American Rescue Plan Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief ("ARP ESSER")

PWCS is a recipient of the American Rescue Plan Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief ("ARP ESSER") Fund, under section 2001 of the American Rescue Plan ("ARP") Act of 2021. PWCS previously sought community input into the development of the plan for these funds to support students and schools through a survey.

More than 9,200 people responded to the survey. More than 75 percent of the respondents are parents and more than 22 percent are employees. There were additional responses from students, community members and others.

Review the report with data from this ESSER Feedback Form.

The remaining sections asked the following: "For each area below, please select the option(s) that you would like to see as the focus of how the ESSER III funds are spent by PWCS."

NOTE: Those areas indicated by a majority of respondents are underlined.
  • Prevention and Mitigation Strategies: 84.3 percent maintaining healthy facilities, 44.4 percent PPE, 37.2 percent COVID testing in schools, 36.8 percent training for students and staff on mitigation measures, 35.5 percent continued physical distancing, 29.5 percent contact tracing
  • Addressing Unfinished Learning: 58.7 percent evidence-based interventions, 52.5 percent after-school programs, 43.9 percent enhanced summer learning programs, 29.7 percent extended day programs
  • Addressing Student Needs: 71.6 percent social-emotional needs, 69.5 percent support for at-risk student populations, 68.8 percent mental health needs, 46.5 percent special education recovery services, 37.5 percent English learner supports
  • Other Uses of Funds: 70.5 percent technology, 64.1 percent facility improvements, 29.2 percent multilingual supports/communications

The school division and School Board also held two public meetings to solicit public feedback on the funds. The school division will post the spending plan to the PWCS website later this summer, with application for funds due to the Virginia Department of Education by September.

Details on the 2021-22 learning plans are available on the PWCS website.

ARP ESSER Survey and Community Input Opportunities:

Parents, guardians, staff and community were requested to complete ARP ESSER Survey by June 18.

Additionally, there were two opportunities to share input.

  • Public Meeting-Tuesday, June 15, 6 p.m. at the Kelly Leadership Center
  • School Board Public Hearing -Tuesday, June 22, 6 p.m. at the Kelly Leadership Center

Speakers were provided two minutes and asked to speak to only the topic. The meetings were broadcast via and locally on Comcast Channel 18 or Verizon FIOS Channel 36.

Please note that the ARP ESSER fund has limitations and rules from both the federal government and the Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) restricting its use to only specific allowable costs. These details are still being finalized by VDOE but are generally restricted to use in responding to the educational disruptions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

One or more School Board members may have attended these meetings, either in person or electronically, as permitted under the authority granted by the General Assembly on April 22, 2020 through Amendment 28 to House Bill 29.