Elementary Summer School Program

Registration for summer school and Discovery programs is closed.

Information about 2025 summer school will be shared in the Spring.

Elementary Summer School Program

Grades K-5

This program is an extension of the school year and helps support students to develop skills to prepare them to be successful going into the next school year. The program provides opportunities to improve necessary skills through interactive and engaging activities. Students will receive instruction in language arts and mathematics. Families will be notified for the K-5 summer school program by their school.

If your child is attending School Age Child Care (SACC) and summer school:

  1. Register your child for SACC
  2. Register your child for summer school
  3. Reach out to your child's school to update the location to where your child will attend SACC


  • Open house at the host elementary school sites:
    • June 18, 2024
    • 3 -5 p.m.
  • Three-week session - June 24-July 12, 2024
    • No school on July 4 and July 5
    • Monday-Friday
    • 9 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.


The host elementary school sites are as follows:

  • Belmont, Bristow Run, Dale City, Featherstone, Fitzgerald, Haymarket, Henderson, Innovation, Kerrydale, Leesylvania, Loch Lomond, Rockledge, Rosa Parks, and Triangle Elementary Schools

Please see the Summer School Locations website for more information.


Attendance is mandatory. Students absent for more than two consecutive days of the 13-day program may be withdrawn.


Transportation service is provided. Bus stops will be different from regular school-year bus stops. No special bus stops will be established for individual students.

Summer school bus stop locations will be published in ParentVUE before summer school begins. Please see the Summer School Transportation webpage for more information. If you have questions about transportation for your child, please call 571-402-3940.


The PWCS Elementary Summer School program is tuition-free.

Registration Information

The registration window for summer school is April 9 - May 24, 2024. No late registrations will be accepted.

Parent(s)/guardian(s) must complete the Summer School registration in ParentVUE.

  1. To register a PWCS student for the Summer School, log in to ParentVUE.
  2. In the top right corner, select Online Records.
  3. Scroll down to the section in blue with Online Registration Packet Descriptions and from the dropdown at the bottom, select the appropriate packet, based on the student's grade level in the current 2023-2024 school year.
    • 2023-2024 Summer School Registration (Grades KG-08)
  4. Click the "Begin Online Packet" at the bottom
  5. You will be prompted to review and confirm information as you move through the registration. Hit Save and Continue to advance.
    1. Introduction - (At the end of this section, you will be prompted to enter your electronic signature; ensure it matches your name at the top right of the screen.)
    2. Family
    3. Parent/Guardian
    4. Emergency Contact Information
  6. Once you come to the section titled Students, please do the following:
    1. Select the Exclude button for any of your students who will not be enrolling in summer school.
    2. From this same screen, select the Edit button for the student you will be enrolling.
      1. Transportation - (Schedules with bus stops and routes for summer school will be available in June.)
      2. Location (location shown in the dropdown is the school the student will attend for summer school)
  7. Click "Save and Continue"
  8. Review the online application and click Submit at the bottom of the screen.

You will receive confirmation that your registration was submitted via an automated email.

Registration is open April 9 - May 24, 2024.

Register Now

No late registrations will be accepted.

Still have questions or need clarification?

Frequently Asked Questions

Or email [email protected]

For additional information regarding Extended School Year (ESY) services, please contact your child's special education teacher.

For information on enrichment programs, visit the Discovery Enrichment Programs webpage.

Cancel or Change Registration

We understand summer plans can change. We are offering the following options:

  1. To change the program that your student is currently registered for, complete a new registration in ParentVUE. Your new registration will cancel the old registration.
  2. To cancel a registration before June 7, contact your child's school. If you need to cancel a registration after June 7, email your student's name and school name to [email protected].