Contract Status Code Descriptions

Contract Status Code Descriptions


  • AM1 – Annual Contract with Administrative or Managerial Personnel (Not eligible for continuing contract status.)
  • A0 – Late Start - First-year administrator who will not satisfy the required minimum 160 instructional days.   
  • A1 – Administrator is in the first year of the required three-year probationary period before continuing contract may be attained.
  • A2 – Administrator is in the second year of the required three-year probationary period before continuing contract may be attained.
  • A3 – Administrator is in the third year of the required three-year probationary period before continuing contract may be attained.
  • CA – Administrator is in the first year of continuing contract status.
  • AC – Notice of Assignment for continuing contract Administrative Personnel


  • P0 – Due to the late start, this contract year does not count towards the probationary period required to achieve continuing contract (a minimum of 160 contractual teaching days must be worked to be deemed the equivalent of one year in the first year of service).
  • P1 – Employee is in the first year of the required probationary period before continuing contract may be attained.
  • P2 – Employee is in the second year of the required probationary period before continuing contract may be attained. 
  • P3 – Employee is in the third year of the required probationary period before continuing contract may be attained. (Employee may be required to serve a fourth and fifth year of probationary period.)
  • CC – Employee is the first year in which the employee has attained continuing contract status.
  • CE1, CE2, and CE3 (also known as E1, E2 and E3 in the evaluation platform “Perform”) – Notice of Assignment for continuing contract Personnel.  Employees have had continuing contract for two+ years. The 1, 2 or 3 appendix stands for the evaluation cycle.
  • V0 (formerly VQ) – Employee who has attained continuing contract status in another Virginia school division, who has not had a break in service greater than two years, and will not work the required 180 minimum instructional days to count the year towards continuing contract. This contract year does not count towards the probationary period required to achieve continuing contract.
  • V1 – Employee who has previously attained continuing contract status in another Virginia school division, and who has not had a break in service greater than two years. This contract year is the first year of the required probationary period before continuing contract may be attained.
  • V2 – Employee who has previously attained continuing contract status in another Virginia school division, and who has not had a break in service greater than two years. This contract year is the second year of the required probationary period before continuing contract may be attained.
  • SP/SR – Annual Contract with Support Professional Personnel (Not eligible for continuing contract status.)
  • T0 – Employee who is in the first year under the part-time status but the employee did not work the minimum requirement of 160 contractual teaching days in the school year.
  • T1 – Employee is in the first year under the part-time status where the employee worked 160 or more contractual teaching days in this school year. (Not eligible for continuing contract status.)
  • T2 – Employee is in the second year under the part-time status. (Not eligible for continuing contract status.)
  • T3 – Employee is in the third year under the part-time status. (Not eligible for continuing contract status.)
  • PT – Employee is in the fourth or more consecutive year under the part-time status. (Not eligible for continuing contract status.)
  • TPOTA – Teaching Professional on Temporary Assignment who are fill-in, floating subs, but working full-time (Not eligible for continuing contract status). 
  • I1 – Employee is in the first year of contractual teaching for the Participate Program Teachers or a Critical Needs Area Teacher. (Not eligible for continuing contract status).
  • I2 – Employee is in the second year of contractual teaching for the Participate Program Teachers or a Critical Needs Area Teacher. (Not eligible for continuing contract status).
  • I3 – Employee is in the third year of contractual teaching for the Participate Program Teachers or a Critical Needs Area Teacher. (Not eligible for continuing contract status).
  • I4 – Employee is in the fourth year of contractual teaching for the Participate Program Teachers or a Critical Needs Area Teacher. (Not eligible for continuing contract status).
  • I5 – Employee is in the fifth year of contractual teaching for the Participate Program Teachers or a Critical Needs Area Teacher. (Not eligible for continuing contract status).