Elementary School Counseling Curriculum

Elementary School Counseling Curriculum


Academic Development

Students will acquire the academic preparation essential to choose from a variety of educational, training, and employment options upon completion of secondary school.

Career Development

Students will investigate the world of work in order to make informed career decisions.

Social-Emotional Development

Students will acquire an understanding of, and respect for, self and others, and the skills to be responsible citizens.



KA.1: Understand responsibilities of being a student worker in school.


KC.1: KP.1: Identify areas of interest and one's unique abilities.
KC.2: Demonstrate awareness of careers in the community.


KC.1: KP.1: Identify areas of interest and one's unique abilities.
KP.2: Identify and appropriately express various feelings.
KP.3: Distinguish between appropriate and inappropriate behavior in school.
KP.4: Use appropriate communication skills to ask for help when needed.
KP.5: Demonstrate awareness of empathy and bully prevention skills and strategies.

Grade 1


1A.1: Demonstrate positive work habits by paying attention, following directions and completing tasks.
1A.2: Understand the importance of goal setting.
1A.3: Understand that mistakes are essential to the learning process.


1C.1: Demonstrate an understanding of roles and contributions of workers in school, home, and community.
1C.2: Identify personal skills, abilities, and interests in the areas of academic, career, and personal/social development.


1P.1: Describe how to express feelings in constructive ways (i.e., "I" statements, "Bug and a wish").
1P.2: FLE 1.4: Demonstrate an awareness of the importance of personal safety (i.e., Know telephone number, home address, emergency contact information, Stranger Danger and Safety Plan).
1P.3: Identify situations requiring adult professional help (tattling vs. reporting).
1P.4: Demonstrate awareness of empathy and bully prevention skills.

Grade 2


2A.1: Demonstrate goal-setting steps.
2A.2: Recognize the relationship between goal setting and accomplishing quality work.
2A.3: Achieve academic success by working independently.
2A.4: Identify test-taking skills to be utilized.


2C.1: Learn about the variety of traditional and non-traditional occupations in a changing workplace.
2C.2: Identify resource people in the school and community and know how to seek their help.


2P.1: Identify forms of communication (e.g., listening, speaking, body language, etc.).
2P.2: Demonstrate awareness of our diverse differences.
2P.3: Understand how to make and keep friends.
2P.4: Recognize how personal behavior affects group dynamics and show how to work cooperatively.
2P.5: Recognize peer pressure and bullying situations.
2P.6: Recognize different coping strategies to deal with situations.

Grade 3


3A.1: Set realistic short-term goals.
3A.2: Describe the relationship between learning/achievement and individual effort (work ethic).
3A.3: Identify study skills to be utilized.
3A.4: Identify organizational skills to be utilized.
3A.5: Identify test-taking skills to be utilized.
3A.6: Work cooperatively in small and large groups towards a common goal.


3C.1: Identify attitudes and behaviors which lead to successful learning and productivity.
3C.2: Recognize that skills, abilities, and interests are considerations in the choice of careers.
3C.3: Understand that jobs with similar characteristics may be grouped as job families or career clusters.


3P.1: Identify different modes of interpersonal communication (written, verbal and non-verbal).
3P.2: Demonstrate how to positively communicate thoughts, feelings, and needs to others in a variety of situations.
3P.3: Describe the importance of accepting responsibility for individual behavior and its effect on others.
3P.4: Demonstrate self-control.
3P.5: Demonstrate how to communicate positively in conflict and bullying situations.
3P.6: Explain the skills needed to function effectively in groups.
3P.7: Identify the decision-making process.
3P.8: Identify and demonstrate respectful behavior characteristics toward students in a diverse population.

Grade 4


4A.1: Identify and describe how decision-making problem-solving, and coping skills support or interfere with academic achievement.
4A.2: Identify effective test-taking skills to utilize.
4A.3: Demonstrate time management and organizational skills.
4A.4: Understand how personal learning styles can impact school achievement.
4A.5: Explain the importance of lifelong learning.


4C.1: Identify hobbies and interests.
4C.2: Relate each step of the decision-making/problem-solving process to career development (awareness, exploration, and preparation).
4C.3: Explain the importance of lifelong learning.


4P.1: Demonstrate methods of appropriately expressing feelings and handling conflict in a peaceful and safe way.
4P2: 4P.4: 4P.5: Identify, describe and demonstrate the decision-making process by generating alternative solutions to problems and considering/evaluating consequences.
4P.3: Identify factors that influence personal decisions.
4P.6: Recognize that group members may have differing opinions.
4P.7: Demonstrate different coping strategies for various situations and life changes.
4P.8: 4P.9: Identify factors that impact personal safety, self-reliance and well-being (i.e., substance abuse, bullying, etc.) and demonstrate self-reliance.



5A.1: Set realistic long-term goals.
5A.2: Apply personal learning style.
5A.3: Recognize the benefits of individual initiative and teamwork.


5C.1: Compile a list of personal abilities.
5C.2: Describe how personal strengths in schoolwork affect future goals and career options.
5C.3: Understand that the changing workplace requires lifelong learning and acquiring new skills.
5C.4: Acquire employability skills such as teamwork, problem-solving, and organization.
5C.5: Identify career choices through various means of exploration.
5C.6: Describe changes as inevitable and necessary to adapt to new situations, (e.g., transition to middle school).


5P.1: Describe how verbal and non-verbal behavior influence interpersonal relationships.
5P.2: Demonstrate how to communicate with others.
5P.3: Demonstrate appreciation and respect for similarities and differences.
5P.4: Describe strategies for getting along with others.
5P.5: Demonstrate how to disagree with others without provoking them.