High School Math Curriculum
Algebra 1
Algebra 1 Pacing and Units of Study
How can Algebra help us beyond school? As we explore situations, what do we notice? Are there patterns of interest? If there are, how can we describe these patterns and how can they help us make predictions and decisions? What language and mathematical ideas do we use to increase our precision? As new topics are introduced, students will work with informal descriptions of contextual data and generalize what they see. It is important to allow the students time to describe the patterns without the burden of using formal symbols or vocabulary. The formalization of these ideas is developed as students generalize concepts through the exploration of specific functions. This generalization leads towards proficiency with abstract symbolic manipulation. Students will complete the course with conceptual understanding and procedural skills for success in continued study of advanced mathematics.
Quarter 1
Unit 1: Using the Data Cycle with Bivariate Data
While exploring patterns, students will use the data cycle to structure their process. Relationships in bivariate data will be the basis of formulating investigative questions and collecting or acquiring data. Tables and scatterplots will provide representations of the data for students to begin making observations and communicating inferences about the patterns and relationships.
Standards Covered: A.EO.1, A.F.2, A.ST.1
Unit 2: Linear Functions in Context
The focus of Unit 2 will be on generalized linear relationships; recognizing there is a constant rate of change (slope) and a starting point (y-intercept). Students will also recognize limitations (domain and range) of the model in the context of real-world data sets and make predictions using the model (finding values of a function). This unit serves a conceptual transition from the open-ended exploration of bivariate data in Unit 1 and a more formal, rigorous approach to linear equations and inequalities in Unit 3.
Standards Covered: A.EO.1, A.ST.1, A.F.1
Assessment Window: September 9 - September 13, 2024
Unit 3: Linear Functions
Students will build upon contextual and generalized concepts as they represent linear equations and inequalities algebraically. This will include comparison of various forms of linear functions (slope-intercept, standard, point-slope) to explore the benefits of each approach. Students will formalize their understanding of linear functions by interpreting various forms of a linear model with and without context.
Standards Covered: A.EO.1, A.EI.1, A.EI.2, A.ST.1, A.F.2
Standards Covered: A.F.1, A.ST.1, A.F.1
Assessment Window: October 14 - October 18, 2024
Begin Unit 4: Solving Linear Equations, Inequalities, and Systems
The abstraction of algebra continues in this unit as students expand their ability to algebraically and graphically represent, solve, explain, and interpret solutions to linear equations and inequalities (including systems). Students refine understanding of equality within algebraic situations, and the preservation of the relationship between expressions when operating on equations and inequalities.
Standards Covered: A.EO.1, A.EI.1, A.EI.2, A.ST.1
Quarter 2
Continue Unit 4: Solving Linear Equations, Inequalities, and Systems
The abstraction of algebra continues in this unit as students expand their ability to algebraically and graphically represent, solve, explain, and interpret solutions to linear equations and inequalities (including systems). Students refine understanding of equality within algebraic situations, and the preservation of the relationship between expressions when operating on equations and inequalities.
Standards Covered: A.EO.1, A.EI.1, A.EI.2, A.ST.1
Assessment Window: November 25 - November 29, 2024
Unit 5: Non-Linear Expressions
Students will move from contextualized situations in units 2 - 4 to abstract symbolic manipulation. Translating between verbal and algebraic expressions will direct students’ need to simplify expressions with radicals and exponents, including rational exponents. Students will continue to develop the idea of equivalence by deriving and applying the laws of exponents. This idea of equivalence will continue as students learn to simplify and perform operations on radical expressions. Formalized rules will then be utilized as students evaluate algebraic expressions for given replacement values.
