Pride rainbow stripes with text: School Board recognizes June at LGBTQ+ pride monthThe Prince William County School Board unanimously approved a resolution naming June as LGBTQ+ Pride Month. The resolution was brought forward by Vice Chairman Loree Williams (Woodbridge District) and Adele Jackson (Brentsville District).

"I think this is an important resolution, not only for our students, but for our staff, as well. I am so proud, really, that we are creating a welcome environment for not only our students, but for our staff," Williams said just prior to the vote held on June 10, 2020.

"As an educator, candidate, and now board member, my philosophy is all our children should have access to an excellent education," said Jackson. "As an elected official, I believe it is one of my responsibilities to ensure that all students feel included. I strongly believe there is a connection between feeling included, feeling safe, and academic success."

Jackson continued, "It is a difficult time, and when possible, we must practice and lead with love and acceptance."

A copy of the full resolution can be found here.