Educators being recognized as mentors of excellence

Nearly 70 of the division's hard-working, dedicated mentors and lead mentors have been recognized for excellence in supporting novice educators during the 2019-20 school year. The award process was modified for the 2019-20 school year due to school closure, and mentees submitted the names of their mentors to be recognized for the support provided throughout this past year.

The Office of Professional Learning oversees the Mentor Program in PWCS. Formal mentors work with first-year educators and must have attended required training within the division. Mentors become experts at guiding novice educators in critical thinking. The goal of working with a mentor is to build skills and self-efficacy, enabling that new teacher to continue to learn and grow well after the formal mentorship has ended.

Each school appoints at least one lead mentor as the building liaison and coordinator. Leads have previously served as mentors and provide support for mentors and mentees. School-based lead mentors work closely with all new hires at their school, including those who have previous teaching experience and are new to the school or division. Monthly school-based professional learning builds mentees' skills and provides opportunities to work closely with colleagues while refining various skills and strategies.

PWCS School Counseling Services joined the mentor program during the 2019-20 school year. PWCS appoints a counselor lead mentor for middle and high schools, and three counselor lead mentors support more than 60 elementary schools. The counselor leads provide the unique support counselors need as they enter the division.

The videos below celebrate the excellence of these worthy and dedicated professionals.