? In this module, children will learn ways to listen to each other and work out disagreements. Through reading and collaboration, children will learn to see different points of view. Then, they will be able to understand why people may disagree and why sometimes that might be okay! In writing, students will engage in the full writing process to produce a persuasive essay.
Standards Covered
- 2.FFR.2(A,B,C)
- 2.FFR.3(A,B,C,E)
- 2.DSR(A,B,C,D)
- 2.RV.1(A,E,F,H)
- 2.RL.1(A)
- 2.RL.3(A)
- 2.RI.1(B,C)
- 2.RI.2(A,B)
- 2.FFW.2(A,B,C)
- 2.W.1(C)
- 2.W.2(A)
- 2.W.3(A,B)
- 2.LU.1(C,E,F)
- 2.LU.2(C)
- 2.C.1(A)
- 2.C.2(A,B)
Assessment Window
November 25 - 29, 2024
Unit 4: Once Upon a Time/Imaginative Story
In this module, children will experience traditional and contemporary stories. Some of these are stories that may be familiar to children but have a new, interesting twist! Children will learn that stories can convey messages to readers. Important lessons can be learned from the characters, and just like real people, characters in stories make mistakes and learn from what they do wrong. Readers can learn valuable lessons from the actions of these characters. In writing, students will produce an imaginative story with key parts to keep the reader interested.
Standards Covered
- 2.FFR.2(A,B,C)
- 2.FFR.3(B,E)
- 2.DSR(C,D)
- 2.RV.1(A,E,H)
- 2.RL.1(A,B,C,D)
- 2.RL.3(A,B,C)
- 2.Rl.2(A)
- 2.FFW.2(A,B,C)
- 2.W.1(A)
- 2.W.2(A)
- 2.W.3(A,B)
- 2.LU.1(A,D,E)
- 2.LU.2(A,C)
- 2.C.1(A)
- 2.C.2(A,C)
Assessment Window: December 16-20, 2024
Unit 5: Lead the Way/Personal Essay
The principal of a school, the mayor of a town or city, and the owner of a local business have at least one thing in common—they are all leaders in the community. But what makes these people good leaders? In this module, children will read stories and texts that will help them identify the qualities many good leaders possess. They can learn to recognize these qualities in themselves so they can work to become good leaders in the classroom and in their school. In writing, students will produce a personal essay.
Standards Covered
- 2.FFR.2(A,B,C)
- 2.FFR.3(B,E)
- 2.DSR(C,D)
- 2.RV.1(A,B,E)
- 2.RL.1(A,C,D)
- 2.RL.3(A)
- 2.RI.1(B)
- 2.Rl.2(A,B)
- 2.RI.3(A)
- 2.FFW.2(A,B,C)
- 2.W.1(A)
- 2.W.2(A)
- 2.W.3(A,B)
- 2.LU.1(A,D,E,G)
- 2.LU.2(C)
- 2.C.1(A)
- 2.C.2(A,C)
Assessment Window: January 27-31, 2024
Grade 3
Third-Grade Pacing and Units of Study
Third-grade students in Prince William County Public Schools will learn the 2024 Standards of Learning set by the Virginia Department of Education. Students will experience the following units in this course:
Quarter 1
Unit 1: What a Character! /Personal
In this module, students will listen to, read, and view a variety of texts and media that present them with information about bold, interesting characters. A genre focused on realistic fiction provides students with opportunities to identify points of view, literary elements, and themes in order to better understand unfamiliar texts. Students will also encounter fantasy to build knowledge across genres. As students build their vocabulary and synthesize topic knowledge, they will learn that each protagonist is a unique individual, just as they are. Students will think and reflect on things they did and friends made over the summer in order to write a personal narrative in response to the big idea: ‘Summer friends can last forever.’
