Adding Career Paths Designation to Teaching License
Career Teacher
This teacher designation will be issued on a renewable teaching license for individuals who have gained continuing contract status in Virginia.
Send the following documents to the Office of Certification:
- Send a Recommendation for Career Path Designation Form (Word)
- Fee of $50 payable to the Treasurer of Virginia for each designation - use only blue or black ink.
Mentor Teacher
This voluntary teacher designation will be issued on a renewable teaching license for individuals who have achieved the career teacher designation, received a recommendation for the designation from an employing Virginia school division superintendent or designee or accredited nonpublic school head, served at least three years as a mentor teacher in Virginia, documented responsibilities as a mentor, and completed a local or state mentor teacher training program in accordance with the Board of Education requirements for mentor teachers.
- Send the following documents to the Office of Certification to add Mentor Teacher to a license:
- Cover letter indicating a request to add Mentor Teacher,
- Fee of $50 payable to the Treasurer of Virginia - use only blue or black ink,
- Signed letter from a principal indicating dates served as a mentor and responsibilities as a mentor,
- Verification of completion of a mentor program (a copy of the Electronic Registrar transcript will suffice).
Although it is not required, you may also choose to add Career Teacher designation to the license for an additional $50 fee payable to Treasurer of Virginia.
Teacher as Leader
This voluntary teacher designation will be issued on a renewable teaching license for individuals who have achieved the career teacher designation; completed at least five years of successful, full-time teaching experience in a Virginia public school or accredited nonpublic school; received the recommendation from an employing Virginia school division superintendent or designee or accredited nonpublic school head; and completed one of the following:
- National board certification or a nationally recognized certification program approved by the Board of Education and a recommendation from an employing Virginia school division superintendent or designee or accredited nonpublic school head and documentation in an approved Department of Education format verifying the individual's demonstrated skills and abilities as a school leader and direct contributions to school effectiveness and student achievement; or
- A recommendation from an employing Virginia school division superintendent or designee or accredited nonpublic school head and documentation in an approved Department of Education format verifying the individual's demonstrated skills and abilities as a school leader and direct contributions to school effectiveness and student achievement.
Send the following documents to the Office of Certification to add Teacher as Leader to a license:
- Recommendation for Career Path Designation Form (Word) indicating a request to add Teacher as Leader,
- Fee of $50 payable to the Treasurer of Virginia - use only blue or black ink,
- Documentation on letterhead from advisor/principal verifying the individual's demonstrated skills and abilities as a school leader and direct contributions to school effectiveness and student achievement.
Although it is not required, you may also choose to add Career Teacher designation to the license for an additional $50 fee payable to Treasurer of Virginia.