High School Summer School Programs

Registration for summer school and Discovery programs is closed.

Information about 2025 summer school will be shared in the Spring.

High School Summer School Programs

Students in grades 9-12 that have previously failed a course, can take advantage of the summer offering of courses to support on-time graduation. There are additional summer options for high school students in need of SOL remediation and testing.

The host high school sites are Freedom High School and Osbourn Park High School. See program-specific information below for the Summer School Location website for additional details.

High School Six-Week Programs


Students may not have more than three cumulative absences or 15 hours of the 25-day program to receive credit for the course taken. We ask that all students and parents take summer schedules, jobs, athletics, activities, and plans into consideration prior to registering.

High School Grading

Grades will be calculated following the guidelines outlined in Prince William County Public Schools grading regulation.

Please note: Students who withdraw between June 20, 2024, and July 3, 2024, can do so without a grade penalty. Students who withdraw between July 8, 2024, and July 19, 2024, will receive a mark of withdrawn failing (WF) or withdrawn passing (WP). Students who withdraw after July 26, 2024, will receive a mark of Fail (F).


Shuttle transportation service is provided to either Freedom High School or Osbourn Park High School. Students attending school can provide their own transportation or take advantage of shuttle services available. Bus numbers and times will be published in June.

Please see the Summer School Transportation webpage in June for more information.


  • Programs are tuition-free.

High School Summer School

  • June 20 - July 26, 2024
    • No school on July 4 and 5
  • 7:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Grades 9-11 summer school is for current high school students who have failed a course. Students in grades 9-11 may take up to two high school courses for repeat (recovery) credit at no cost. Students would be enrolled in the second course once they have shown completion of the first course.

Grad Academy is for seniors who are not on track to graduate in June, but who are capable of graduating in July with additional targeted support. Grad Academy participants can earn up to two credits to satisfy diploma requirements and graduate this summer. Students would be enrolled in the second course once they have shown completion of the first course.

Students will be notified by their school.

High school students seeking a course for first time credit can explore Virtual Prince William for online course options. Please visit the Virtual Prince William website for more information.

Courses Available for Grades 9-11:
  • English 9, 10, and 11*
  • Earth Science*, Biology*, and Chemistry*
  • Algebra 1*, Algebra 2*, Geometry*, and Algebra, Functions and Data Analysis
  • US & VA History*, World History 1*, and World History 2*
  • Economics and Personal Finance
  • Health and Physical Education 1 and Health and Physical Education 2
  • Driver's Education Classroom:
    • Available for Prince William County residents only
    • Program Dates: July 8-17, 2024
    • Parents and students must attend the in-person informational meeting on July 10, 2024, at 6 p.m. Registered students will be notified by the teacher with more information.

*Students enrolled in this course will be offered an SOL test session at either Freedom High School or Osbourn Park High School.

Grad Academy and Graduation Information for Seniors:

  • June 20 - July 26, 2024
    • No school on July 4 and 5
  • 7:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Graduation Details:
  • Date: Tuesday, July 30, 2024
  • Location: Hylton Performing Arts Center, 10960 George Mason Cir., Manassas, VA 20110
  • Time: Graduation will take place on Tuesday, July 30, 2024, at the Hylton Performing Arts Center. Two ceremonies will be held. The first ceremony will take place from 4-5 p.m., honoring graduates from Freedom, Forest Park, Gar-Field, Hylton, Potomac, and Woodbridge High Schools. The second ceremony will take place from 7-8 p.m., honoring graduates from Battlefield, Brentsville District, Colgan, Gainesville, Independence Nontraditional, Osbourn Park, Patriot, and Unity Reed High Schools; ISAEP/GED; and Adult Education.
  • Photography information: To order pictures after the ceremony use the Candid Color Photography link. Enter access code: PWCSG24 and enter your email address. Pictures will be available for purchase online two to three weeks after graduation.
  • Livestream information:

This academy is for current seniors who did not meet course requirements to graduate in June but can still graduate in July and be considered an on-time graduate of the 2023-24 school year. Students will only be allowed to take two courses whether new or repeat credit.