Standards Covered:
- 3.FFR.3(A,B)
- 3.DSR(A, B,C,D,E)
- 3.RV.1
- 3.RL.1(A,B,C)
- 3.RL.2(C,D)
- 3.RL.3(A)
- 3.RI.1(B)
- 3.RI.2(A,B)
- 3.FFW.2(A,B)
- 3.W.1(A,B)
- 3.W.2 (A)
- 3.W.3(A,B)
- 3.LU.1(A,B,C,E)
- 3.LU.2(C)
- 3.C.1(A)
- 3.C.2(A)
Assessment Window: October 7-11, 2024
Unit 2: Use Your Words/ Write a Letter
In this module, students will listen to, read, and view a variety of texts and media that present them with information about the importance of words and how they are used to express ideas and feelings. A genre focused on letters and poetry provides students with opportunities to identify elements of poetry in order to better understand unfamiliar texts. Students will also encounter memoirs and fantasy to build knowledge across genres. As students build vocabulary and synthesize topic knowledge, they will learn that words can take them on an adventure or teach them something new. Students will think about their hopes and dreams for the future in order to write a letter to their future self in response to the big idea ‘The future me is open for all possibilities’.
Standards Covered:
- 3.FFR.3(B,C)
- 3.DSR(B,C,D,E)
- 3.RV.1
- 3.RL.1(B,C)
- 3.RL.2(B,C,D)
- 3.RL.3(A)
- 3.RI.2(B)
- 3.FFW.2(A,B,)
- 3.W.1(A,B)
- 3.W.2 (A)
- 3.W.3(A,B)
- 3.LU.1(A,B,D)
- 3.LU.2(A,C)
- 3.C.1(A)
Assessment Window: October 28-November 1, 2024
Quarter 2
Unit 3: Let Freedom Ring/Descriptive Essay
In this module, students will listen to, read, and view a variety of texts and media that present them with information about important U.S. documents and symbols. A genre focus on nonfiction provides students with opportunities to identify the main (central) idea, text structure, and media techniques in order to better understand unfamiliar texts. Students will learn more about our country’s history and how various symbols came to represent the values and ideals of the United States. Students will think about a place they are familiar with to write a descriptive essay in response to the big idea ‘Places leave impressions.
Standards Covered:
- 3.FFR.3(A,B,C)
- 3.DSR(A,C,D,E)
- 3.RV.1(A,B,C,D,E,H,J
- 3.RL.1(B,C)
- 3.RL.2(A,B)
- 3.RL.3(A)
- 3.1(A,B,C,)
- 3.Rl.2(A,B,C)
- 3.RI.3(A)
- 3.FFW.2(A,B)
- 3.W.1(A,C)
- 3.W.2A(i,ii,iii)
- 3.W.3(A,B)
- 3.LU.1(A,B,C)
- 3.LU.2(A)
- 3.C.1(A,iii)
- 3.C.2(A)
Assessment Window: November 25-26, 2024
Unit 4: Stories on Stage/Narrative
In this module, students will listen to, read, and view a variety of texts and media that give them information about the features of drama. A drama genre focus provides students with opportunities to identify elements of drama and literary elements to better understand unfamiliar texts. Students will also encounter fables and videos to build knowledge across genres. Students will engage in the full writing process to produce a story during this three-week module.
Standards Covered:
- 3.FFR.3(A,B,C)
- 3.DSR(B,D,E)
- 3.RV.1 (C,D,J)
- 3.RL.1(A,B)
- 3.RL.2(B)
- 3.RL.3(A)
- 3.RI.1(A,B,C)
- 3.Rl.2(A,C)
- 3.FFW.2(A,B)
- 3.W.1(A)
- 3.W.2A(ii)
- 3.W.3(A,B)
- 3.LU.1(D)
- 3.LU.2(B,D)
- 3.C.1A(iii)
- 3.C.2A(i)
Assessment Window: December 16-20, 2024
Unit 5: Teamwork/Persuasive Letter
In this module, students will listen to, read, and view a variety of texts and media that present them with information about the concept of teamwork. A genre focused on realistic fiction provides students with opportunities to identify literary elements, the author’s craft, and the theme in order to better understand unfamiliar texts. Students will learn more about how sports can bring people together to work as a team to answer the essential question, “What can sports teach us about working together?” Students will engage in the full writing process to produce an editorial during this three-week module.
