Division and Comprehensive Surveys
Research and Program Evaluation regularly conducts surveys on behalf of the school division to gather input and feedback from stakeholders in the PWCS community. Reports from some large-scale surveys are included below
Divisionwide Survey
Divisionwide surveys of stakeholders (staff, students, parents) is conducted annually in alignment with the Strategic Plan. Divisionwide survey results are provided to principals and the superintendent's staff for use in continuous improvement planning. Results are included in individual school data profiles.
Virtual Learning Survey
In November 2020, a survey was conducted with parents/guardians, students (grades 3-12), and school-based staff about experiences with virtual learning in the first quarter. Division results were presented to the School Board on January 6, 2021.
Initial Reopening Plan Survey
In June 2020, surveys were conducted with parents/guardians and with school-based staff, about the Virginia Department of Education phase guidance for reopening schools. Division results were presented to the School Board on July 8, 2020.