Meet the Office Staff

Office of the Ombuds Staff


Monique Bookstein

Monique "Mo" Bookstein joined PWCS in January 2022. Before joining PWCS, she served as an Ombuds with the federal government. In this position, she empowered employees to constructively resolve work issues and served as an early warning system to executive leadership on issues that had a profound effect on the organization’s operations, morale, and reputation. She earned a Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Maryland in legal studies and a master's degree from Lewis University in organizational leadership. She also holds a certificate in Organizational Development and Conflict Resolution from the Northern Virginia Mediation Service. She is a member in good standing with the International Ombuds Association, the United States Ombudsman Association and the Association for Conflict Resolution.

Ombuds Specialist

Rosamaria Manzines joined the school division in September 2010. Among other functions, she has served as an executive secretary. Prior to joining PWCS, she worked for Montgomery County Public Schools in Maryland and for Alhambra Unified School District in California. She has more than 25 years of experience working in different school settings. Rosamaria received an associate degree from Los Angeles Community College, a Bachelor of Arts from the University of Mary Washington, and a Certificate in Conflict Resolution from Cornell University. She is a certified mediator and an active member of the International Ombuds Association.