Standards Covered:
- 3.FFR.3(A,B,C)
- 3.DSR(A,B,C,D,E)
- 3.RV.1 (A,B,C,D,J)
- 3.RL.1(B,C)
- 3.RL.2(A,B,C,D)
- 3.RI.1(A)
- 3.Rl.2(A,B,C)
- 3.(A)
- 3.FFW.2(A,B)
- 3.W.1(A)
- 3.W.2A(ii)
- 3.W.3(A,B)
- 3.LU.1(A,D,E)
- 3.LU.2(B,D)
- 3.C.1(A)
- 3.C.2(A)
Assessment Window: January 27-31, 2025
Grade 4
Fourth-Grade Pacing and Units of Study
Fourth-grade students in Prince William County Public Schools will learn the 2024 Standards of Learning set by the Virginia Department of Education. Students will experience the following units in this course:
Quarter 1
Unit 1: What Makes Us Who We Are? /Personal Narrative
In this module, students will listen to, read, and view a variety of texts and media that present them with information about our identities. A genre focus on different kinds of stories provides students with opportunities to analyze the author’s purpose, identify the point of view, and recognize figurative language to better understand unfamiliar texts. Students will also encounter a photo essay and narrative poetry to build knowledge across genres. As students build their vocabulary and synthesize topic knowledge, they will learn that our experiences, personal interests, and passions shape our identities. To frame students’ thinking before writing their personal narratives in this module, they will think about how their experiences help them to grow and learn.
Standards Covered:
- 4.FFR.3(A)
- 4.DSR(A,B,D,E)
- 4.RV.1
- 4.RL.1(A,B,C)
- 4.RL.2(B,C,D)
- 4.RL.3(A,C)
- 4.RI.1(A)
- 4.FFW.2(A,B)
- 4.W.1(A,B)
- 4.W.2(A)
- 4.W.3(A,B)
- 4.LU.1(A,E)
- 4.LU.2(A,B,D)
- 4.C.1(A)
- 4.C.2(A)
Assessment Window: October 7 - 11, 2024
Unit 2: Come to Your Senses/ Descriptive Writing
In this module, students will listen to, read, and view a variety of texts and media that present them with information about the five senses. A genre focus on informational text provides students with opportunities to identify central (main) ideas, text and graphic features, and media techniques in order to better understand unfamiliar texts. Students will also encounter a personal narrative and historical fiction to build knowledge across genres. As students build their vocabulary and synthesize topic knowledge, they will learn that our senses are powerful tools that help us experience the world in exciting ways. To frame students’ thinking before writing descriptive informational text in this module, they will think about the five senses.
Standards Covered:
- 4.FFR.3(A)
- 4.DSR(D,E)
- 4.RV.1
- 4.RL.1(B,C)
- 4.RL.2(A)
- 4.RI.1(A,B)
- 4.RI.2(A,B,C)
- 4.RI.3(A,C)
- 4.FFW.2(A,B)
- 4.W.1(A,C)
- 4.W.2(A)
- 4.W.3(A,B)
- 4.LU.1(A,E)
- 4.LU.2(B,D)
- 4.C.1(A)
- 4.C.2(A)
- 4.C.4(A)
Assessment Window: October 28 - November 1, 2024
Quarter 2
Unit 3: Rise to the Occasion/Opinion Essay
In this module, students will listen to, read, and view a variety of texts that present them with examples of meeting challenges. A genre focus on historical fiction provides students with opportunities to synthesize ideas, identify plot elements, and identify themes in order to better understand unfamiliar texts. Students will also encounter narrative nonfiction, autobiographical fiction, and a play to build knowledge across genres. As students build their vocabulary and synthesize topic knowledge, they will learn that with personal courage and the support of family, friends, and community members, people can face any challenge. To frame students’ thinking before writing opinion essays in this module, they will think about relying on friends to meet and overcome challenges.
Standards Covered:
- 4.FFR.3(A,B)
- 4.DSR(B,C,D,E)
- 4.RV.1(A,B,C,E,F
- 4.RL.1(A,B,C)
- 4.RL.2 (A,B,C,D)
- 4.RL.3(A,C)
- 4.RI.2(A,C)
- 4.FFW.2(A,B)
- 4.W.1(A,D,E)
- 4.W.2A(i,ii,iii,iv)
- 4.W.3(A,B)
- 4.LU.1(A,B,E)
- 4.LU.2(D,E)
- 4.C.1(A)
- 4.C.2(A)
Assessment Window: January 25 - 29, 2024
Unit 4: Heroic Feats/Narrative Story
In this module, students will listen to, read, and view a variety of texts that present them with examples of what makes someone a hero. A genre focus on fairy tales and myths provides students with opportunities to identify text and graphic features, points of view, and themes in order to better understand unfamiliar texts. Students will also encounter narrative nonfiction to build knowledge across genres. As students build their vocabulary and synthesize topic knowledge, they will learn that with personal courage and confidence, people can face any challenge. To frame students’ thinking before writing narrative stories in this module, they will think about how courage is needed to make a difference.