Courses Available for Grad Academy Seniors:
  • English 11*, and 12
  • Earth Science*, Biology*, Astronomy, and Oceanography
  • Algebra 2*, Geometry*, Algebra, Functions and Data Analysis
  • U.S. & VA History*, U.S. & VA Government
  • Economics and Personal Finance
  • Independent Living and Individual Development

SOL Remediation & Testing Programs

SOL remediation and testing will be offered at Freedom High School and Osbourn Park High School.

*Schedules and locations vary by program.


Shuttle transportation service is provided to either Freedom High School or Osbourn Park High School. Please see the Summer School Transportation webpage for more information.


  • Programs are tuition-free.

SOL Two-Week Remediation

  • Freedom High School and Osbourn Park High School
  • June 24-July 3, 2024
  • 7:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Students who have passed a high school level tested course but need to achieve a passing score on the associated Virginia SOL test(s) can register to take an end-of-course SOL test. Students in grades 9-12 can participate in a remediation program in the courses below at no charge. At the end of this course, students will retake the end-of-course SOL test.

Courses Available
  • Algebra 1, Geometry
  • Biology
  • World History 1 
  • U.S. & VA History
  • English-Reading and Writing

SOL Testing Only

  • Freedom High School and Osbourn Park High School
  • All test sessions begin at 7:30 a.m.
  • Students eligible for expedited retakes (previous scores from 375-399) will retake on June 28, 2024.

Students who have passed a high school level tested course but need to achieve a passing score on the associated Virginia SOL test(s) can register to take an end-of-course SOL test. This is the administration of the SOL test only and does not include remediation before testing.

SOL Test Name and Dates
  • English 11 Reading: June 28
  • Algebra 1, Algebra 2, and Geometry: June 28
  • Earth Science, Biology, and Chemistry: June 28
  • World History 1, World History 2, and U.S. & VA History: June 28
  • English 11 Writing: July 16 and 17 *must attend both dates
  • For WorkKeys, you will need to register for the English Reading or Writing SOL. You will be notified if your child will be taking WorkKeys as a substitute for the SOL.
    • WorkKeys Writing: June 24 and 25 *must attend both dates
    • WorkKeys Reading: June 26 and June 27 *must attend both dates

Registration Information

The registration window for summer school is April 9 - May 31, 2024. No late registrations will be accepted.

Parent(s)/guardian(s) must complete the summer school registration in ParentVUE.

  1. To register a PWCS student for summer school, log in to ParentVUE.
  2. In the top right corner, select Online Records.
  3. Scroll down to the section in blue with Online Registration Packet Descriptions and from the dropdown at the bottom, select 2023-2024 Summer School Registration (Grades 09-12).
  4. Press "Begin Online Packet" at the bottom
  5. You will be prompted to review and confirm information as you move through the registration. Hit Save and Continue to advance.
    1. Introduction - (At the end of this section, you will be prompted to enter your electronic signature; ensure it matches your name at the top right of the screen.)
    2. Family
    3. Parent/Guardian
    4. Emergency Contact Information
  6. Once you come to the section titled Students, please do the following:
    1. Select the Exclude button for any of your students who will not be enrolling in the summer school program.
    2. From this same screen, select the Edit button for the student you will be enrolling.
      1. Choose the Program your student was recommended for in the Summer School Program dropdown.
      2. Choose Yes or No for whether your student plans to graduate in July.
      3. Transportation - (Schedules with bus stops and routes for High School summer programs will be available in June.)
      4. Location (location shown in the dropdown is the school the student will attend for summer school)
  7. Press "Save and Continue"
  8. Review and press submit.

You will receive confirmation that your registration was submitted via an automated email.

Registration is open April 9 - May 31, 2024.

Register Now

No late registrations will be accepted.

Still have questions or need clarification? Please contact your child's school.

Frequently Asked Questions

Or email [email protected]

High school students seeking a course for initial credit may explore Virtual Prince William for online course options. Please visit the Virtual Prince William website for more information.

For questions about Extended School Year (ESY) please contact your child's special education teacher for additional information regarding ESY services.

Cancel or Change Registration

We understand summer plans can change. We are offering the following options:

  1. To change the program that your student is currently registered for, complete a new registration in ParentVUE. Your new registration will cancel the old registration.
  2. To cancel a registration before June 7, contact your child's school. If you need to cancel a registration after June 7, email your student's name and school name to [email protected].