Threat Assessment

PWCS Threat Assessment

Prince William County Public Schools (PWCS) is committed to providing safe learning environments for all students, staff, and school visitors, and communications or behaviors that suggest a student may intend to commit an act of violence are taken seriously. When a school administrator receives information that suggests a student may intend to harm someone else, the school threat assessment team gathers information to assess the level of threat and to make recommendations that will reduce the risk of violence.

PWCS policy and procedures follow the guidelines recommended by the Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services and are consistent with the process for identifying, assessing, and managing students who may pose a threat set forth in Threat Assessment in Schools: A Guide to Managing Threatening Situation and to Creating Safe School Climates, a 2002 publication of the U.S. Secret Service and the U.S. Department of Education.

Regulation 777-1, "Threat Assessment Procedures," outlines the procedures for the assessment and intervention of students whose behavior poses a potential threat to the safety of others and is available on the PWCS website.

Learn more about threat assessment in Virginia (PDF)

Say Something Anonymous Reporting System

Say Something is explicitly designed for students in grades 6-12 and staff to report serious or potentially violent concerns of unsafe behavior or threats of harm to self or others.

Learn more about the Say Something Tip Line

As always, please call 911 in cases of immediate emergency.