Standards Covered: A.EO.1, A.EO.3, A.EO.4
Assessment Window: December 16 - December 20, 2024
Begin Unit 6: Exponential Functions
Students will move from contextualized situations in units 2 - 4 to abstract symbolic manipulation. Translating between verbal and algebraic expressions will direct students’ need to simplify expressions with radicals and exponents, including rational exponents. Students will continue to develop the idea of equivalence by deriving and applying the laws of exponents. This idea of equivalence will continue as students learn to simplify and perform operations on radical expressions. Formalized rules will then be utilized as students evaluate algebraic expressions for given replacement values.
Standards Covered: A.F.2, A.ST.1, A.F.2
Quarter 3
Information for Quarter 3 will be available no later than January 2, 2025.
Quarter 4
Information for Quarter 4 will be available no later than March 11, 2025.
Advanced Algebra 1
Advanced Algebra 1 Pacing and Units of Study
How can Algebra help us beyond school? As we explore situations, what do we notice? Are there patterns of interest? If there are, how can we describe these patterns and how can they help us make predictions and decisions? What language and mathematical ideas do we use to increase our precision? As new topics are introduced, students will work with informal descriptions of contextual data and generalize what they see. It is important to allow the students time to describe the patterns without the burden of using formal symbols or vocabulary. The formalization of these ideas is developed as students generalize concepts through the exploration of specific functions. This generalization leads towards proficiency with abstract symbolic manipulation. Students will complete the course with the conceptual understanding and procedural skills for success in continued study of advanced mathematics.
Quarter 1
Unit 1: Using the Data Cycle with Bivariate Data
While exploring patterns, students will use the data cycle to structure their process. Relationships in bivariate data will be the basis of formulating investigative questions and collecting or acquiring data. Tables and scatterplots will provide representations of the data for students to begin making observations and communicating inferences about the patterns and relationships.
Standards Covered: A.EO.1, A.F.2, A.ST.1
Unit 2: Linear Functions in Context
The focus of Unit 2 will be on generalized linear relationships; recognizing there is a constant rate of change (slope) and a starting point (y-intercept). Students will also recognize the limitations (domain and range) of the model in the context of real-world data sets and make predictions using the model (finding values of a function). This unit serves a conceptual transition from the open-ended exploration of bivariate data in Unit 1 and a more formal, rigorous approach to linear equations and inequalities in Unit 3.
Standards Covered: A.EO.1, A.ST.1, A.F.1
Assessment Window: September 9 - September 13, 2024
Unit 3: Linear Functions
Students will build upon contextual and generalized concepts as they represent linear equations and inequalities algebraically. This will include a comparison of various forms of linear functions (slope-intercept, standard, point-slope) to explore the benefits of each approach. Students will formalize their understanding of linear functions by interpreting various forms of a linear model with and without context.
Standards Covered: A.EO.1, A.EI.1, A.EI.2, A.ST.1, A.F.2, A.F.1
Assessment Window: October 14 - October 18, 2024
Begin Unit 4: Solving Linear Equations, Inequalities, and Systems
The abstraction of algebra continues in this unit as students expand their ability to algebraically and graphically represent, solve, explain, and interpret solutions to linear equations and inequalities (including systems). Students refine their understanding of equality within algebraic situations, and the preservation of the relationship between expressions when operating on equations and inequalities.
Standards Covered: A.EO.1, A.EI.1, A.EI.2, A.ST.1, A2.EI.1
Quarter 2
Continue Unit 4: Solving Linear Equations, Inequalities, and Systems
The abstraction of algebra continues in this unit as students expand their ability to algebraically and graphically represent, solve, explain, and interpret solutions to linear equations and inequalities (including systems). Students refine understanding of equality within algebraic situations, and the preservation of the relationship between expressions when operating on equations and inequalities.
Standards Covered: A.EO.1, A.EI.1, A.EI.2, A.ST.1, A2.EI.1
Assessment Window: November 25 - November 29, 2024
Unit 5: Non-Linear Expressions
Students will move from contextualized situations in units 2 - 4 to abstract symbolic manipulation. Translating between verbal and algebraic expressions will direct students’ need to simplify expressions with radicals and exponents, including rational exponents. Students will continue to develop the idea of equivalence by deriving and applying the laws of exponents. This idea of equivalence will continue as students learn to simplify and perform operations on radical expressions. Formalized rules will then be utilized as students evaluate algebraic expressions for given replacement values.
