PWCS provides many supports and services to students with special needs and their families. For more information on disability programs and related services, inclusive practices, and program supports, visit the Special Education Department webpage.
The Interstate Military Compact addresses special education services for military students.
- The receiving state shall initially provide comparable services to a student with disabilities based on his/her current Individualized Education Program (IEP); and
- The receiving state shall make reasonable accommodations and modifications to address the needs of incoming students with disabilities, subject to an existing 504 or Title II Plans, to provide the student with education access to education; and
- The receiving school may perform subsequent evaluations to ensure appropriate placement and appropriate services.
The following documents provide general guidance and information related to military-connected students.
Transfer of Children with Disabilities and Special Education Protections Briefing (PDF)
Guidance for Military Families with Students in Special Education (PDF)