Timeline Description

2 to 5 years before retirement

Visit the Virginia Retirement System (VRS) website for retirement information. There are many retirement resources available to the potential retiree on the VRS website. To keep current, log into your VRS Account on MyVRS . This portal will allow you to estimate your retirement benefits using current information.

Consider enrolling in a Counseling Session offered by VRS. This session provides information on your VRS benefits and the retirement application process.

1 to 2 years before retirement

Continue to visit the VRS website and access your VRS information on MyVRS. Attend a VRS seminar and/or participate in a VRS webinar. Information and links regarding the VRS seminars and webinars are posted on the VRS Website.

Download the VRS publications Retirement Readiness Checklistand Getting Ready to Retire Guide

6 months to 1 year before anticipated retirement date

Contact the Benefits and Compensation Department to discuss your anticipated retirement date and to review the final steps of the retirement application process.

3 to 4 months before last day worked

Contact the Department of Benefits and Compensation to schedule an appointment to complete the retirement process. Retirees will receive a confirmation letter and the necessary retirement forms. If eligible, the Retirement Opportunity Program (ROP) enrollment forms and health insurance forms will be completed at the retirement meeting.

Up to 3 months but no later than June 1 of the school year (for teachers) or 2 weeks prior to the last day worked (for management and 250-day employees)

Log in to the PWCS Records system to submit your Letter of Resignation and Retirement from Available Forms. Inform your principal/supervisor of your plans to retire.

Retirement Effective Date

Congratulations and best wishes in retirement.

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