Standards Covered: A.EO.1, A.EO.3, A.EO.4, A2.EO.2
Assessment Window: January 6 - January 31, 2025
Begin Unit 6: Exponential Functions
Students will move from contextualized situations in units 2 - 4 to abstract symbolic manipulation. Translating between verbal and algebraic expressions will direct students’ need to simplify expressions with radicals and exponents, including rational exponents. Students will continue to develop the idea of equivalence by deriving and applying the laws of exponents. This idea of equivalence will continue as students learn to simplify and perform operations on radical expressions. Formalized rules will then be utilized as students evaluate algebraic expressions for given placement values.
Standards Covered: A.F.2, A.ST.1, A.F.2
Quarter 3
Information for Quarter 3 will be available no later than January 2, 2025.
Quarter 4
Information for Quarter 4 will be available no later than March 11, 2025.
Geometry Pacing and Units of Study
Geometry allows us to understand and make connections to the physical world around us. In this course, students will analyze physical relationships through the development of conjecture and proof using transformational, coordinate, algebraic methods, and logical means. Students will develop efficient strategies for the proof and classification of two- and three-dimensional objects and the use of properties to solve problems.
Quarter 1
Unit 1: Venn Diagrams and Introduction to Logic
Unit story: Venn diagrams and logic provide vehicles through which we can understand and model relationships and categorizations, including geometric relationships. These key components to geometrical thinking are revisited throughout the year when working with theorems, postulates, definitions, and examples.
Standards Covered: G.RLT.1
Assessment Window: September 9 - September 13, 2024
Unit 2: Parallel Lines
The angle relationships formed when parallel lines are cut by a transversal are foundational to the study of geometry. In this unit, students will explore, analyze, and use those relationships to prove conjectures, solve problems, and apply to contextual situations.
Standards Covered: G.RLT.2, G.RLT.1
Assessment Window: September 23 - September 27, 2024
Unit 3: Symmetry and Transformations
Students have been working with symmetry and transformations since elementary school in both geometric and algebraic contexts. This unit provides an opportunity to formalize these ideas and use this knowledge to justify similarity and congruence in geometric figures.
Standards Covered: G.RLT.3, G.RLT.1
Assessment Window: October 14 - October 18, 2024
Unit 4: Triangle Properties
Students use spatial reasoning to form conjectures about whether three given lengths can form a triangle. Exploration is used to determine the relationship between the sides and angles of a triangle. Contextual situations allow for students to see the relevance of these concepts.
Standards Covered: G.TR.1
Targeted Review: G.RLT.1
Assessment Window: October 28 - November 1, 2024
Quarter 2
Unit 5: Similarity and Congruence
Students have been working with similar and congruent figures in various contexts since elementary school. This course provides for a formalized definition of congruent and similar figures. Through exploration, students discover some postulates about congruent and similar figures that allow for some shortcuts to prove whether two figures are congruent or similar. These concepts are used to solve abstract and contextual problems.
Standards Covered: G.TR.2, G.TR.3, G.RLT.1, G.RLT.2
Assessment Window: December 9 - December 13, 2024
Begin Unit 6: Similarity and Right Triangle Ratios
Having worked with similar triangles, students narrow their focus to similar right triangles. Beginning with special right triangles, students apply geometric concepts to determine relationships between the legs and hypotenuse. Expanding to all right triangles allows for the introduction of trigonometric functions. These ratios are used to solve problems.
Quarter 3
Information for Quarter 3 will be available no later than January 2, 2025.
Quarter 4
Information for Quarter 4 will be available no later than March 11, 2025.
