General Guidelines and Responsibilities of Renters

General Guidelines and Responsibilities of Renters Using PWCS Facilities for Community Use Activities

  • Acceptable Conduct: Individuals, groups, or organizations (i.e. renters) using a PWCS facility shall conduct activities that are orderly and lawful, not of a nature to incite others to disorder, and not restricted due to race, religion, sex, creed, or national origin.
  • Permissible Activities: Approved community activities may include, but are not limited to common events such as: afternoon, evening, and Saturday classes, dinners, concerts, dramas, book festivals, art festivals, dances, parties, and organizational meetings. Activities which do not fall into the above categories and appear to be of questionable nature, unusual, or games of chance shall be referred to Security and Crisis Readiness for approval. For a list of prohibited activities, please view the Prohibited Events webpage.
  • Hours of Usage: Hours for indoor weekday use shall normally be from the close of school until 10:15 p.m. On the weekends, hours for indoor use shall be from 9 a.m. to 10:15 p.m. Hours for outdoor weekday use shall normally be from the close of school until sunset. On the weekends, hours for outdoor use shall be from sunrise (full daylight) to sunset. Athletics conducted on lighted fields/areas may be conducted until 10:15 p.m. on both weekdays and weekends. The school principal, or designee, reserves the right to alter the noted time frames due to availability of space, scheduled school activities, and/or lack of staff to support the event.
  • Priority of Usage: First priority shall be given to school organizations, school-sponsored activities and events conducted jointly with identified partners of Prince William County Public Schools (PWCS), followed by PTOs (and organizations of a similar nature), School Age Child Care (SACC), all Boy/Girl Scout groups, and other youth groups that are part of entities listed under 36 U.S. Code Subtitle II - Patriotic and National Organizations, Part B, their affiliated groups, councils, staffs, and volunteers in the Commonwealth, when seeking to encourage students to participate in activities of the organization. The Prince William County Department of Parks and Recreation shall be given the next level of favored priority.
  • Cancellations: Use of schools by organizations shall be canceled when schools are closed due to inclement weather or other emergency conditions. Schools scheduled for weekend use should establish a contact person at the school level, in the event of severe weather, to determine if the activity shall be canceled. If a divisionwide school cancellation is not initiated, the principal or designee, shall be responsible in determining if community use activities may be safely held.
  • Liability Responsibility: Except for internal PWCS organizations, each renter is required to maintain a minimum of $1,000,000 in liability insurance coverage for all activities.
  • Nonprofit Status: Nonprofit organizations shall be required to provide a copy of their 501(c)(3) letter, as issued by the IRS, to qualify for the reduced rates. This documentation must be sent prior to any activity taking place.
  • Damages to Facility/Equipment: The facility must be inspected by the senior custodian, or another on-duty designated building supervisor. Damages found to have occurred during use must be listed in writing with the renter acknowledging said damages. Renters are responsible for damages directly caused to PWCS property as a result of their activity.
  • Controlled/Prohibited Substances: Per Regulation 735-1, “Prohibited Substances,” no alcohol, drugs, or anything that resembles alcohol or drugs, may be served, consumed, or brought upon PWCS property.
  • Smoking: Regulation 403-1, “Use of Tobacco Products,” addresses smoking, smokeless tobacco products, and electronic smoking devices (e.g., e-cigarettes, e-vapor devices, etc.).
  • Weapons: Per Regulation 775-1, “Weapons and Other Prohibited Objects,” no weapons or look-a-like weapons may be brought on PWCS property.
  • Gambling: Gambling, in any form, is strictly prohibited.
  • Animals: Service animals trained to perform tasks that mitigate the effects of a disability are allowed at all indoor and outdoor events. The service animal must be under the control of its handler at all times be properly leashed, and cleaned up after by the owner. See Regulation 271-2, “Service Animals,” for PWCS policies and requirements. Training and exhibition animals are allowed only at approved outdoor events in accordance with Regulation 930-2, “Community Use of High School Athletic Facilities.” All other animals are prohibited.
  • Food/Beverages: Food and beverages are restricted to areas designated for that purpose.
  • Parking Lot: Vehicles parked on school grounds must be legally parked and only confined to approved parking areas. This includes vehicles operated by those attending the event and all vendors, such as food trucks.
  • Use of Kitchen Facilities: PWCS does not permit the rental of kitchens or kitchen equipment.
  • Yard Sales: Yard sales, garage sales, tag sales, and the like are not permitted to take place on PWCS property.
  • Funerals: PWCS facilities are not available for funerals and no remains are permitted on PWCS property. Remembrance ceremonies, fellowships, or memorial services and meals are permitted.
  • Display of Signs/Advertising: Those renting PWCS facilities may place temporary identification signs on school grounds with prior approval from the school, Security and Crisis Readiness, and the Community Outreach, Business Partnerships, and Philanthropy Department. Signs may only be placed on the property while the location is in use by the renter. No seasonal and/or permanent signs, banners, pennants, or the like may be placed in or on school facilities with the exception of those noted in Regulation 923-1, "Commercial Advertising." All flyers, signs, and advertisements must visibly display the disclaimer that the event is "neither sponsored nor endorsed by PWCS." Approved community use events may only be advertised with permission from Security and Crisis Readiness.
  • Denial of Use: PWCS reserves the right to deny use of facilities at any time. The School Board is the final authority concerning interpretations, modifications of policies and PWCS regulations, and in rendering decisions.

