Title I Middle School Summer Thrive 2024
Welcome to the Middle School Summer Thrive page!
This year, each Title I middle school selected 30 families to receive reading and math materials. Each Title I middle school team designed activities to fit the needs of their students.
Summer Thrive Reading
Students were able to "jump start" their reading this summer by selecting books from our Summer Thrive Bookfair Collections. Families were encouraged to pick the books together.
Tips for choosing a book:
- Browse the front and back covers or the book flap.
- Read the summary that is given about the story.
- Explore the inside of the book.
- Do you know the genre (kind of) book it is?
- Does it have pictures to help understand the story?
- Skim the story. Do you like how the author writes?
Families are encouraged to start a Family Book Club!
Read, discuss, and write about the stories.
Tips for writing:
- Write in a journal.
- Write post-it notes to each other about the book.
- Write a letter, postcard, or email to family members telling them about the story or characters in the story.
Rate the books you are reading! Reading Summer Thrive Rate My Book Log
Need more books to read?
Check out books from the library! Go to: PWC Public Library
Find out what events are happening at the library for Young Adult Readers at: PWC Public Library Young Adults Readers
For digital books download Sora, by OverDrive app.
- Search for Prince William County Public Schools
- Sign in with the student's Office 365 account
- Pick a book, read, and enjoy!
- Students can also access Sora using their PWC Public Library card!
Summer Thrive Math
Host a Family Game Night!
Each family received engaging games to play together and build math skills!
Examples of games that might have been given are:
- Absolute Zero game to build positive and negative number strength.
- Blobby's Pizza game to build number operation and strength with fractions and decimals.
- SET game to build translation and rotation strength.
- Mancala game to build strategy strength.
Rate the games every time you play! Math Summer Thrive Rate the Game log
Hands-On Materials
The Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) has resources for families & communities to use over the summer. All materials are listed by grade level. Watch the information video at the top of the page to learn more.
Parents can find more information to support math at: VDOE Mathematics Resources for Families
Highlight on two games. Learn how to play two of the four games listed above.
Absolute Zero! Family Style
Watch a video to learn how to play Absolute Zero.
This game helps to build math skills by using negative and positive numbers. Great skills to have when paying for items and balancing a banking account.
This game is a fast pace card game!
Watch a video to learn how to play SET.
This game helps to build math skills by using all mathematical translations and rotations while building visual perception and applying rules of same and different.
Canvas Module Activities
The Title I middle school teams have the option to include a Title I Summer Thrive Canvas Course for students to interact with over te summer months. The Title I middle school teams have notified students if they have this option for the summer months.
The modules include several activities for students to use over the summer months.
Some of the activities included are:
- Online math and reading games to build skills.
- Real world math in action.
- Resources for access to more books to read.
- Writing activities to build skills.