PWCS logo with cap graphic


Senior Choice Board


Seniors are invited to participate in a Senior Choice Board Activity to expand and explore future career opportunities. In this activity, you will:
  1. Take a moment to reflect on your story and how you envision your life after high school. Review post-secondary pathways and confirm you have completed the Academic Career Plan (ACP) Vision Survey in Naviance.
  2. Explore your career goals, interests, and skills and then complete a brief Naviance survey about the activities you participated in during PSAT/SAT day.
  3. Prepare and practice for the College Board SAT, the ACT, and/or AP Exams.
  4. Review helpful opportunities and resources for enrichment to support post-secondary planning after you graduate from high school.


1 ➙ Reflect Your Task
Pentagon Pictograph featuring five elements connected together—school and work, health, friends, fun, and family.

1. Reflect on your story.

2. Dream Big!

Navigate to career and employment webpage - sketch of office buildings   Navigate to college webpage button - sketch of a college building

Navigate to military webpage - sketch of an eagle carrying the American flag   Navigate to trade school webpage - pictograph of electronics and light bulb

3. Click the icons to the left to explore career pathways and view resources.

4. Confirm that you completed the Grade 12 ACP Vision Survey in Naviance.


2 ➙ Explore Your Task
Naviance logo

1. Log in to Naviance with Clever to further explore careers, colleges, and/or military branches.

2. Complete the REQUIRED PSAT or SAT Senior Choice Board Survey.

❉ PSAT - Due end of day October 19, 2023 

❉ SAT - Due end of day October 27, 2023 


3 ➙ Prepare Your Task

image of College Board logo

image of ACT logo

1. SAT Practice and Preparation

2. Download full-length SAT practice tests for free.

3. Free ACT Test Prep.

4. Practice for the AP Exams.

5. Learn about Varsity Tutoring, an online tool that provides unlimited, 24/7 academic support & tutoring, feedback on writing (resumes and college essays), and practice in math or reading–all free to PWCS students.


4 ➙ Enrichment Additional Resources
Pictograph showing steps of academic and career planning, 1-self discover, 2-career exploration, 3-plan, and 4-go

Continue your enrichment through:


Career Exploration

Work-Based Learning (WBL) PDF

Academic & Career Planning

Taking action (Post High School Planning)

Attend district college and career events

Connect with your College & Career Counselor