Advanced Geometry
Advanced Geometry Pacing and Units of Study
Geometry allows us to understand and make connections to the physical world around us. In this course, students will analyze physical relationships through the development of conjecture and proof using transformational, coordinate, algebraic methods, and logical means. Students will develop efficient strategies for the proof and classification of two- and three-dimensional objects and the use of properties to solve problems.
Quarter 1
Unit 1: Venn Diagrams and Introduction to Logic
Unit story: Venn diagrams and logic provide vehicles through which we can understand and model relationships and categorizations, including geometric relationships. These key components to geometrical thinking are revisited throughout the year when working with theorems, postulates, definitions, and examples.
Standards Covered: G.RLT.1
Unit 2: Parallel Lines
The angle relationships formed when parallel lines are cut by a transversal are foundational to the study of geometry. In this unit, students will explore, analyze, and use those relationships to prove conjectures, solve problems, and apply to contextual situations.
Standards Covered: G.RLT.2, G.RLT.1
Unit 3: Symmetry and Transformations
Students have been working with symmetry and transformations since elementary school in both geometric and algebraic contexts. This unit provides an opportunity to formalize these ideas and use this knowledge to justify similarity and congruence in geometric figures.
Standards Covered: G.RLT.3, G.RLT.1
Unit 4: Triangle Properties
Students use spatial reasoning to form conjectures about whether three given lengths can form a triangle. Exploration is used to determine the relationship between the sides and angles of a triangle. Contextual situations allow for students to see the relevance of these concepts.
Standards Covered: G.TR.1, G.RLT.1
Quarter 2
Unit 5: Similarity and Congruence
Students have been working with similar and congruent figures in various contexts since elementary school. This course provides for a formalized definition of congruent and similar figures. Through exploration, students discover some postulates about congruent and similar figures that allow for some shortcuts to prove whether two figures are congruent or similar. These concepts are used to solve abstract and contextual problems.
Standards Covered: G.TR.2, G.TR.3, G.RLT.1, G.RLT.2
Begin Unit 6: Similarity and Right Triangle Ratios
Having worked with similar triangles, students narrow their focus to similar right triangles. Beginning with special right triangles, students apply geometric concepts to determine relationships between the legs and hypotenuse. Expanding to all right triangles allows for the introduction of trigonometric functions. These ratios are used to solve problems.
Standards Covered: G.TR.4, G.TR.2, G.RLT.1, G.TR.1, G.TR.2, G.TR.3
Quarter 3
Information for Quarter 3 will be available no later than January 2, 2025.
Quarter 4
Information for Quarter 4 will be available no later than March 11, 2025.
Algebra Functions & Data Analysis (AFDA)
Algebra Functions & Data Analysis (AFDA) Pacing and Units of Study
Within the context of mathematical modeling and data analysis, students will study functions and their behaviors, systems of inequalities, probability, experimental design and implementation, and analysis of data. Data will be generated through practical applications arising from science, business, and finance. Students will solve problems that require the formulation of linear, quadratic, exponential, or piecewise-defined equations or a system of equations.
Quarter 1
Unit 1: The Data Cycle
Unit 1 is an introduction to the iterative steps of the data cycle. Students will start with formulating questions that require them to collect or acquire bivariate, quantitative data. They will use this data to create scatterplots that represent the data and determine if the data they have will answer their questions. They will describe how their variables are related and explore making predictions and decisions with their representations to answer contextual questions. In later units, students will apply what they have learned to create equations of their data and design and implement experiments or studies.
Standards Covered: AFDA.DA.1, AFDA.DA.2
Unit 2: Linear Programming
Unit 2 focuses on using real-world applications and identifying optimal solutions. As teachers and students get to know one another, data collection and analysis serve as a vehicle for community building within the classroom. As students review solving systems of inequalities, they will learn to determine the feasible region solution areas. They will use vertices from the feasible region to determine maximum and minimum values in an optimization function. They will learn how optimization affects business decisions that impact their daily lives. Students should have the opportunity to collect/acquire, display, and discuss data related to themselves and their interests.
