Prince
William
County
Public
Schools
has
named
Joe
Murgo
as
the
principal
of
"Potomac
Shores"
Middle
School,
which
is
planned
for
opening
at
the
beginning
of
the
2021-22
school
year.
Murgo
has
served
as
the
principal
at
Ronald
Wilson
Reagan
Middle
School
for
the
past
two
years.
He
previously
served
three
years
as
the
assistant
principal
at
Saunders
Middle
School.
"I
am
excited
for
the
opportunity
to
serve
as
the
first
principal
of
'Potomac
Shores'
Middle
School,"
Murgo
said.
"I
am
looking
forward
to
getting
to
know
the
community
and
building
a
thriving
and
family-oriented
school."
Murgo
has
been
an
educator
in
for
the
past
years.
He
served
as
an
administrative
intern
at
Gainesville
Middle
School,
and
served
as
the
summer
school
principal
at
Stonewall
Middle
School.
He
taught
physical
education
and
health
at
both
Stonewall
and
Gainesville
Middle
Schools,
serving
as
the
department
chairman
at
Gainesville
Middle,
and
the
athletic
director
at
Stonewall
Middle.
Murgo
holds
a
bachelor's
degree
in
education
and
a
master's
degree
in
education
leadership
from
George
Mason
University.
The
school
will
receive
an
official
name
later
this
year.
Its
address
is
Woods
View
Drive,
Dumfries,
Virginia.