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Self-Harm and Suicide Prevention
PWCS Suicide Prevention Program
PWCS continues to implement the Comprehensive Suicide Prevention Program which has won recognition at the state level. The program includes student, staff, new teacher, and mental health professions components. The "Signs of Suicide" (SOS) program is conducted in all high schools in ninth grade and middle schools by a collaborative team of counselors, school social workers, and school psychologists. New teachers are required to take interactive suicide prevention training. College, Career, and Student Support provides suicide prevention online training for new and experienced teachers to detect signs of depression and signs of suicidal behavior. New mental health professionals are expected to attend a more intensive training. PWCS supports student-led efforts to raise awareness of the risks of suicide and depression.
Visit the Suicide Prevention Month webpage for extensive resources to support students, families, and schools.
Self Harm
Self-Harm—National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI)