Dear PWCS Families, Employees, and Community,
Thank you for your support as we have worked diligently together to ensure in-person instruction for our students since the first day of school as safely as possible. It has been a remarkable team effort involving our teachers, administrators, staff, and families.
As the community and nation continue to deal with the ongoing spread of the COVID-19 Omicron variant, PWCS remains committed to a multi-layered mitigation strategy to reduce the impact of the virus on students, staff, and visitors. PWCS COVID-19 mitigation measures remain unchanged at this time, including mask requirements for students, staff, and visitors.
We are aware that over the weekend Governor Glenn Youngkin announced a series of executive orders, including future modification to guidance on masks in schools. The Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) will also be issuing revised guidance. PWCS is evaluating both the order and anticipated VDOE guidance, along with local, state, and national legal requirements.
As always, any changes to our mitigation strategies will be made thoughtfully and with the health and safety of students and staff as our priority. Any decision to remove a mitigation layer must take into consideration our ability to continue in-person instruction.
Thank you for your support and partnership as we work together to support our staff, students, and school communities.