Title I High School Summer Thrive 2024
Welcome to High School Summer Thrive!
We encourage you to visit your local public library branch or public library online access over the summer.
The Prince William County Public Library has so many resources to offer you from training programs, to challenges, to research, to learning about careers, to just building the love of reading.
"Jump Start" your summer and visit the public library!
Below are various links to get you started on your public library journey.
Sign up for your Prince William County (PWC) Library Card Today!
- Visit PWC Public Library application to start your application.
- Follow the prompts for a Digital Library Card. To upgrade to a full-service library card, visit any PWC library branch.
- Anyone under the age of 18 must have a parent/guardian complete online registration or sign paper registration.
Visit the PWC Public Library
Visit PWC Public Library for more information on all the areas the library can help you!
See events that are happening at the library!
Young Adult Events at: PWC Public Library Young Adults
Are you looking for summer math resources?
The Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) has resources for families and communities to use over the summer. All materials are listed by grade level.
To find more information to support math over the summer visit VDOE Mathematics Resources for Families.