Transition Assessment
As students with an Individualized Education Program (IEP) plan for life beyond high school in the areas of employment, education, training, and independent living, when appropriate, they will benefit from a well-defined transition assessment model to assist them with making informed life and vocational choices.
Students are at the center of transition planning, which occurs along a continuum of opportunities.
The levels of transition assessment outlined below build on each other and are not mutually exclusive.
Administrative Contacts
Ann Johnson, Supervisor
[email protected]
Vacant, Administrative Coordinator
Wendy Morris, Administrative Assistant II
[email protected]
Level I Transition Assessments
Level I transition assessment is the on-going process of determining the student’s strengths and needs regarding vocational and transition planning. The Level I approach is informal, utilizing existing data obtained from student records (e.g., student performance, Academic Career Plan & Academic Career Plan Portfolio), and may include student interviews, parent interviews, self-report inventories, and observations.
Level II Transition Assessments
Level II transition assessment is an in-depth investigation of transition relevant information/data across all transition domains (i.e., employment, postsecondary education and training, independent living, and community participation). The process consists of the administration of informal and formal transition assessment, to include community-based assessments, as needed. Given student needs, the level II approach is generally used with students pursuing an Applied Studies diploma and can be conducted by a transition specialist.
Level III Transition Assessments
Level III Vocational Assessment is conducted at the Vocational Assessment Center, is the division’s most in-depth transition assessment process when vocational information is needed beyond levels I and II. A targeted vocational assessment systematically uses simulated work to assist a student’s vocational development and career decision making. Vocational assessment evaluators consult with IEP team members, as appropriate, to determine level of need, and present findings at IEP meetings.