SEL Resources for Families
Parents and caregivers are students' earliest teachers and are essential in promoting and supporting SEL. Here you will find resources and tools on how to foster growth and development within your home as well as how to partner with schools to help shape implementation efforts.

Harmony SEL Remote Learning Support for Educators and Families
Online toolkit to help parents and caregivers practice social and emotional skills with students in grades PK-6.
ParenTeen Connect
ParenTeen Connect is a place where parents and teens can communicate, connect, and break through on tough topics.
PBS SEL @ Home
Videos and resources for families to use to introduce, enhance and/or supplement SEL at home.
Sesame Street Family Resources
Resources to help children and families navigate everyday challenges.
Six Seconds
Insight and advice for parents and caregivers on creating an emotionally intelligent family. Also includes a few articles for kids.
VDOE Social-Emotional Wellness Video Quick Guides
Quick videos surrounding multiple topics on social-emotional wellness.
Whole Child, Whole Family Health
Alliance for a Healthier Generation© provides ideas and tips for families to get healthy physically and mentally.