General Responsibilities of All Users

  • A user refers to any individual, group, league, team, or organization using school grounds and facilities for the purposes of conducting a community activity. They may also be referenced as a renter.
  • Community activities include both public and private/personal events.
  • All users shall conduct activities that are orderly and lawful, not of a nature to incite others to disorder, and not restricted due to race, religion, sex, creed, or national origin.
  • Users shall ensure they do not smoke or bring alcoholic and/or controlled substances on PWCS property or allow others within their organization/group to smoke or bring alcoholic and/or controlled substances on PWCS property.
  • Users are required to pay in advance for use of the facility. If payment is not received, PWCS reserves the right to cancel the event.
  • Users shall be limited to those areas which they have requested to use on their scheduled and approved request.
  • Users shall be responsible for immediately notifying the school of any changes to their rental, including, but not limited to: increases in attendance, changes to the start/end time, requests for equipment, etc.
  • All users are required to maintain a minimum $1,000,000 policy in liability insurance coverage for all activities. Except for local, Virginia state, and Federal government agencies, PWCS shall require all users to provide a copy of the “Certificate of Insurance” prior to the activity taking place.
  • If an activity is marked as “Pending,” the user shall not hold any activity at the facility until all requirements have been fulfilled.
  • The individual or organization requesting rental of school facilities shall be held financially liable for the terms of the agreement.
  • Individuals, groups, or organizations may not store items at any PWCS facility, with exception to specifications noted in Regulation 930-2, “Community Use of High School Athletic Facilities.”
  • Users may be required to provide portable toilets and/or generators for outdoor activities.
  • Users shall not adjust any thermostats or time clocks governing heating and cooling cycles in the facilities.
  • If schools are canceled due to inclement weather or other emergency conditions, it is the user’s responsibility to notify their members of the cancellation of their event. School closures and delays are regularly posted on the PWCS website at
  • The community user agrees to assume full responsibility for, and hold the School Board, its agents, servants, and employees harmless from, any legal liability, injury, or damage to the person or property of the applicant or others and to assume full responsibility of any damage to any PWCS property or person in connection with the use of the school facilities, including negligence by the user or the user’s employees and its agents, to include all participants.
  • Users agree to comply with all other safety regulations, policies, rules, and guidelines set forth by PWCS, to include school-based procedures meant to maintain the safety and security of school personnel, students, participants, and property, which are consistent with the overall operations of PWCS.

General Safety and Security

  • Users are required to follow all PWCS regulations, including specific site-based safety and security procedures.
  • PWCS reserves the right to request applicants to demonstrate to the satisfaction of the school division that reasonable security measures and precautions have been taken to ensure the safety of all individuals participating in or attending any community use event.
  • For certain activities, renters may be required to obtain county permits prior to use of the facility. The user renting the facilities shall be required to cover any associated costs.

Information for Nonprofit Sports Leagues/Recreational Groups

  • Per the “Cooperative Agreement between Prince William County and Prince William County Public Schools,” nonprofit sports leagues or all nonprofit organizations requesting use of elementary or middle school athletic facilities to conduct athletic events must book through the PWC Department of Parks and Recreation.
  • This classification type does not apply to those requesting use of the high school athletic facilities. These reservations shall be handled directly by the high school director of student activities, or designee.

Information for Prince William County Arts Council Groups

  • All organizations, which are affiliated with the PWC Arts Council (PWCAC), are not charged rental fees; however, users of this classification may not reserve schools directly.
  • Organizations must contact the appropriate representative at the PWCAC to request the event be booked for them. Arts Council organizations which schedule outside of this requirement will be charged at the appropriate rate.

Please visit the Community Use website for further information related to the program or contact Security and Crisis Readiness at 703-791-7435 or 571-374-6654.