Student Transfer Requests
Transfer Provisions Apply to Residents of Prince William County Only
Transfer season for the 2025-26 school year opened on January 3, 2025, and will close on April 30, 2025.
Students will attend the appropriate school for their attendance area. Attendance areas are established for each school by the School Board. These attendance areas shall be established in a manner that best meets the needs of the students in the county. Attendance areas shall also be established for each designated site program that serves more than one school. Prince William County residents, who are parents or guardians of students enrolled in Prince William County Public Schools (PWCS), may request a student transfer from their student's base school during the established time period.
Student transfers can be requested for the following reasons:
- Parental employment in Prince William County Public Schools
- To leave a school that is significantly overcapacity to alleviate overcrowding. PWCS designates which schools students can transfer into and out of by January 15 each school year.
- To address hardship in finding safe affordable before and/or after school child care within the student's attendance zone
- Lack of school age care at the student's base school (elementary only)
- Extenuating circumstances
See PWCS Regulations 721-1 and 721-2 for more detailed information about the reasons for student transfer.
All transfer forms and any associated documents are to be submitted to schools electronically. Please click the appropriate link below to begin the student transfer request process.
Student Transfer Request - Decision Appeal Process
If a transfer is denied by the requested school principal, an appeal letter may be submitted to the Student Services Department. In the appeal letter, the parent/guardian needs to provide detailed information and reasoning why the transfer should be approved. See below for guidelines:
- The deadline for grade 1-12 student transfer appeals is June 1.
- Appeal requests for kindergarten students who were registered before June 1 shall be in writing to the Supervisor of Elementary Counseling and Related Services by June 30.
- Appeal requests for kindergarten students who were registered after June 1 shall be in writing to the Supervisor of Elementary Counseling and Related Services within 30 days of registration.
- The Supervisor of Elementary Counseling and Related Services or the Supervisor of Secondary Counseling and Student Support Services in consultation with the Director of College, Career, and Student Support will review each case and approve or deny the transfer appeal request. This decision is final.
Student transfer appeals for students shall be submitted via email (administrative assistant email included) to the following supervisors. If unable to email, a mailing address is provided:
Grades 1-5
Email: Anne Henry, Supervisor Elementary School Counseling, [email protected]
Mail: Anne Henry
Edward L. Kelly Leadership Center
College, Career, and Student Support Department
PO Box 389
Manassas, VA 20108
Grades 6-12
Email: Jane Prince, Supervisor of Secondary School Counseling, [email protected]
Mail: Jane Prince
Edward L. Kelly Leadership Center
College, Career, and Student Support Department
PO Box 389
Manassas, VA 20108