Standards Covered: AFDA.AF.3
Assessment Window: September 30 - October 4, 2024
Unit 3: Characteristics of Functions
In Unit 3, the focus will be to review and extend students’ knowledge of various functions to include linear, quadratic, exponential, and piecewisedefined function families. Characteristics will include domain and range, intervals on which a function is increasing, decreasing or constant, end behaviors, absolute maxima and minima, zeros, intercepts, and vertical and horizontal asymptotes. Students will also determine the values of a function and describe and relate the characteristics of the graphs to contextual situations.
Standards Covered: AFDA.AF.2
Assessment Window: October 21 - October 25, 2024
Begin Unit: 4 Transformation of Functions
Students will use a transformational approach for linear, quadratic, and exponential functions that include translations, reflections, and dilations based on the graph of the parent function. Given a graph, they will use their knowledge of transformations to make connections between and among multiple representations of a function.
Standards Covered: AFDA.AF.1
Assessment Window: December 2 - December 6, 2024
Quarter 2
Continue Unit: 4 Transformation of Functions
Students will use a transformational approach for linear, quadratic, and exponential functions that include translations, reflections, and dilations based on the graph of the parent function. Given a graph, they will use their knowledge of transformations to make connections between and among multiple representations of a function.
Assessment Window: December 2 - December 6, 2024
Unit 5: Regressions
Regression is a powerful statistical tool used to understand and predict relationships between variables. In its simplest form, regression involves fitting a line or curve to a set of data points on a graph, allowing one to model and analyze how changes in one variable can impact another. For students, linear regression is a key concept, where a straight line is used to represent the best fit for data that shows a linear relationship. By
learning how to calculate and interpret this line, students can make informed predictions and gain deeper insights into patterns within their data. This foundational skill not only enhances mathematical understanding but also applies to real-world scenarios, from economics to science and beyond.
Standards Covered: AFDA.DA.1
Assessment Window: January 6 - January 10, 2025
Begin Unit 6: Probability
This unit focuses on understanding and applying concepts related to probability. Students will explore theoretical probability, conditional probabilities, and the relationships between different types of events, including complementary, dependent, independent, and mutually exclusive events. They will also learn to represent probabilities using various models and to calculate permutations and combinations in a variety of
Standards Covered: AFDA.DA.3
Assessment Window: February 17 - February 21, 2025
Quarter 3
Information for Quarter 3 will be available no later than January 2, 2025.
Quarter 4
Information for Quarter 4 will be available no later than March 11, 2025.
Algebra 2
Algebra 2 Pacing and Units of Study
Algebra 2 is about functions and their associated equations. By the end of the course, students should be able to sketch the general shape and name identifying characteristics of absolute value, quadratic and other polynomial, radical, rational, exponential, and logarithmic functions. They should recognize how equivalent
forms of expressions and equations illuminate different characteristics and provide opportunities to solve equations, and they should be able to use technology (i.e. graphing utilities) to verify algebraic solutions as well as solve any equation involving those functions. Unit 1 provides a foundation in using bivariate data to drive the need to describe situations with functions. In Unit 2, we establish the vocabulary that will be used to describe the functions. In Units 3-8 students examine each function family in turn, following a similar pattern of looking at data, identifying key characteristics of functions, exploring various forms of the function expressions, and solving equations involving that function. Unit 9 provides a synthesis of all of the function types, with opportunities to compare and contrast function characteristics as well as to create new functions through composition and combining into piecewise functions. Units 10 and 11 are not directly linked to the function concepts but provide a foundation for students to study statistics at a higher level. These units may be taught at any point during the year.
Quarter 1
Unit 1: Building a Mathematical Community Through the Data Cycle with Bivariate Data and Functions
Unit 1 provides a foundation in using bivariate data to drive the need to describe situations with functions. As teachers and students get to know one another, data collection and analysis serve as a vehicle for community building within the classroom. Students should have the opportunity to collect/acquire, display, and discuss data related to themselves and their interests.
