Home Instruction Notification Process
To use the online Annual Notice of Intent system, parents/guardians will access the system through their PWCS ParentVUE account.
Parents should select instructions for existing families when any of the following are true:
- The parent has a student(s) currently enrolled in a Prince William County school or program.
- The parent has a student(s) who was previously enrolled in a Prince William County school or was previously evaluated at a central office location.
- The parent had a parent account at any time in PWCS.
Please select the button below that applies to your family.
Before beginning the online Home Instruction Annual Notice of Intent process, parents/guardians are encouraged to review the following Home Instruction options to choose from to ensure the correct selection is made.
Home Instruction Annual Notice of Intent
Students who received full-time Home Instruction in the previous school year who will resume receiving full-time Home Instruction in the current school year.
Home Instruction Notice to Discontinue (Optional)
- Students who are discontinuing Home Instruction to attend a PWCS school full-time.
- Students who are discontinuing Home Instruction to attend school outside of PWCS.
Home Instruction Guidelines for New Students
- Students new to Prince William County who will receive full-time Home Instruction.
- Students returning to Prince William County from outside of the district who will receive full-time Home Instruction.
- Students currently receiving partial Home Instruction who will begin receiving full-time Home Instruction.
- Existing PWCS students who are transferring from a PWCS school to receiving Full-Time Home Instruction.
- Existing PWCS students who are transferring from a PWCS school to receiving full-time Home Instruction.
Part-Time Enrollment in PWCS for Home Instruction Students
- Students new to Prince William County who will receive Partial Home Instruction, and maintain a part-time enrollment status at a PWCS school.
- Students returning to Prince William County from outside of the district who will receive partial Home Instruction, and maintain a part-time enrollment status at a PWCS school.
- Existing PWCS students who are transferring from full-time enrollment to part-time enrollment at a PWCS school and will begin receiving partial Home Instruction.
- Students currently receiving full-time Home Instruction who will begin receiving partial Home Instruction.