- Diphtheria, Tetanus, & Pertussis (DTaP, DTP, or Tdap)
A minimum of four properly spaced doses. A child must have at least one dose of DTaP or DTP vaccine on or after the fourth birthday. DT (Diphtheria, Tetanus) vaccine is required for children who are medically exempt from the pertussis-containing vaccine (DTaP or DTP). Adult Td is required for children seven years of age and older who do not meet the minimum requirements for tetanus and diphtheria. A booster dose of the Tdap vaccine is required for all children entering grade 7. |
- Haemophilus Influenzae Type b (Hib) Vaccine
This vaccine is required ONLY for children up to 60 months of age. A primary series consists of either two or three doses (depending on the manufacturer). However, the child's current age and not the number of prior doses received govern the number of doses required. Unvaccinated children between the ages of 15 and 60 months are only required to have one dose of vaccine. |
- Hepatitis A (HAV) Vaccine
A minimum of two doses of Hepatitis A vaccine. The first dose should be administered at age 12 months or older. |
- Hepatitis B Vaccine
A complete series of three properly spaced doses of hepatitis B vaccine are required for all children. However, the FDA has approved a two-dose schedule ONLY for adolescents 11-15 years of age and ONLY when the Merck Brand (RECOMBIVAX HB) Adult Formulation Hepatitis B Vaccine is used. If the two-dose schedule is used for adolescents 11-15 years of age, it must be clearly documented on the school form. |
- Measles, Mumps, & Rubella (MMR) Vaccine
A minimum of two measles, two mumps, and one rubella. (Most children receive two doses of each because the vaccine usually administered is the combination vaccine MMR). The first dose must be administered at age 12 months or older. The second dose of vaccine must be administered prior to entering kindergarten but can be administered at any time after the minimum interval between dose one and dose two. |
- Pneumococcal (PCV) Vaccine
This vaccine is required ONLY for children less than 60 months of age. One to four doses, dependent on age at first dose, of the pneumococcal conjugate vaccine, are required. |
- Rotavirus Vaccine
This vaccine is required ONLY for children less than eight months of age. Two or three doses of Rotavirus Vaccine (dependent upon the manufacturer) is required. |
- Polio (IPV) Vaccine
A minimum of four doses of polio vaccine. One dose must be administered on or after the fourth birthday. See supplemental guidance document for additional information. |
- Varicella (Chickenpox) Vaccine
All children born on and after January 1, 1997, shall be required to have one dose of chickenpox vaccine administered at age 12 months or older. A second dose must be administered prior to entering kindergarten but can be administered at any time after the minimum interval between dose one and dose two. |
- Diphtheria, Tetanus, & Pertussis (DTaP, DTP, or Tdap)
A booster dose of the Tdap vaccine is required for all children entering grade 7. (Additional information regarding this vaccine can be found at the beginning of this chart.) |
- Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Vaccine
A complete series of two doses of HPV vaccine is required for students entering grade 7. The first dose shall be administered before the child enters the grade 7. After reviewing educational materials approved by the Board of Health, the parent or guardian, at the parent's or guardian's sole discretion, may elect for the child not to receive the HPV vaccine. |
- Meningococcal Conjugate (MenACWY) Vaccine
A minimum of two doses of MenACWY vaccine. The first dose should be administered prior to entering grade 7. The final dose should be administered prior to entering grade 12. |
- Meningococcal Conjugate (MenACWY) Vaccine
The initial dose should be administered prior to entering grade 7. The final dose should be administered prior to entering grade 12. |