Standards Covered: A2.ST.2
Assessment Window: September 2 - September 6, 2024
Unit 2: Analyzing and Describing Graphs of Functions
In Unit 1, students explored bivariate data that can be modeled by a function. In Unit 2, we will focus on describing key features of functions from their equations and their graphs. Students will identify certain characteristics of a function (common vocabulary such as: domain, range, zeros, max/min, end behaviors) to help them be able to analyze and make conclusions. This unit is not focused on memorizing the characteristics of each of the function families; rather, this unit is designed to be an introductory unit for the skills and vocabulary needed in future units when exploring specific types of functions.
Standards Covered: A2.F.1, A2.F.2
Assessment Window: September 16 - September 20, 2024
Unit 3: Solving Absolute Value Equations and Inequalities
Students will represent, solve, and interpret absolute value equations and inequalities. The standards do not require students to know about absolute value functions, but connecting the solutions to equations and inequalities to the graphs of the related functions provides an opportunity to apply the function vocabulary and notation introduced in unit 2. Note: This unit could be swapped with Unit 2 or moved later in the year.
Standards Covered: A2.F.1, A2.EI.1
Assessment Window: October 7 - October 11, 2024
Begin Unit 4: Quadratic Models
Students will continue to use data as a foundation for a deeper exploration of quadratic models. We will consider the contextual meaning of key characteristics of the graphs (e.g. vertex, x-intercepts). Students will review factoring techniques from Algebra 1 and extend to rewriting quadratic expressions in different forms to illuminate the key characteristics. Solving quadratic equations includes addressing functions that do not have real roots, establishing the need for an introduction to complex numbers. This introduction to complex numbers will be further developed by performing operations. Finally, systems of equations will be presented in a manner that includes at least one quadratic function.
Standards Covered: A2.EO.3, A2.EO.4, A2.F.1, A2.F.2, A2.EI.2, A2.EI.3
Quarter 2
Continue Unit 4: Quadratic Models
Students will continue to use data as a foundation for a deeper exploration of quadratic models. We will consider the contextual meaning of key characteristics of the graphs (e.g. vertex, x-intercepts). Students will review factoring techniques from Algebra 1 and extend to rewriting quadratic expressions in different forms to illuminate the key characteristics. Solving quadratic equations includes addressing functions that do not have real roots, establishing the need for an introduction to complex numbers. This introduction to complex numbers will be further developed by performing operations. Finally, systems of equations will be presented in a manner that includes at least one quadratic function.
Standards Covered: A2.EO.3, A2.EO.4, A2.F.1, A2.F.2, A2.EI.2, A2.EI.3
Assessment Window: November 4 - November 8, 2024
Unit 5: Polynomial Models
Building on the function behaviors and algebraic techniques in Unit 4, students will extend their understanding of polynomial models to degrees beyond 2. Key features to highlight in this unit are increasing/decreasing intervals and relative/absolute extremes. Students will continue to make
connections between the factored form of the polynomial function and the total number of roots as well as the number of x-intercepts (i.e. real roots).
Standards Covered: A2.EO.3, A2.F.1, A2.F.2, A2.EO.4, A2.EI.6, A2.F.2
Assessment Window: December 9 - December 13, 2024
Unit 6 Radical Functions Models:
In this unit, students expand their understanding of functions by exploring radical functions. They learn about inverse functions through the analysis of square root and cube root functions, comparing their graphs to those of parent quadratic and cubic functions. Key topics include understanding domain restrictions (not all real numbers are valid) and identifying extraneous solutions when solving radical equations. This builds on their existing knowledge and enhances their problem-solving skills with new techniques related to radical functions.
Standards Covered: A2.F.1, A2.F.2, A2.EO.2, A2.EI.5, A2.F.1, A2.F.2
Assessment Window: January 13 - January 17, 2025
Quarter 3
Information for Quarter 3 will be available no later than January 2, 2025.
