The School Board’s Internal Audit Committee will meet at 4 p.m. on Wednesday, November 6, 2024, in room 3011 of the Edward L. Kelly Leadership Center located at 14715 Bristow Road, Manassas, Virginia. Babur Lateef, School Board Chairman At-Large; Richard Jessie, School Board Member for the Occoquan District; and Jennifer T. Wall, School Board Member for the Gainesville District serve as representatives to the PWCS Internal Audit Committee for 2024. Lisa Zargarpur, School Board Vice Chairwoman and Member for the Coles District, is the alternate representative to the PWCS Internal Audit Committee for 2024. Deputy Superintendent Carol E. Flenard, Ed.D. and Chief Financial Officer Shakeel Yusuf attend on behalf of the school division administration but are not considered members of the Internal Audit Committee and are not eligible to vote. Christopher Migliaccio is the Chief Internal Auditor.

The Office of Internal Audit reports to the School Board’s Internal Audit Committee. The Office of Internal Audit is guided by a philosophy of adding value to improve the operations of PWCS through a cooperative approach to Internal Audit by working with management and other employees to identify risks and offer solutions that continuously improve the school division’s internal control environment and governance processes.

View meeting agenda.