Standards Covered:
- 4.FFR.3(A,B)
- 4.DSR(B,C,D,E)
- 4.RV.1(A,B,F)
- 4.RL.1(A,C)
- 4.RL.2 (A,B,C,D)
- 4.RL.3(A,C)
- 4.RI.1(A)
- 4.RI.2(A,B,C)
- 4.RI.3(A)
- 4.FFW.2(A,B)
- 4.W.1(A,B,E)
- 4.W.2A(i,ii,iii,iv)
- 4.W.3(A,B)
- 4.LU.1(A,E,F)
- 4.LU.2(B,C,D,E)
- 4.C.1(A)
- 4.C.2(A)
Assessment Window: December 16 -20, 2024
Unit 5: Art Everywhere/Expository Essay
In this module, students will listen to, read, and view a variety of texts and media that present them with information about the arts. A genre focus on biography provides students with opportunities to identify ideas and support, text structure, and sensory words in order to better understand unfamiliar texts. Students will also encounter informational text and poetry to build knowledge across genres. As students build their vocabulary and synthesize topic knowledge, they will learn that sharing our creative talents with the world can bring us closer together. To frame students’ thinking before expository writing in this module, they will think about how people who create art can be extraordinary.
Standards Covered:
- 4.FFR.3(A,B)
- 4.DSR(B,C,D,E)
- 4.RV.1(A,B,F,G)
- 4.RL.1(A,C)
- 4.Rl.2 (A,B,C)
- 4.RL.3(A)
- 4.RI.1(A,C)
- 4.RI.2(A,B,C)
- 4.RI.3(A)
- 4.FFW.2(A,B)
- 4.W.1(A,C,E)
- 4.W.2A(i,ii,iii,iv)
- 4.W.3(A,B)
- 4.LU.1(A,D,E,F)
- 4.LU.2(D,E)
- 4.C.1(A)
- 4.C.2(A)
- 4.R.1(C)
Assessment Window: January 27-31, 2025
Grade 5
Fifth-Grade Pacing and Units of Study
Fifth-grade students in Prince William County Public Schools will learn the 2024 Standards of Learning set by the Virginia Department of Education. Students will experience the following units in this course:
Quarter 1
Unit 1: Inventors at Work/Informational Expository Essay
In this module, students will listen to, read, and view a variety of texts and media that present them with information about inventors. A genre focus on informational text provides students with opportunities to identify the author’s purpose, central ideas, and text structure in order to better understand unfamiliar texts. Students will also encounter narrative nonfiction, realistic fiction, and science fiction/fantasy to build knowledge across genres. As students build their vocabulary and synthesize topic knowledge, they will learn that people can create amazing things through innovation, perseverance, and the desire to solve problems. To frame students’ thinking before writing an expository essay in this module, they will think about how great ideas for inventions require a lot of hard work.
Standards Covered
- 5.FFR.3(A)
- 5.DSR(B,D,E)
- 5.RV.1
- 5.RL.1(A,B,C)
- 5.RL.2(A,B,D)
- 5.RL.3(A,B)
- 5.RI.1(A,B,C)
- 5.RI.2(A)
- 5.RI.3(A,C)
- 5.FFW.2(A,B)
- 5.W.1(B)
- 5.W.2(A)
- 5.W.3(A,B)
- 5.LU.1(A,D,E)
- 5.LU.2(A,D,E)
- 5.C.2(A)
- 5.R.1(A,B,C,D,E)
Assessment Window: October 7-11, 2024
Unit 2: What a Story/ Narrative Writing
In this module, students will listen to, read, and view a variety of texts and media that present them with different ways to tell a story. A genre focus on fiction provides students with opportunities to identify characters, settings, plots, and conflicts in order to better understand unfamiliar texts. Students will also encounter poetry, myth, and fantasy/adventure to build knowledge across genres. As students build their vocabulary and synthesize topic knowledge, they will learn that the elements of a great story can be found in the literature of all genres. To frame students’ thinking before writing a narrative in this module, they will think about how there are many ways to tell a story.
