Reconsideration of Instructional Materials

Reconsideration of Instructional Materials

Prince William County Public Schools (PWCS) Regulation 653-2, “Reconsideration of Instructional Materials,” outlines the process for the reconsideration of challenged instructional materials (except textbooks), such as library books, print material, and electronic media.

Any PWCS instructional employee, current student, or parent or guardian of a student currently enrolled in PWCS can request reconsideration of instructional materials.

Instructional materials may be reconsidered for:

Most challenges to instructional materials must first be discussed at the school level with a school administrator, before moving to the division level. Division-level challenges must be filed with the Supervisor of Library Media Programs and Research using the Request for Reconsideration of Instructional Materials form.

Before beginning the division-level process, please review the Previously Reconsidered Instructional Materials List section below for a list of instructional materials that are not currently eligible for reconsideration.

Pending Requests for Reconsideration of Instructional Materials

Requests for the reconsideration of instructional materials are reviewed in the order that they are received.

Date Received Title Author/Publisher

Previously Reconsidered Instructional Materials List

Under Regulation 653-2, which took effect June 13, 2024, instructional materials reconsidered at the division level may not be reconsidered for at least four years.*

Title Author/Publisher Decision Date Eligible for Reconsideration
All Boys Aren't Blue Johnson, George Remain in library collection October 23, 2026
Anatomy of a Boyfriend Snadowsky, Daria In process October 23, 2026
Blankets: An Illustrated Novel Thompson, Craig Remain in library collection; Ages 16+ October 23, 2026
Boy Toy Lyga, Barry In process October 23, 2026
Carlos Gomez Freestyles Gonzales, Chuck Remain in library collection May 27, 2025
Court of Silver Flames Maas, Sarah Withdraw from circulation September 14, 2026
Court of Thorns and Roses Maas, Sarah In process September 14, 2026
Cultivating Strong Girls Evans, Nancy Remain in library collection May 27, 2025
Empire of the Storms Maas, Sarah Remain in library collection September 7, 2026
Jesusland: A Memoir Scheeres, Julia Remain the library collection, circulate grades 9-12 September 7, 2026
Julian is a Mermaid Love, Jessica Remain in library collection May 27, 2025
Man of War McCarthy, Cory Remain in library collection September 18, 2026
People Kill People Hopkins, Ellen Remain in library collection September 26, 2026
Perks of Being a Wallflower Chbosky, Stephen Remain in library collection September 7, 2026
Push Sapphire Remain in library collection September 18, 2026
Queer: The Ultimate LBTQ Guide for Teens Belge, Kathy Remain in library collection September 26, 2026
The Conscious Parent's Guide to Gender Identify Tando, Darlene Remain in library collection May 27, 2025
Tilt Hopkins, Ellen Withdraw from circulation September 7, 2026
Trans+: Love, Romance and Being You Gonzalez, Kathryn Remain in library collection September 7, 2026
Tricks Hopkins, Ellen Remain in library collection September 7, 2026
Verity Hoover, Colleen Withdraw from circulation September 7, 2026
What Girls Are Made Of Arnold, Elana K. Remain in library collection September 7, 2026
What Riley Wore Arnold, Elana K. Remain in library collection May 27, 2025
YOLO Myracle, Lauren Remain in library collection September 7, 2026

*Regulation 653-2 superseded Regulation 653-8, which allowed for reconsideration after three years.