Quarter 4
Information for Quarter 4 will be available no later than March 11, 2025.
Advanced Algebra 2
Advanced Algebra 2 Pacing and Units of Study
Advanced Algebra 2 is about functions and their associated equations. By the end of the course, students should be able to sketch the general shape and name identifying characteristics of absolute value, quadratic and other polynomial, radical, rational, exponential, and logarithmic functions. They should recognize how
equivalent forms of expressions and equations illuminate different characteristics and provide opportunities to solve equations, and they should be able to use technology (i.e. graphing utilities) to verify algebraic solutions as well as solve any equation involving those functions. Unit 1 provides a foundation in using bivariate data to drive the need to describe situations with functions. In Unit 2, we establish the vocabulary that will be used to describe the functions. In Units 3-9 students examine each function family in turn, following a similar pattern of looking at data, identifying key characteristics of functions, exploring various forms of the function expressions, and solving equations involving that function. Unit 10 provides a synthesis of all the function types, with opportunities to compare and contrast function characteristics as well as to create new functions through composition and combining them into piecewise functions. Units 11 and 12 are not directly linked to the function concepts but provide a foundation for students to study statistics at a higher level.
Quarter 1
Unit 1: Building a Mathematical Community Through the Data Cycle with Bivariate Data and Functions
Unit 1 provides a foundation in using bivariate data to drive the need to describe situations with functions. As teachers and students get to know one another, data collection and analysis serve as a vehicle for community building within the classroom. Students should have the opportunity to collect/acquire, display, and discuss data related to themselves and their interests.
Standards Covered: A2.ST.2
Assessment Window: August 26 - August 30, 2024
Unit 2: Analyzing and Describing Graphs of Functions
In Unit 1, students explored bivariate data that can be modeled by a function. In Unit 2, we will focus on describing key features of functions from their equations and their graphs. Students will identify certain characteristics of a function (common vocabulary such as: domain, range, zeros, max/min, end behaviors) to help them be able to analyze and make conclusions. This unit is not focused on memorizing the characteristics of each of the function families; rather, this unit is designed to be an introductory unit for the skills and vocabulary needed in future units when exploring specific types of functions.
Standards Covered: A2.F.1, A2.F.2, T.GT.1
Assessment Window: September 16 - September 20, 2024
Unit 3: Solving Absolute Value Equations and Inequalities
Students will represent, solve, and interpret absolute value equations and inequalities. The standards do not require students to know about absolute value functions, but connecting the solutions to equations and inequalities to the graphs of the related functions provides an opportunity to apply the function vocabulary and notation introduced in unit 2. Note: This unit could be swapped with Unit 2 or moved later in the year.
Standards Covered: A2.F.1, A2.EI.1, T.IE.3
Assessment Window: September 30 - October 4, 2024
Unit 4: Quadratic Models
Students will continue to use data as a foundation for a deeper exploration of quadratic models. We will consider the contextual meaning of key characteristics of the graphs (e.g. vertex, x-intercepts). Students will review factoring techniques from Algebra 1 and extend to rewriting quadratic expressions in different forms to illuminate the key characteristics. Solving quadratic equations includes addressing functions that do not have real roots, establishing the need for an introduction to complex numbers. This introduction to complex numbers will be further developed by performing operations. Finally, systems of equations will be presented in a manner that includes at least one quadratic function.
Standards Covered: A2.EO.3, A2.EO.4, A2.F.1, A2.F.2, A2.EI.2, A2.EI.3, MA.AG.1
Assessment Window: October 28 - November 1, 2024
Quarter 2
Unit 5: Polynomial Models
Building on the function behaviors and algebraic techniques in Unit 4, students will extend their understanding of polynomial models to degrees beyond 2. Key features to highlight in this unit are increasing/decreasing intervals and relative/absolute extremes. Students will continue to make
connections between the factored form of the polynomial function and the total number of roots as well as the number of x-intercepts (i.e. real roots).
