Justice scales

During the November 4th meeting, the Prince William County School Board passed the following resolution on the Racial and Social Justice Commission:

Item: Partnership with the Board of County Supervisors' Racial and Social Justice Commission (Wall)

Recommendation: That the Prince William County School Board adopt the following resolution and appoint Loree Williams as representative, and Lillie Jessie as alternative representative, to the Racial and Social Justice Commission created by the Board of County Supervisors on October 20, 2020:


WHEREAS on October 20, 2020, the Prince William Board of County Supervisors created a Racial and Social Justice Commission to examine the state of racial and social justice for people of color, to include public education, subject to the establishment of a partnership with the Prince William County Public Schools, and

WHEREAS, the Prince William County School Board recognizes the importance of providing racial and social justice for all students and employees in the Prince William County Public Schools, and to that end, the Superintendent has previously created as Advisory Council for Equity charged with making recommendations to the School Board to assure equity within the school division, and

WHEREAS, under Virginia law the Prince William County School Board retains exclusive authority over public education in Prince William County and sole control over the policies and operations of the school division, and

WHEREAS, any partnership with the Board of County Supervisors shall in no way diminish the exclusive authority of the School Board over public education in the County schools and the School Board shall retain its independent and exclusive authority to determine what actions, if any, will be taken based upon any findings or recommendations of the Commission, it is therefore


The Prince William County School Board agrees to partner with the Board of County Supervisors for purposes of participating in the Racial and Social Justice Commission, by appointing a member of the School Board and an alternative member of the School Board to the Commission, which representation constitutes the extent of the partnership with the Commission and which shall not bind the School Board to any particular course of action, recommendation or decision of the Commission. Any recommendation, finding or decision of the Commission relating to the Prince William County Public Schools shall be referred to the Advisory Council on Equity for further study and possible recommendation to the Prince William County School Board.