External Research and Approval Process
To best serve the division, the Office of Research and Program Evaluation approves research in alignment with our strategic initiatives. We value and support efforts to improve strategies for achievement, provide equitable opportunities for our diverse population, and overall, contribute to the success, health, and wellness of our community.
Who May Conduct Research?
Any agency, graduate student pursuing a degree, student, parent, or community member with a supervising institution may apply to conduct research in PWCS (Regulation 612-1, Program Evaluation and Research Activities: Research/Surveys/Evaluations).
- Should all interested researchers apply for research review?
Those relying solely on publicly available data are not required to submit a research application. All others should submit an application.
- What is the purpose of the research review process?
The research review process facilitates access to quality data and reliable outcomes. Research approved or exempted by an Institutional Review Board (IRB) does not equate to or supersede approval at the division level. The purpose of the application review process is to ensure research meets the following criteria:
- Research supports division priorities and goals without competing with internal initiatives.
- Federal and local guidelines of ethical practices involving human subjects are thoroughly explained and followed.
- Research activities are not overly burdensome and do not conflict with instructional and/or contract time.
- IRB approval/exemption from the supervising institution or advisor is provided by the applicant.
- What is the approval process?
The first step for researchers is to obtain a letter of approval/exemption from an IRB or supervising administrator/institution. Applications can then be submitted online.
Applications are reviewed on a rolling basis, and it may take two to four weeks to complete the approval process. The research coordinator will first review the application and may contact the applicant regarding application revisions. The research coordinator will then contact central and/or school-based leadership who have the final say in whether the study may take place in Prince William County Public Schools (PWCS). When a final decision is reached, the coordinator will communicate the outcome to the researcher via email with a formal response letter.
Before submitting your application, please be prepared to:
- Describe the research design, purpose, data collection methods, and description of what will be included in your summary report.
- Explain the potential benefits and risks to the school and community.
- Describe how a student’s right to privacy will be protected under federal, state, and division requirements.
- Describe the timeline for research activities, including providing ORPE with a copy of the final report. Please consider the time required to complete the approval process.
- Provide IRB approval/exemption documentation from a supervising institution, community information and consent forms along with translated copies, interview protocols, and data collection tools and templates.
If you have questions or would like additional information, please contact Christina Kuriacose, supervisor of Research and Program Evaluation, at [email protected] or 703-791-8545.