Dias with 5 chairs and 5 microphones.PWCS shares new sign-up process for citizen comment time at School Board meetings

Beginning with the March 17, 2021 School Board meeting, anyone wishing to sign up to speak at a meeting may do so by accessing the Citizen Comment Time form, located on the School Board webpage. 

If you do not have access to the internet or have a disability preventing you from accessing the School Board webpage, you may call the Clerk of the School Board at 703-791-8069.

All speakers must provide their complete address, telephone number, and email address for the record. Citizens who wish to speak in person or electronically must sign up by 4 p.m. on the day of the meeting.

Those who do not wish to speak to the Board in person or electronically, but wish to submit a written public statement about the agenda topics, may provide input to the School Board by accessing the Public Comment form or by sending an email to the Board.