Standards Covered
- 5.FFR.3(A)
- 5.DSR(B,D,E)
- 5.RV.1
- 5.RL.1(A,B,C)
- 5.RL.2(A,B,C)
- 5.RL3(A)
- 5.RI.2(B,C)
- 5.RI.3(A)
- 5.FFW.2(A,B)
- 5.W.1(A)
- 5.W.2(A)
- 5.W.3(A,B)
- 5.LU.1(A,E)
- 5.LU.2(A,D,E)
- 5.C.2(A)
Assessment Window: October 28 - November 1, 2024
Quarter 2
Unit 3: Natural Disasters/Persuasive Essay
In this module, students will listen to, read, and view a variety of texts and media that present them with information about natural disasters. A genre focus on informational text provides students with opportunities to identify central (main) ideas, summarize events, and ask and answer questions in order to better understand unfamiliar texts. Students will also encounter narrative nonfiction, realistic fiction, and persuasive text to build knowledge across genres. As students build their vocabulary and synthesize topic knowledge, they will learn about the causes of different types of natural disasters. To frame students’ thinking before writing a persuasive essay in this module, they will understand how using persuasion is much more powerful than fighting.
Standards Covered
- 5.FFR.3(A)
- 5.DSR(B,D,E)
- 5.RV.1(A,B,G,J,I)
- 5.RL.1(C)
- 5.RL.2(B)
- 5.RL.3(A)
- 5.RI.1(A,B,C)
- 5.RI.2(A,B,C)
- 5.RI.3(A,C)
- 5.FFW.2(A,B)
- 5.W.1(C,D)
- 5.W.2A(i,ii,iii,iv)
- 5.W.3(A,B)
- 5.LU.1(A,C)
- 5.LU.2(D,E)
- 5.C.1(A,B)
- 5.C.2(A)
- 5.C.4(B)
Assessment Window: November 25-29, 2024
Unit 4: Wild West/Letter
In this module, students will listen to, read, and view a variety of texts and media that present them with information about the people who settled in the West. A genre focus on informational text provides students with opportunities to identify central ideas, text structure, and author’s craft techniques in order to better understand unfamiliar texts. Students will also encounter personal historical fiction to build knowledge across genres. As students build their vocabulary and synthesize topic knowledge, they will learn about the settlers’ varied experiences. To frame students’ thinking before letter writing in this module, they will think about what a person moving west in the 1850s might need to know before going.
Standards Covered
- 5.FFR.3(AB)
- 5.DSR(A,B,C,D,E)
- 5.RV.1(A,B,F,G)
- 5.RL.1(B,C)
- 5.RL.2(A,B)
- 5.RL.3(A,B)
- 5.RI.1(A,B)
- 5.RI.2(A,B,C)
- 5.RI.3(A,C)
- 5.FFW.2(A,B)
- 5.W.1(B,D)
- 5.W.2A(i,ii,iii,iv)
- 5.W.3(A,B)
- 5.LU.1(A,C,D,E)
- 5.LU.2(A,D,E)
- 5.C.1(A,B)
- 5.C.2(A)
- C.4(B)
Assessment Window: December 16-20, 2024
Unit 5: Project Earth/Editorial Argument
In this module, students will listen to, read, and view a variety of texts and media that present them with information about the Earth.
A genre focus on persuasive text provides students with opportunities to identify the author’s purpose and audience, as well as the elements of persuasive writing, in order to better understand unfamiliar texts. Students will also encounter realistic fiction, drama, and informational text to build knowledge across genres. As students build their vocabulary and synthesize topic knowledge, they will learn that there are many ways to protect the future of the world around us. To frame students’ thinking before argument writing in this module, they will think about how people see things in different ways.
Standards Covered
- 5.FFR.3(A,B)
- 5.DSR(A,B,D,E)
- 5.RV.1(A,B,I)
- 5.RL.1(B,C)
- 5.RL.2(A,B)
- 5.RL.3(A)
- 5.RI.1(A,B,C)
- 5.RI.2(A,B,C)
- 5.RI.3(C)
- 5.FFW.2(A,B)
- 5.W.1(C,D)
- 5.W.2A(i,ii,iii,iv)
- 5.W.3(A,B)
- 5.LU.1(A,C,D)
- 5.LU.2(A,B,D,E)
- 5.C.1(A,B)
- 5.C.2(A)
Assessment Window: January 27-31, 2025