Interactive Media and Creative Design is staffed with multi-skilled professionals that provide support for the school division. This group of experienced producers, writers, camera operators, and editors create a variety of high-quality videos for students, teachers, staff, parents, and the community. The videos may be used by teachers and staff for professional development or as a resource in an authentic learning experience for students. Videos are produced for parents and the community to reinforce important information or as way of providing an 'inside look' at the learning happening in our schools. Many of these videos appear on the school division's webpage, social media accounts, and PWCS-TV.
Student Opt-Out
Pictures are a vital part of telling the PWCS story. According to current policies and regulations, photographs and video images of any student engaged in school activities may be produced and used in any school division program, publication, or exhibit, if deemed appropriate by the principal or other school division designee. Photos, images, and videos may also be authorized for use by external entities, such as the news media and scholarship providers, so long as this is in the best interests of students, the school, and school division, and complies with other regulation guidelines. Any parent wishing to avoid use of student photos and images by external organizations can submit an opt-out form. View the form, along with the complete text of the relevant Regulation 790-3. Copies can also be obtained through the schools.