Standards Covered: A2.EO.3, A2.F.1, A2.F.2, A2.EO.4, A2.EI.6, A2.F.2, T.TT.1
Assessment Window: November 18 - November 22, 2024
Unit 6 Radical Functions Models:
In this unit, students expand their understanding of functions by exploring radical functions. They learn about inverse functions through the analysis of square root and cube root functions, comparing their graphs to those of parent quadratic and cubic functions. Key topics include understanding
domain restrictions (not all real numbers are valid) and identifying extraneous solutions when solving radical equations. This builds on their existing knowledge and enhances their problem-solving skills with new techniques related to radical functions.
Standards Covered: A2.F.1, A2.F.2, A2.EO.2, A2.EI.5
Assessment Window: December 9 - December 13, 2024
Begin Unit 7: Rational Function Models
Standards Covered: A2.F.1, A2.F.2, A2.EO.1, A2.EO.3, A2.EI.4
Assessment Window: January 13 - January 17, 2025
Quarter 3
Information for Quarter 3 will be available no later than January 2, 2025.
Quarter 4
Information for Quarter 4 will be available no later than March 11, 2025.
Data Science
Data Science Pacing and Units of Study
Through the use of open-source technology tools, students will identify and explore problems that involve the use of relational database concepts and data-intensive computing to find solutions and make generalizations. Students will engage in a data science problem-solving structure to interact with large data sets as a means to formulate problems, collect and clean data, visualize data, model using data, and communicate effectively about data formulated solutions.
Quarter 1
Unit 1: Data for All
In this unit, students will be introduced to the foundational concepts of data science through a framework of storytelling. By exploring stories told by data visualizations and how it relates to their own lives, students will learn how to critically examine questions in different parts of society and make informed decisions through the lens of a data scientist. They will learn the characteristics of which questions lend themselves to data science. Additionally, students will explore bias, implication, and issues of producing and consuming data.
Standards Covered: DS.1, DS.2, DS.3, DS.4, DS.5, DS.7
Unit 2: Univariate Data
In this unit, students build on prior knowledge with opportunities to interpret graphical representations of data and to generate visualizations of their own with a focus on univariate data. These may include conventional statistical charts to unconventional/emerging data visualizations to more complex visualizations to learn to understand, inquire about, compare, interpret, and communicate both visualizations they are familiar with and those that may be novel. By working with visualizations, students will discover relationships between observations of different data sets and visualizations of the same data set, recognize patterns and trends exposed by visualizations, and assess the level of uncertainty.
Standards Covered: DS.2, DS.6, DS.8, DS.10, DS.11, DS.12
Quarter 2
Unit 3: Bivariate Data with Modeling
In this unit, students will explore the concept of bivariate data and how it can be used to model relationships between two variables. They will learn how to collect, represent, and analyze bivariate data using scatter plots, correlation coefficients, and lines and curves of best fit. The unit will also cover different types of relationships and how to interpret these relationships in context. Students will engage in hands-on activities, using technology and real-world data sets to enhance their understanding and apply their skills in modeling and interpreting bivariate relationships.
Standards Covered: DS.1, DS.2, DS.4, DS.6, DS.9, DS.10, DS.11
In this unit, students will explore big data and look at scenarios with multiple data sets. They will understand how data scientists use big data to build data trust across an organization. They will also analyze the reliability of a data source and assess processing source data for reliability based on various factors. Students will study ways to gather data and use matrices, along with technology, to organize the data. Once the data is organized, students will be able to manipulate it for presentation, make calculations to summarize it, and present the results in a clear and concise manner.
Standards Covered: DS.1, DS.2, DS.6, DS.7, DS.8, DS.9, DS.12
Quarter 3
Information for Quarter 3 will be available no later than January 2, 2025.
Quarter 4
Information for Quarter 4 will be available no later than March 11, 2025.